She turns her dark shadowed eyes on the balding man and smiles. The Paladonic Healer's face loses all of its color as he steps back.
"I am not the outsider, capable of controlling others, Knight," her voice is now firm, having lost its jovial quality. "My power simply allows what is buried deep to come out. I can unlock the secrets of your soul. What you do then, is up to you."
"L-Lyden?" Brooke's voice quavers, but I can't look at her. Even if Eris had forced those words from her, they had to have come from somewhere. Deep down, Brooke really feels that way about me. "Lyden, I'm so sorry. I love you."
Despite myself, despite knowing how much it will hurt, I have to ask. "Is it true?" I wait for an answer, but only silence greets me. "Is it true!?" I shout, finally turning to look at her. The redhead pulls away from my glare. I can see fresh tears staining her cheeks. "Is that how you truly feel about me? Am I just some mistake you made when you were younger?"