Your Overlord

A sharp pain between my eyes brings me back to the present. Something indistinct is pulling away from me, coming out of me, and reaching for Air's Mantle. Internally I cheer my daughter on, willing her to take up the Mantle and become the next Pillar of Air. I try to shove aside all my doubts and fears for her, knowing that this needs to be done.

Lysa's shadowy hand touches the rippling item in Alloria's hands and suddenly gale force winds knock me painfully to the ground. My not entirely healed wounds from TanaVesta throb in agony as the world seems to spin around me. I have no doubt that if my feet weren't securely locked in rock, I would have been blown away just as Gaia had said. As it is, from the pain in my legs, I half suspect that something is broken or torn.