
One evening Eris woke up with a boner.

She stared at her crotch for about five minutes, tad confused. She'd seen tents before and she knew this was one. But the feeling… the pressure, the discomfort… it was all new. Did Aisha do something- Eris carefully unzipped her pants and found the culprit. A very familiar bulge on her underwear. She tried to remove her panties but it was almost stuck and even a tiny rub was sensitive. She remembered feeling a similar sensitivity back when she first had her period but at least this wasn't painful.

What is this? Despite the discomfort, she managed to get the panties off and then just stared at herself in silence.

She looked down and didn't see her usual self. Rather, there was something long and hard there. Something slightly veiny with a bit of stretchy skin at the top. I have a penis… she touched it to make sure it was real. Warm, sensitive and kind of fun rub. Definitely real.

Rudeus wasn't here today and no one was going to come here at this hour so it didn't matter if she touched herself, or at least that's the excuse she came up on the spot to justify the up and down motion; it fit in her hand but just barely. Girthy and the smell was almost drawing herself in. It was like her mind had gone empty.

She'd given Rudeus handjobs before. And she knew just how much he liked it. But now… now she understood why. It feels so… good…. She started off slowly and then jerked fast and fast and- and then it started to hurt. Oh, I shouldn't grab it so hard. Also, the pre cum coming out of her dick was making it hard for her to actually jerk off. So, she used her saliva and then resumed.

Breath fastened as did her chest, as she stared at the door and at her cock. Good feelings welled deep within her crotch, slowly seeping out. She could feel it and then she shot a hot glob of thick white stuff on the floor; the tingle ran deep, deep inside her like never before. What was this? So different? So quick.

Globby and white. It was way thicker than Rudeus's and not as much. Out of breath, her chest was warm and her breasts were sensitive and ready to be-

But wait, it wasn't just her cock that leaked; something else also leaked. Something just below.

Her hole. Her vagina was still here. It was wet and it wanted some attention.

Eris was so preoccupied with her new dick that she'd forgotten about her vagina altogether. But now that she was staring at it… she just couldn't help herself but to circle her clit and- and there was no clit.

The cock had grown on top of her clit, or maybe… it was her clit. But if this was her clit then where was her pee hole?

Confused, Eris stared at herself. But she was relieved. At least she could still enjoy herself when Rudeus got back from academy.

But the question remained: how did I get this and what do I do with this?