A second later, he nods and turns to face Gaia. Hopefully the time I'd spent with her is helping them, and it looks like some of the nonsexual advice my father gave him has seeped in.
For some reason, the Pillar of Earth looks to Brooke, waiting for something. After a couple of uncomfortable seconds, the redhead bows her head and reaches into her shirt. She pulls out a worked silver necklace with a pendant in the shape of an aquamarine seahorse dangling from it.
"It was Commander Douglas's," she says, her cheeks nearly as red as her hair. Even after everything that'd happened between her and her old commander, including her killing him, I'm surprised to hear her call him Commander Douglas. "I found it in his hut after I, I mean, we. . . ." She trails off, and I move over to hug her to me.
"It's okay, Brooke," I tell her softly, having no idea why she would try to hide this from me.