Unstoppable Pumping

Yes! Tastes so sweet. Blood, soft, wet, hot, blood! Feed me!

Somehow I can make out fear in the thing's gaze, but that only makes me smile wider. There is just something about the feeling of knowing that your enemy is about to fall, seeing the terror on its face, and a thrill that permeates my body at knowing that its fear is because of me.

Its mouth opens again, and this time there is no delay before the flame gushes forth, but Muramasa blocks it, swallowing it all, its chrome blade turning a bright red color. I marvel at the beauty of my sword. Why have I kept it sheathed? I should keep him out all the time. I've never felt as good or powerful as I do right at this moment.

Muramasa leaves a golden trail of light as I almost lazily flick my wrist, and watch the insignificant thing's head separate from its shoulders a moment before flames engulf the entire monster.

"Oh, yes!" I scream exaltedly. "That was fucking awesome!"