Meeting Nick Fury Face-to-Face for the First Time



Waking up, I was expecting to feel sores all over the body, though, due to my super soldier physique, I was completely free from sores. Yesterday's night, was intense. That's all I have to say. I looked over my body to find me dressed and cleaned up. It seems Thor has cleaned me up and dressed me up. It was the least thing he could after what he did with me.


Without searching for Thor, I got up and went to the bathroom. Finishing my daily activities, I changed into clean clothes and got ready to leave this place. Some of people might it to be heartless, but it is right thing. I, for one, has never invested any feelings here. And being with Thor, would attract me unnecessary troubles.


Just as I entered the living room, I found Thor sitting on a couch and waiting for me. As soon as he saw me, he perked up. He asked, "So, what should we have lunch? I am trying to learn to cook."


Without any deception or lies, I bluntly said the truth. I said, "Listen, Thor. I don't like you. Yes, I liked the previous night."




"It was just a pointless sexual attraction. At first, I tried to resist it, as I thought that I only liked women, but thanks to you, I found out that I liked men too," I interrupted him.


Thor became quiet. After some time, he asked, "So, you won't ever like me?"


"I like you, but I don't love you. Thor, I don't think that I would like you as someone romantically." Love is an impractical privilege in Marvel. I have HYDRA behind my back, I have SHIELD to find, and I don't know what more dangers await me.


Thor asked, "Is it final? Your decision won't change?"


I nodded my head and agreed, "It won't. Thank you for the money and the citizenship, Thor. I don't know how you the citizenship for me, but thank you."


Saying that, I started walking towards the door to exit the mansion. My work is over here. Thor called behind me.


He yelled, "If you leave, then you won't be able to ever return here." I didn't say anything. I just simply continued walking.


Seeing me not answering anything, Thor laughed loudly. "Fine. The next time, we see each other, we would be strangers."


I ignored him, and just walked out of the mansion. For me, it was just a one-night stand. I want to keep it this way. Maybe for others, losing virginity would be something to remember, but not for me.


After walking for one hour, I reached Croatan. I sighed. If I travelled in a car, I would have reached here much earlier. Spotting a restaurant, I headed towards it. Entering it, I took a seat at the table and ordered some pancakes. While I was eating, I heard a group of people talking about the Iron Man.


"I can't believe that Tony Stark defeated that guy, this easily."


"Yeah. People are calling that bad guy as Whiplash."


"Why that name?"


"It's because he uses whips and lashes it on the others. I had seen it live."


"Everyone had seen that on live TV. It's nothing new."


"No-no, I had seen it from my very own eyes. I was there at the Expo. You won't believe what happened. Suddenly, Stark came and raided his own Expo. I was literally confused about what was happening."


"Do you think Stark is a good guy?"


"Who knows? Bet that bastard just wants publicity."


"You are wrong. He saved us in the Expo."


"Yes, you proved my point. That was his Expo. Maybe he conspired this idea together with that Whirlpool."


"Whiplash. He is called Whiplash. And no, that was Justin Hammer. He got arrested due to this."


"Yeah? I don't believe you." With these words, the group people started arguing and fighting among themselves. Paying the bill, I got out of the restaurant, leaving the workers and the owner to handle them.


Just as I got out of the restaurant, I heard a voice behind me. "We finally meet," said the unfamiliar voice. I could easily recognize this person by his voice. It was the same as in movies and TV shows. It was Nick Fury.


I turned around and observed him carefully. He was a bald man with a patch in his left eye. His clothes were same as in the movies. He continued, "Stella Rogers, let's talk." Yeah, I am also very-very interested in this upcoming conversation. I have been waiting for this for long, long time. Finally, I would get my answers.


I nodded and said, "Yeah. We have lots of things to talk about."


Adjusting his eye patch, he said, "Good. Then, follow me."