New Life

Suddenly I woke up.

Feeling an unbearable pain in my mind I raised from my bed holding my head, I staggered across the dark room, trying to make sense of the loudness inside my brain.

What's happening?

I reached a wall and used it to guide me as I looked for any switch to turn on the lights. On the way I came across countless objects that I couldn't quite see scattered on the ground. I bumped into them and hit my foot on some heavy ones sometimes, causing even more pain for me.

Until after I found a switch, a metal chain nearby the door. 

Turning on the lights, the room revealed itself for me.

A spacious room was dimly lit by the faint glow of four lamps, casting long shadows across the cluttered space. Most of the light was centered above an enormous table, overflowing with countless broken devices, scattered metal parts, and discarded remnants of technology.

The floor was messy as the table littered with shards of metal and bits of debris. While on the far side of the room, a simple bed stood quietly beside a modest wardrobe.

Whose room is this? Where am I? Who am I?

Out of nowhere, as if answering my questions, letters began to form magically in front of me, dancing through my vision before settling and creating some sort of screen containing information written in some language I couldn't read, but somehow could understand.


Name: Kaleb

Level: None

Status: G

Runes: None

Alma: None


I stared blankly at the runes forming a screen in front of me, my eyes trembling as I struggled to make sense of the situation.

After what felt like forever, the first thought that came to mind was to find a mirror. My legs wobbled beneath me, refusing to cooperate, like they didn't even belong to me. 

But after a few unsteady steps, they adjusted, and I continued my search. There wasn't a mirror in the room, but I managed to find something that would work—a piece of metal that faintly reflected my image.

The face staring back at me was unfamiliar. Caramel eyes, warm brown skin, deep brownish hair, and a younger face that I didn't recognize.

"Who's this person?" I muttered, touching my face as confusion and disbelief churned inside me.

Suddenly, a sharp, searing pain shot through my head. It came out of nowhere, overwhelming and blinding. I collapsed to my knees, clutching my head with both hands, rolling from side to side in agony.

The pain was unbearable, like my skull was about to split apart. Memories and information poured into my mind against my will, a relentless flood that left me gasping for breath. 

Time lost all meaning—seconds, minutes, hours, or maybe even an eternity. All I knew was that, without warning, the torment abruptly stopped, vanishing as if it had never existed.

"Huff… huff…"

I panted, struggling to stand on shaky legs. As I steadied myself, realization dawned, and my eyes darted back to the runes forming the screen in front of me.


Name: Kaleb

Level: One

Status: G

Runes: None

Alma: None


My mouth twitched, curving into a bitter grin as I let out a scoff.

"You've got to be kidding me," I said, my voice dripping with disbelief.

Reading the information on the screen, piecing it together with the torrent of memories still buzzing in my head, then the last scene I have before waking up here, it all hit me like a train.

"I've entered the world of Tower of Babel…"

There was a pause where I remained motionless before, with an irritated grunt, I kicked a stray piece of metal across the floor. It clattered noisily, echoing in the quiet room. Without much thought, I trudged to the bed and sank onto it, letting my weight pull me down.

Frustrated, I raked a hand through my hair, messing it up further. Letting out a heavy sigh, I muttered to myself, "I thought I would finally reach the true ending… Not that I would be sent into the game itself"

But… I think this is better… At least better than returning home... For now, I'll stay in this game, and play until I beat it, and then…

"Well, there's no point thinking about it"

For now, let's focus on this. There are some pressing matters. How can I beat this game? It was hard when I was outside of it, it will be even harder now that I'm inside.

Do I even have infinite lives now…? Man, that's a real downside.

Thinking that I smiled as my eyes landed on the Screen, "One last playthrough…"

Then I dismissed the Screen by waving my hand on it, just like I saw the characters doing in the game, and it worked, before I walked toward the pile of junk on the table in my room.

I searched for a piece of paper and pen, quickly finding amidst the mess, then I sat down on the chair and began writing a few things to situate myself.

1- I'm not in the body of any of the playable characters of the game.

Kaleb, he has the same name as I. And he's not a playable character, I would know if someone with the same name as me would be in the game. So I'm sure that he's not a playable character, not even a side character, he was never mentioned.

… Well, I also didn't see the true ending, so I guess there are few things that I don't know, but I'm completely sure that Kaleb was never mentioned.

So I have a completely new character to adjust and evolve. If I had entered the body of anyone else, my journey would be easier, since I already know the proper way to level up and nurture every character.

But again, since I didn't beat the game, I'm clearly doing something wrong. Maybe inside the body of Kaleb, I may reach a new level that I never had before.

2- How to get stronger.

I could steal some powers and cheats of some of the other characters, depending on which year we are now, there will be plenty of power ups and abilities for me to get, though that will severely decrease the power of important characters.

Maybe I should avoid stealing the abilities from the main characters, and focus on getting the skills of the less important characters. If I make a good combination, I'm sure I can grow very powerful.

It's weird, for the first time I can choose my own methods to win, before while I was playing each character had their own traits, and a unique method to grow as well skills to learn.

But right now I do not have that, since it's not a game, I can try creating my own path.

3- Santo Academy.

Most of the key events in the early game take place at the academy, and if I want to make any real progress toward reaching the true ending, I'll have to immerse myself in the main story. That means getting myself to Santo Academy.

Luckily, that part's already been taken care of.

I pulled a small device from my pocket—round in shape, like a cell phone, but with a more archaic feel. I flicked it on, and the first thing that appeared on the screen was a familiar image of myself.

User: Kaleb

Age: 16

Year: First Year

School Rank: 300/300

I'm already enrolled at Santo Academy, though it's a little embarrassing to see myself listed as the lowest-ranked student. Rank 300 out of 300... yeah, not great.

But it makes sense, considering my current strength. I'm weak—no, very weak. This body I inhabit is only a step above that of an average human. If I want to survive the events that'll unfold at the academy, I'll need to get stronger. Much stronger.

And I know exactly how to do that.

"I'll enter Babel"