The Marauders



Entering the mansion, I placed Kryon on a table and sat on a couch. Repeating my actions, Donald also sat on the couch, and looked at me in anticipation. Why the heck is he looking at me like this?


Frowning, I asked, "Why are you looking at me like this? Do you want to say something?


He scratched his forehead and asked, "What do you want to eat? Tell me, and I will order it."


Order it? Doesn't he know how to cook? I asked, "You don't know to cook, do you?"


Averting his eyes, he nodded. After today's events, I don't want to eat anything from outside. I asked, "Do you have any vegetables? I mean, fresh ones. And if not then, something cookable like noodles."


He replied, "I don't know but the workers must have stored something in the fridge. Why do you ask?"


Standing up from the couch, I said, "I am going to cook something for us. Also, where are the workers? Are they on vacation?" He nodded his head in confirmation.


"Then, tell them to not to come until, this issue," I pointed at Kryon, "resolves. Now tell me, where's the kitchen?"


He said, "Just take a left from that hall and then, take a right. You would find the kitchen. Do you really know how to cook?"


I nodded and said, "Yes, I know, I know it very well."


Saying that, I started walking according to the instructions given by Donald. Suddenly, a thought emerged in my mind. I forgot about Kryon and left him there. Will Donald be alright with Kryon there? Nah, he would be alright. I mean, Kryon is harmless without his body. He would be alright, I guess?


Finding the kitchen, I entered into it and, started searching for ingredients. I opened the refrigerator, and found plenty of fruits and vegetables. I took out some of them and placed it on the worktop. Now for rice, oil, and other necessary essentials.


I searched the shelves, cabinets and drawers. After I found out everything, I placed everything on the worktop. In my previous life, cooking, reading comics, watching TV, and working in the café were the things I did after leaving the army. So, I daresay that I am really confident in my cooking. Let's start then.




After two hours, I finally finished preparing the dishes. In total, I had made three dishes with the exception of Rice and noodles.


Taking those with me, I returned back to the living room and placed the dishes on the table. I could tell by the look on Donald's face that he had smelled the aroma of my dishes, and liked it.


Donald exclaimed, "It smells delicious!"


"Well, thank you."


Kryon said, "Well, I didn't think that you would like it."


Nodding his head, Donald said, "Me too. But it smells really delicious. Would you like to eat something?"


Kryon refused. He said, "I don't eat your people's foods. I eat coals and shales."


Donald insisted, "You should try to eat. What if you would be able to eat our food? Come on, try it."


Kryon apologized, "I am sorry, Donald. I can't." Donald looked sorry, but he nodded his head as if, he could sympathize with Kryon.


What the fuck is happening here? Why the heck are they talking like this? Did Donald and Kryon become friends somehow? Wasn't Donald afraid of Kryon?


Confused, I asked, "Did you two become friends with each other or something?"


Kryon replied, "Yes! We have. I never knew me and Donald have so much in common. We bonded over the fact—"


"Wait! Stop—" Donald tried to stop him from talking, but it was in vain.


"— that how much you tormented us."


Gritting my teeth, I growled, "Is that so?"


Donald frantically shook his head. He wanted to say something but, I raised my hand, silencing him effectively. Taking a deep breath to calm down, I said, "Let's eat."


Looking at the dishes, Donald remarked, "You have prepared so much food." Ignoring him, I started eating.


Seeing me eating, Donald also started to eat, but he was a tad faster than me. It seems he is really very hungry.


Gulping the chewed food, I looked at Kryon. I asked, "Kryon. Now that you and Donald are good friends. Do you think he is hiding this 'treasure' of yours?"


Kryon replied, "No, I don't think so." I nodded at his words and drank some soup.


Placing the bowl back on the table, I asked, "Great! Tell me about this source then."


"I don't know. We just heard it from our previous leader."


"Which leader?"


"The leader of The Marauders. Back when, we were in that group, we heard the leader talking about a treasure that could be found in Midgard. A person called as Donald Blake was currently holding that in his possession."


Marauders? Weren't they the group of ragtag pirates and invaders? I clearly remember about them from one of the Thor movies. I think I can clearly that, this world that I am in, is a mixture of movies and comics. If that is true then, a big question arises. Would Thor come here too? If I follow the timeline then, no. But I ain't sure. Honestly, I should expect the unexpected. So, Thor might come here.


I asked, "Kryon. How many of you are here?"


Kryon replied, "5 of us, including me."


"Weren't you and your group a bit worried that our people could have spotted you?"


"No, we used the Full Invisibility Cloak."


"What does it do?"


"It fully cloaks your location and disrupts every tracking. Our technology is more advanced than that of Midgard's." So, that's how they evaded SHIELD. Still, is SHIELD's technology weaker than that of MCU's SHIELD?


Suddenly, Donald asked, "Are your people advanced than us?


Kryon replied, "Yes, our people are very advanced than yours."


Completely drinking the soup, I asked, "I have asked this before but, I will ask it again. Did any of your friends know about this place?"


"No. I didn't inform them as I wanted the treasure for myself."


"Can they track you?"


"Yes, but I made it sure that they won't be able to track me for at least a month." Bingo!


"Fine. Kryon, answer my last question, and let's end this."


Kryon looked delighted. He asked, "Honestly? After I answer this question, you would get my body back?"


I persuaded, "Yes. I will. Just answer this."


"Yes! Ask it right away!"


I smirked at his words. I said, "Tell me your weakness."


Hearing my words, Kryon's face contorted in horror. He stuttered, "W-what d-d-did you a-ask?"


I shrugged my arms and said, "Weakness. I asked your weakness."


Kryon yelled, "NO!! NEVER!!"


I warned, "Fine. Say goodbye to your body and also, be ready to be thrown into the Pacific."




"Then, decide whether you want to save yourself, or your teammates. If, I was in your place, I would have chosen myself. Haven't you heard the saying, 'Save yourself then, save others. If you can't save yourself then, how could you save yourself?' Think about it."




"Kryon, please just think about it carefully."


Kryon felt silent after hearing my words. After some time, he agreed, "Fine. I will tell you." I cheered internally. Hah! I knew he would agree. Once a betrayer is always a betrayer.


Not showing anything on my face, I said, "Good choice. Go ahead then."


Sighing, Kryon said, "You can't think defeating us by strength. Even if you have more strength than us, it would you useless as you can't penetrate our skin. So, attack our eyes. Eyes are the most delicate part of our body. If not eyes, then rip our body parts from the joints, like you had done to me. Joints are like connecting bridges in our body, we can join and disjoin these according to our will. Another weakness is water. You used that against me. Did you ever fight against our race before?"


"No. It was my first time to fight someone from your race."


Kryon looked shocked. He whispered, "Incredible!" I motioned him to continue. He continued, "The last weakness is our internal system."


"What do you mean by this? You can eat coals and shales, but you are saying your internal system is weaker? Does this mean that we could break you from inside?"


"Yes. We can eat hard thing but, our stomach is weak against your foods. We can't chew soft things. Although, I am unsure about the breaking part. Finished. I have told you everything. Now, keep your promise. Get me back my body."