The moment Banou walk in, she is greet by Li Ning. They rush up to each other and hug. Banou never thought that she will see Li Ning again. She is delighted that this journey, she still get to meet Li Ning who married so far away. As they talk, a young child comes up and hug the leg of Li Ning. The prince come up and carry the child. "This is our son, Allm. " Banou look at the boy who looks like his father and touch his chubby cheeks. The child is making noise and wants his mother to carry him but the prince insist to carry him. Leaving his wife alone with Banou.
"So many things had happen these past year."
"Yes so many things... Thank you for asking Prince Abd al-Karim to look for me."
"When i received an urgent letter from Li Xing. I got worry as i read it. Father is not around and royal uncle Cheng is in camp. So i asked my husband to look around. Thank god is on our side. There are sightings of a group of men buying large quantity of meat and water. They are neither traders nor soldiers nor look like a family who is moving to somewhere. It takes days to trace where they might headed to. My husband who have his small army take a gamble and rush to the direction it is heading too. It will be troublesome if they get to Egypt. It is out of his boundary."
"Li Ning, thank you once again. I am in debt to you."
"Don't say that. You help my mother and family when n trouble. This is a small matter. However why have they kidnapped you?"
"It is a long story. Let's sit down, i will tell you."
At that moment, the little one come running to Li Ning and grab her leg again. Li Ning pick her son up. He lay down his little head on her shoulder.
"It seems like he is tired and wants to sleep."
"Yes, please excuse me, i will put him to bed and we can continue to talk."
Banou is shown to a room where there is refreshments. Inside, there are carpets and cushions. In the middle of the room place a tray of some finger food and tea. Banou sits down and sight. She looks out of the window the sun is going down slowly somehow this makes her uneasy. She remember the terrible days that she had to go through with her brother. The unbalanced emotions he had. The strange thoughts that runs in his mind. The unusual upbringing he had. Did it contribute to who is he today? Why did he want to be angel and the devil at the same time? Banou have many questions running in her mind. She is asking herself things she could have done, maybe running away from him is not helping him. He will destroy himself eventually with the strange way he says and do things.
That night, Li Ning show Banou a room to sleep in after dinner. They talk through out the night. Banou even tear to think that her brother might be unwell himself.
"Sometimes a person who is trap in his own world cannot hear what others say. Or he might be feeling guilty that he did not help you on the first marriage and now there is another one thus maybe he thinks that he is saving you and freeing himself from guilt."
"I don't know how to talk to him out of his thinkings. It is not entirely his fault. It's his blood sister who force him to make the changes. Now, I did not help him or say anything but i run away. Leaving him behind without any horses or camels."
"If god wishes him to stay alive, there will be someone going his way."
"Then i shall pray for his wellbeing. I cannot live well to think that he actually come all the way here. If my father knows about this, Bardiya might be hunt down. My father doesn't tolerate people who disrespect his authority. Especially his sons."
Both ladies keep quiet for awhile. While Banou wipe her tears Li Ning move closer and hold Banou other hand.
"There is something i have to inform you."
Li Ning said softy. Banou look at her with her big eyes and catch her breath.
"Is it another bed news?"
"It cannot be said as bad news... My father... he ... found another woman in AnPeng County... That woman is only 14 years old and she is pregnant with his child..."
Banou cannot believe what she hear. Before he disappear to AnPeng, he had appear daily in front of her mansion with flowers. Now he is going to be a father again?
"But why is he in AnPeng county in the first place."
"Well my brother, Kang ger his wife is pregnant again. His other wife is destroying the house. Lady Ban is not able to control her. So she urgently ask for help. Father and Consort Wu rush down to assist and prevent her from disturbing the pregnant woman. However, consort Wu is found to be pregnant too..."
Banou open her eyes wide and place her hands over her mouth. She takes a deep breath. Consort Wu finally did it.
"So there is 2 pregnant women in AnPeng county... How is Li Jun going to handle this?"
"He had written to the Marquis to go over to AnPeng County to handle his daughter. She is in an unreasonable state. Lady Ban truly cannot handle that young girl."
"So Li Jun and consort Wu won't be back in the capital for awhile?"
"Yes they will wait for after the 3 months celebration. Then they will make way back to the capital."
Banou smile and nod she have a mix feeling of relive and disappointment. However it is better that Li Jun find someone he can focus on instead of her. It is a blessing.