Shelly realized she was staring. It couldn't be, she thought. There's no way. He should be dead. She thought she'd heard something about the man having committed suicide, but that must have been faked, if this was really Erwin Schrödinger.
"We haven't had any trouble down here," Erwin said between bites of his fish. Shelly had a strong stomach, but she felt queasy as she watched the cat-man eat. The ground felt unsteady, but it looked solid enough. "I was sad to hear that Varun had captured you, but you understand why we couldn't come help."
"The secrecy of this place is more important than one life," Brooke agreed as though it hadn't been her life in the balance. "That's why we have our rules."
"Rules that you broke," Erwin gestured to Shelly and Jessica.
"This place is more important than one life, but not all lives," Brooke returned. "There may come a time when you have to leave here and return to the world above."