Discomfort Evident

After his father disappeared, Cesare briefly considered leaving this house.

But he was too fond of it.

What he loved most was that the house was never truly quiet.

He loved how the sounds of waves or rain filled the space, even during moments of stillness.

And so, he couldn’t bring himself to leave.

Now, however, Cesare had come to realize that such luxury could feel like a burden when his mind was cluttered.

As evening fell and all traces of sunset vanished, he rested his head on the bed, listening as the soft patter of raindrops against the window grew unrelenting.

He couldn’t seem to hold on to a single thought.

His mind was tangled with complex issues, and each time he tried to focus, random noises disrupted his thoughts.

But no, that was just an excuse.

After tossing and turning in a desperate attempt to fall asleep, Cesare finally sat up and reached for his phone, untouched since Zahir’s arrival.

There were thousands of missed calls and messages.