My first thought is of the women, and I rush to them, catching Brooke as her knees give way beneath her. She's covered in blood and gore, and I have no idea how much of it is hers, and how much is theirs.
"Did they bite you?" I ask, worried for her.
"Is Areth okay?" she asks weakly instead.
Despite my concern for the redhead, I turn to where Areth lies motionless in the sand. Only she's not entirely motionless. Her wings are torn and bent at bad angles, but she's breathing the slow breath of sleep.
With tears already filling my eyes, I turn back to the woman in my arms, and nod. "Good," she whispers. "I just need a little nap, and then I'll be ready to go some more."
Her eyes close, and despite the pale color of her skin, she is breathing easy.
"What's wrong with her?" I ask Ondine. I try to check Brooke over, but can't see any terrible wounds.