"Mens Mundi?" I ask, not understanding.
"Mind world in Latin," he explains. "That's the name of this place. Oh, I know you call it a mindscape, and that works too. Either way, I already feel myself growing stronger. I was afraid I was going to expire in their little lab."
Part of me feels guilty about forgetting that he has to stay in close proximity to me, or risk fading away, but I've had a lot on my mind lately.
"Is there any way you can break free?" I ask hopefully. If he can get out, then our escape will be assured.
His crest fallen face gives away the answer. "I'm being held by some sort of spell that keeps me locked in. I'm afraid you're going to have to come get me."
"Dang it!" I curse, stomping my foot. Is nothing going to be easy?
"You know, son. I find it odd, considering your current lifestyle, that you draw the line at properly swearing," Shemhazau says critically of me. "A well placed swear word, or curse, can go a long way."