Areth in Trouble

"I don't know if I can help him," my words don't even seem to affect the other man. "I've never tried healing someone I don't know."

"A chance is more than Johnathan had a few minutes ago. Should we take my cruiser?" Richard gets to his feet and is already halfway to the door.

"The Orange Bubble will be faster," I say as I get up and follow him out. "We'll be more comfortable in it as well."

"We?" The officer stops and looks at the other women. "Do you need to, um . . . I mean to say. . . ."

I know what he's getting at. "No, I think I have enough energy to take care of him, if this works. I'm just not willing to leave anyone more alone than they have to be. Between your shades, and my colorblindness, Aldol won't be able to affect us."

"You think this may be a trap?" Becky asks as we lock the front door.