Wrong World

My wallowing is interrupted by a knock on my car's door.

"What is it, Arethusa?" I demand, when I sense the fairy on the other side.

"I don't think you should be alone, right now," she says to me. If it had been anyone else, I would have turned them away, but this is so out of character for the little fairy, that I just decide to turn away and let her back in. I'm not feeling up to arguing with her right now.

Ignoring her and crawling into the oversized bed, I'm soon fast asleep.

My dreams are filled with visions of faceless monsters, coming for me, and slowly taking out my friends, one by one.

"Lyden, wake up!"

Sitting bolt upright, sweat flings from my brow before running down into my eyes, making them sting.

"You were having a nightmare," the fairy says soothingly, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Wait a minute. . . .