Chapter 11

Hiccup pounded away at the metal on the anvil. Lost in thought, but striking with precision and power none the less. Forge work came naturally anymore, the repetition helped him focus on other thoughts.

The farewell with Elsa last night, for example. He caught the slight move she made towards him before backing away. He wished he was kissing her lips instead of her hands. Then again, there were… other issues to be resolved.

He had made up his mind to leave after the festival. Take their time and explore a little along the way. That was before the meeting that turned his world upside down. He couldn't give up his place on Berk. She wouldn't have had it. It was what she wanted for him for a long time. But staying with Elsa, or at least, being with her, felt more right than anything. His mind kept settling on the phrase 'new beginnings'. He couldn't make heads or tails of it.

Then there was the introduction to the Prince and Princess of Corona. He liked her well enough. He felt he had to make up for his slip up over her name. The prince though… He just rubbed him the wrong way. If Elsa hadn't been there, he truly would have lost his temper. Sure, he was probably being a little protective, it was admirable. He himself wasn't being very forthcoming about who he was, but he had his reasons, one very good reason… his best friend!

He had gotten to the forge early, there were still a few items to be produced for the festival. A few extra hangers of an interesting design for hanging plants. Some hooks and brackets for the booths in the courtyard. He was making good progress, and was looking forward to seeing the opening ceremonies for the festival. Valdor was there now, having set up a booth himself. His son Daven was handling the sellers portion of the smith while he was at the booth.

It became apparent soon after the shop opened, he would be here for a while. There were more orders for various hardware and fittings coming in. He sighed, maybe he could go down and take his lunch there. Maybe even walk around a bit. Maybe even… No! He couldn't possibly! She and the princess were probably very busy With the goings-on at the festival. He imagined their duties had doubled, leaving no time for anything else. Still, if he managed to get there for lunch, maybe he would at least see them or talk for a few minutes.

There was a commotion on the other side of the shop. Hiccup turned as the door opened, and there was Prince Eugene himself. He wasn't wearing his uniform, just a plain blue shirt, slightly heavy pants, and boots. " Great! " He muttered to himself, he was already mildly upset that he had missed the opening ceremonies. Now he would have to put up with… with HIM! This was going to be a really long day.

"Hello Hiccup!" He said. "How come you're not at the festival? There's more than a few ladies wondering why you're not there!" There was the questioning again! Still, he wasn't wearing his uniform… maybe he could try to not be angry with him.

"Well, I was planning on it, but I had promised Master Bregemann I would look after the forge while he was gone. There were orders that came in, for party matters, and well, here I am still!" Eugene was watching him, but not with the piercing gaze of earlier. He seemed naturally curious.

"I see. Can we… talk? You seem a little busy, but it won't take long." Hiccup relaxed only a little, this could be an opportunity for them both. Hiccup nodded. Eugene looked around to make sure they were alone.

"Look, I'm sorry that our first meeting was a little… not… smooth. But Elsa and Anna are family, and after, you know the 'incident' of those years ago, we're all a little protective of them. Especially if someone comes around we know nothing about. And doubly so if they are not willing to talk about themselves." He seemed earnest enough, and was truly looking after the girls. He sighed, He should be telling her, but this may be his only chance for now.

"OK, look, Elsa and I just… happened! I, I… I'm taking a vacation, you know? A little time off, exploring, traveling. Getting away for a bit before the harbor melts, and everyting gets crazy… I, I wasn't looking to, -to- get involved. And I assure you, I have no plans to usurp the throne, or… hurt anyone." He hated explaining himself. But he had to get this out. He just hoped Eugene would be discreet.

"Hmm, I can understand, the life of royalty can get… a little… stuffy -for my taste sometimes." Hiccup gave him a flat look, to which the prince took slight offence.

"What? I wasn't born to this Hiccup. You may be surprised to find out that my background… well, let's just say I was an opportunist! " Hiccups' eyes widened slightly. "Oh yes! I used to go by the name Flynn Rider! Thief, vagabond, quite the dashing, adventurous figure! Not bad with the ladies… But all that changed one day. I was on the run again, when I climbed this tower I came across in the woods…" He told his story to Hiccup, A laugh escaping him as Eugene told him of meeting the girl, and of his head meeting a frying pan, more than once! He nodded occasionally, as he regaled of their adventure, the defeat of the witch, and her reunion with her parents.

"So you see, I can understand your need for… discretion. But, if you're on vacation, as you say, you might as well enjoy it! Pamper yourself! Just a little you know? It would also make things between you and Elsa - easier?" He wiggled his eyebrows slightly.

"I have considered it but, we don't hold our ranks and titles as precious as you southerners do." Eugene bristled slightly. "It all seems like a terrible waste of time and effort." Hiccup told him. "And besides I…" He halted, he would have to choose his next words carefully…"I, I have… someone to, -protect! And I… couldn't do it from inside the castle, and I can't afford to be… answering… questions." He hoped that would suffice, he already felt he had said too much.

Eugene furrowed his brow, his chin caught between his thumb and fingers, thinking deeply. After a few moments he spoke. "You, -you're not, -running away… from trouble? Are you?" Hiccup sighed heavily. He was getting too close here. He was very good at this questioning. They were being cautious, he knew. He could understand. He didn't feel comfortable enough telling him this. He thought of Elsa, and his feelings for her. It would be better if they knew, but would they be discreet with the information? He couldn't be sure.

"Look-" He paused. "You, you were right… I am a Viking. Some of the older Chiefs… It's hard for them to let go of the old ways. I do my best to discourage them. We can't afford the attention. Some of my peers are not yet Chief, but we have, -ideas. And when they become Chief, We will -change things." He thought for a moment before he continued.

"I would like to be able to declare myself, but I am not here in any official capacity, and I cannot be cooped up inside a castle for now." He hoped it would suffice. Eugenes' eyes went wide at the revelation, then narrowed. He nodded in understanding.

"Well, Hiccup! I'm really glad we had this talk!" He put his hand on his shoulder. Lowering his voice, "I wouldn't presume to tell you what to do, you probably know this already but, You have to tell her ! I will let them know we talked, and you can be trusted. But it has to come from you." Hiccup nodded, a half smile forming on his face.

"I'm almost positive that once I tell the women, they will do what they can to help you kids!" Hiccup rolled his eyes and nodded. He knew, he had seen it from Anna last night, carting them off so he and Elsa could say goodbye. He imagined it would be ten times worse.

"Thank you Eugene, for understanding. And trust me, when I can feel, -comfortable about this, you'll understand why." He nodded and turned towards the door. Before he went through it, Hiccup had a request.

"And Prince Eugene? Please! Give my apologies to your wife again for, you know, the name. thing?" Hiccup smiled and shrugged his shoulders sheepishly.

"I will Hiccup, and hey, don't miss the party? OK?" Eugene smiled slyly, wiggling his eyebrows again.

"Yes! I was going to stop soon and go get something to eat! I'll see you there?"

"I'll see if I can… arrange… something…" With a wink, he was gone. Hiccup sighed, he felt light and relieved that he was able to get more of this off his chest. He felt even better at the prospect of having both of the Princess' help. If Elsa and he could spend time together, maybe they could sort… this… thing between them.

Hiccup turned back to his work. Noon was nearly upon him and there were still a few pieces to finish. His improved mood helped him to work quickly, the thought of seeing her again even more so…

The moment he walked through the gates, he was amazed! There were people walking around the courtyard, it seemed the whole town had turned out. There were booths set up around the walls of the courtyard. The center of which was mostly open, save for two temporary pavilions. He noticed the fountains on either side of the steps leading to the palace. Instead of water, there was a delicate ice sculpture in each one. Indeed the very walls of the courtyard sported either a sheen of ice, or what looked like columns made of ice, shining a deep blue. There were many foreigners milling about, or he guessed from the way they were dressed differently from the general populace. Royals, and common folk all mingling and talking together. So many sights and smells he had never before experienced. It was a lot to take in.

Speaking of smells, a bunch of them caused his stomach to grumble reminding him of why he was here. He moved toward the source finding a table under one of the tents filled with all manner of meat, fowl, and fish. There were also vegetables, breads, and cheeses of all shapes, sizes, and colors. The food was being served by what he assumed was the palace staff. They were wearing outfits of the same soft green.

He was busy just taking it all in when he had a large plate shoved in his hands, and was told to eat up! He was too skinny! The rather plump woman was beaming warmly at him. He smiled and gave his thanks, then made his way to one of several long tables set up in the open space of the courtyard. A pair of younger men came by moments later pushing a cart full of cups, with pitchers of ale, wine, and water. He settled on a glass of ale, and tucked in to his meal. He marveled at the taste and the quality of the food. Indeed, the whole affair bespoke of a rich and prosperous kingdom.

He was nearly done with his meal when a familiar voice rang out. He looked up and saw Anna half-running towards him. Behind her he spotted a young man, and a… rather large… reindeer? Strange! Although when he thought about it, his best friend was a dragon…

She gave him a small curtsy, which he answered with a bow. "Princess!" He said. He thought it a little odd, usually it was the other party to show respect first, to a superior… if he remembered correctly. He mentally waved it off. Anna had a smile that reached to her eyes. She moved to her left to introduce the young man.

"Master Hiccup Haddock! May I present Master Kristoff Bjorgmann, Arendells' official Ice Master, and my fiancee." She said. They nodded to each other in greeting.

"And this is his friend and companion, Sven!" Hiccup held out his palm to him, Sven sniffed in curiosity, and regarded him briefly. Sven sniffed some more and seemed to catch a scent that startled him. He seemed to look at Hiccup questioningly, until Hiccup moved his hand and started to scratch him along his jaw and chin. The reindeers' eyes rolled, then closed in contentment. Hiccup chuckled to himself smiling. Apparently jaw-and-chin scratches were universal…

They were joined by Rapunzel and Eugene, and again they greeted him first, oddly enough. He glanced tentatively around as he bowed, wondering if anyone noticed. "Prince! Princess! Good to see you both again!" Rapinzel was smiling brightly at him. Its' glow seeming to warm him from the inside.

"So! Fiancee huh?" Hiccup said. "You're a very lucky man, Master Bjorgmann! Tell me, when is the big day?" He cocked an eyebrow at the young man, a smirk on his face. There was an immediate look of horror on his face, it was priceless!

"I, ahhh -well, we've mentioned-talked about it, and well, ummm, discussed it of course, but… but I, we, you know…" He was obviously flustered. Hiccup gave him a flat look.

"You… haven't asked her… have you…" He was enjoying this… a little.

"NO! but, I, uhhh -was, waiting… for the, ummm right… aahhh, no, no I haven't" Anna saved him.

"We've talked about it, and I'm sure it will be soon!" Anna looked at him, them grabbed his arm and hugged it to her. This drew all of Kristoffs' attention. And Hiccup could see in that moment, that while she may be fond of him, what she felt for the young Master Bjorgmann was something else entirely.

She looked at Hiccup, then a quick glance at the other couple, then Kristoff, a squeeze to his arm. She took Hiccup by the hand, leading him a few steps away.

"Hiccup, I don't understand why you won't say anything about what you are, but I respect your need for discretion." She was keeping her voice low. "I, we! Trust you, that you are being honest, but it makes things… difficult in regards to Elsa, and what she is. You know? A handsome, mysterious stranger comes in to sweep the queen off her feet?" Hiccup smiled shyly he could feel his face turning red.

"Oh! Stop Hiccup! You know what I mean!" She smiled at him and playfully swatted his shoulder. "But questions will need to be answered, and while I'm all for throwing the rule book out the window, as long as you two… care for each other, others will not be so… accepting…" Anna was looking at him pleadingly.

Hiccup understood. Rulers did not often have the luxury of choosing who they would be with. He was one of the lucky few who had garnered an actual love-match. He hoped he would be that lucky again, but it was going to be a long road to get there. Hiccup took Annas' hand in both of his, looking at her earnestly.

"Anna, I appreciate your trust, it means a lot. And I hate not being able to speak of this thing. It's just the way it has to be for now. I must speak to Elsa on this first. But please trust me in this, once you know, you'll understand."

Anna smiled at him fondly, tilting her head to the side. He then lightly kissed her hand and giving it a squeeze, gave her his half-smile. She answered by throwing her arms around his neck.

"Oh Hiccup! I'm so glad! I… I hope you and Elsa can work this out! I don't know who will be happier Elsa, or me!" Her eyes were a little bright when they broke apart.

Hiccup chuckled, smiling. "Go you! Spend some time with your man!" He regarded Kristoff who was looking at him with a shade of suspicion. He clapped him on the shoulder, lowering his voice.

"Kristoff? Don't waste too much more time, yeah? We never know how much time we have…" A shadow crossed his mind but he dismissed it. "If you love her, and she loves you, that's all that really matters, yes?" He seemed to consider this for a moment, then his expression brightened.

"Yes! You're right! Umm, Thanks! Master umm…"

"Just Hiccup, Kristoff!" He smiled. The man tilted his head at Hiccup and turned towards Anna. Just as they were stepping away, Anna remembered something-

"Hiccup? You will get that lunch in the garden, just- it'll be in a day or two!"

"Looking forward to it Anna!" He watched them walking away with Sven in tow. He chuckled to himself shaking his head. Oh Anna-

It was Eugene who spoke next. "Well Hiccup! I must be going too! I have some meetings to attend… foreigners to charm… you know! Those things we royals simply must do…" He winked at Hiccup. He turned to Rapunzel, and they shared a kiss, chaste, but affectionate. He then took her hand and offered it to Hiccup. He took it with a questioning glance at the prince who then winked and smiled.

"Keep her out of trouble, will you?"

Hiccup got it…"NO WAY!" He answered, "How's a guy supposed to have fun?" The princess raised a hand to her mouth to try to stem the laughter bursting forth. Eugene laughed too, then seemed to think twice on the matter.

"You're… kidding… right?" It was Hiccups' turn, he simply winked at the prince, and wrapping her arm around his, turned and walked in the opposite direction…

They walked around the courtyard, stopping at the occasional booth for Hiccup to examine this contraption, or that. Rapunzel told him of her kingdom, and the familial ties to Arendelle. Hiccup told her of the Barbaric Archipelago, and the relations between each island therein. Of course, he had to leave out the parts relating to the scaly, flying, fire-breathing occupants. He was also able to examine Elsas' decorations. He was amazed! Even though it was a warm sunny day, the ice didn't seem to be melting. Rapunzel explained what she knew of her powers, and how she had helped her cousin during the early years of her reign.

He liked her, a lot! She emanated grace. She seemed quite popular with the people here too. Conversation between them came easily. And he couldn't deny the feeling of warmth in her presence. Warmth that came from the inside. She was a rare and amazing woman.

They came upon Valdors' booth. Upon spotting them, he came around the table smiling widely. He bowed to her. "Princess Rapunzel! So good to see you!"

"And you! Master Bregemann! How are you these days?" Hiccup looked at her questioningly. "He made mine and Eugenes' wedding rings!" Hiccup understood. Valdor then turned to him, hands on his hips. He cocked an eyebrow.

"Well Hiccup! I'm impressed! TWO Princesses in one week! That's got to be a record somewhere!" Hiccup could feel his face heating.

"Well, ahhh -you know, ladies far and wide just cannot resist the pull of, all… THIS! " He gestured at himself. Valdor burst into roaring laughter. Hiccup cast a sidelong glance at Rapunzel, who was obviously trying not to join in.

"Go ahead! You too!" The princess let forth her own laughter. "Yes! Laugh if you want, you're just jealous!" It only served to bring more. After he had caught his breath, Valdor spoke.

"Tell me lad, how is the shop today?" Hiccup told him of his early arrival, and the orders that came pouring in after. Valdor frowned.

"I'm sorry Hiccup! I hadn't thought of that. If you will but mind the shop for me tomorrow as well, I'll take over for the rest of the week!" Hiccup agreed, and with a bow of respect, they took their leave. He realized he had stayed a bit longer than he planned, but he had a good reason.

"Rapunzel? I regret that I must get back to the smithy! May I… escort you back to the palace?"

"Please Hiccup! I would like that very much!" Gathering her arm in his, they made their way back. They stole glances at each other, smiling warmly. Rapunzel spoke. "Elsa was disappointed you weren't there for the opening ceremonies…" Hiccup frowned.

"I really wanted to be there, but I had promised Valdor… Please give her my apologies!"

"I will. And Hiccup? She's having a difficult time sorting out her feelings… I suspect she has never felt this before… about anyone!… And you, Hiccup?" He was thinking about Rapunzels' last statement. He spoke without thinking.

"She… she's amazing! It's all kind of… taking me by surprise! I, I never thought I'd… feel this way… again! Ever! After…" He closed his eyes against the memories that bloomed across his mind. The landing, the blow, the lifeless body… His eyes were stinging…

"Oh?" She wasn't looking in that moment, but when she did, she gasped. She knew that look! "Hiccup? What, what is it?"

"I… I was married… to a wonderful, fierce, loving woman." He tried to swallow the lump forming in his throat. "She, she was a childhood sweetheart… who I was… lucky enough… to, be chosen by!"

" WAS Hiccup? What, What happened?" She spun to face him, gathering his hands in hers, squeezing softly to support him.

"She, -I… I lost her, in battle. Three years ago."

The princess sucked in a breath. "Hiccup, that's terrible! I'm so, sorry!" She released one of his hands, only to cup his cheek. When he was able to open his eyes, he saw nothing but genuine warmth and compassion. He immediately felt a little better.

"Thank you Rapunzel. -It's been three years. And I couldn't have, nor would I, stop her from going into battle. It was who she was. She was one of the best warriors of the tribe! And I… we loved each other very much." He closed his eyes against another memory of that day, before they departed…

"But Hiccup, she has probably reached your… Valhalla! Hasn't she? after such a, a death?" He was shocked at her knowledge of this. She was trying to comfort. His fondness for her rose greatly!

"Yes, I know she has! She, she..waits for me, looking after me. She knows I need all the help I can get! I, I… would like to think the Gods have favored me for this chance with, with Elsa. But, I'm… not positive…"

"Hiccup!" She drew his full attention at her somewhat admonishing tone. "The dead exist in their world, and we in ours… Do you think she would want you to be happy? Do you think she would not want you to stay in one spot in your life, and not live?" He considered her words for a moment…

"No! I don't think… Yes! -I think she would want me to… move… on." He chuckled to himself. "She would beat me black and blue if I… I, didn't!" He gave her hands a squeeze.

"Rapunzel? Thank you! I uhhh, I… Thanks!" He gave her his half-smile, and silently thanked the gods for allowing this woman into his life at that moment.

The princess smiled at him fondly tilting her head. Before he could react, she quickly rose up on her toes, an planted a peck on his cheek. She shrugged her shoulders sheepishly, biting her lower lip. She released his hands and took a step back. She curtsied low to him. He responded with an equally respectful bow. "My Princess!" He said.

"Master Haddock! Thank you for your time! I really enjoyed it! And don't you worry, We will get this sorted out… for the both of you!" She turned and walked up the stairs to the palace.

He watched her go through the palace doors. He spun on his heels and stopped. He felt lighter than he had felt in a long, long time. He lifted his face to the sky, and mouthed a Thank You, to Astrid, to the gods themselves, whoever it was that had made this possible for him. He felt truly blessed. He started walking determinedly to the castle gates. He was ready. Ready to get back to the smithy to fill all those orders. Ready to complete the day, and more than ready to face whatever challenges came his way!