Him In You

"Come on!" Brock said cheerfully as his mechanical legs carried him past them. "I'll show you where I live."

In all the years she'd known her half-brother/sister, it never occurred to her to wonder where he lived. She'd never had any interest in seeing the home of the sibling that made her uncomfortable to be around.

Now that she knew what to look for, she took in her surroundings once outside. The air was humid, but not cloyingly so. The ground was solid, but she could sense the slight motion as the island rocked on the water. Some of the homes were built out of wood, and because they were underground, they didn't have to worry about bad weather. More were made from the ground itself, dug out of the very rock they lived on. High overhead, moss gave off a strong grayish white glow that reminded Shelly of an overcast sky.