She took a shuddering breath before continuing. "One day I got out. I was only about ten. I ran into a little goblin girl and we played in the rocks. She was my first friend. That is, until my mom found us. I don't know what ever happened to that girl, but after that, I was locked away. I only ever saw the sunlight through my window, which was barred closed.
"The next time I got out, I ran. I wasn't going to risk getting caught again. I wasn't a danger to anyone, and that goblin girl showed me that people in the outside world could be friendly. I will never go back. I ran to Earth, and spent some time there, but some humans found me hiding in an abandoned warehouse. They thought I was weak and tried to rob me. Of course I defended myself. Mom made sure I knew how to fight. There were… other… issues that arose, and I came back to the Shadow World. I was left in peace, as long as I didn't bother anyone else."