I see recognition enter Angelica's brown eyes, as they grow large, and know that at any moment she's going to give me away to her current master.
"Thieves must be made an example of," TanaVesta states, and at least for now she doesn't recognize me, "but not before we find out who he is working for." The way her forked tongue licks her lips sends shivers down my long spine. In my fear, it doesn't even occur to me to wonder how she can talk with a forked tongue.
"Let me out!" the elf screams in my head. "I'm no use to you in here. Let me out so that I can at least die fighting."
Die? Somehow the word triggers a response in me, allowing me to unclench my claws. Fighting is the only option right now, not dying. I'll never let her treat me like that again! NEVER!