Weapons Drawn

Just in time as I sense the Orange Bubble come to a stop, and Brooke cries out wordlessly, soaking my crotch and the bed at the same time.

I have to use the mental image of Areth in trouble to goad myself into pulling out of the mermaid with a wet squelching sound, and redress to the sound of Miranda calling us all disgusting perverts. Despite the mood I'd been in when I'd gotten into the car, I have to painfully stuff my sloppy but stiff prick into my pants, before rushing out the door to see where we're at. There will be plenty of time for hygiene later. At least, there'd better be plenty of time!

Two blocks away I can hear screaming and the sound of destruction. "Get back in the car," I tell whoever had stepped out behind me. "Be ready to get us at a moment's notice."

"You're really going to fight that thing?" Jewkes asks me.