"They're not as strong as they once were now that they're operating out in the public instead of the shadows. It's harder to bribe judges and the police when you actually exist. Too easy to find a paper trail."
"Don't they know what killing the Pillars would do?" Martha asked. Shelly thought she understood what the president was asking, but none of them knew exactly what would happen if the Pillars fell. "I mean, if they die, won't that cause the Outsiders to return and destroy us?"
"The Knights are blind in their hatred," Becky supplied. "All they care about is the death of all magic. They barely get along with the Daughters of Respite. I think that truce wouldn't last past the end of the Pillars."
Martha shook her head. "I know people can be blind when they believe something too strongly. They come up with excuses to deny facts and create their own reality… But this?"