As long as the only changes are necessary, then I can't find it in myself right now to object. Part of me wonders what the succubus felt when the fountain was created inside a portion of her soul.
"Look everyone—" I start, but Brooke cuts me off.
"Lyden, you need to grieve. Acting like this isn't healthy." Brooke's hand grips my shoulder and she tries to pull me into a hug.
Pulling away, I hold her at arm's length.
She's right son. You need to take some time—
"I'll grieve when I have time," I tell her firmly, and mentally cut off the voice of my father. "Lisa asked me to be strong. I know I've been a bit down and hard to live with, but thanks to Lisa, I realize how selfish I was being."
"Lyden, no—" Jennifer states, stepping forward.