The Oregon Debrief

Conference Room B-3: Undisclosed Location, Southern Oregon

"In 1979, the United States President Carter signed a hushed executive order for the immediate and legitimized creation of a blacklist project known as 'Exodus'."

Doctor Morgan tapped his cigarette in the ashtray and pointed it to the screen in the front of the room.

"At first glance, this project simply looks like another debuff mission, to the likes of spoof ufo investigation project bluebeam.'

However, this was the intention of Exodus, to hide in plain sight. The true objective of Exodus, as you're all aware, was vastly more important than that of ufo investigation."

Erin tapped her pen on her clipboard and raised her hand, she was always awkward like this, though she made up for it with her rash abrasiveness and ability to find her nose somewhere deep in the back-end of where it didn't belong.

This ability alone is what landed her here, in the debrief.

The Doctor hesitated his narrative and addressed the journalist.

"Yes, Ms. Parker?"

"Yes, Dr. Morgan, with all due respect.. I think I speak for all of us when I say.. nobody is going to believe any of the alien propaganda you're about to peddle to us. We just want to know about the October incident."

The Doctor seemed annoyed by this and adjusted his glasses.

"I'm sorry Ms. Parker, since you seem to know what I was about to share. Maybe you would like to take the floor and debrief these gentleman in official capacity."

"Cut the shit Dr. Morgan. I'm not one of your freshman college students. Don't scold me for interrupting your class."

Dr. Morgan snarled, "Then do not interrupt my class, Ms. Morgan."

"Enough Damon.Get on with it or get out."

Morgan glanced up the room, a man in his mid 30's with slicked black hair and hints of silver stubble glated down at the the doctor in impatience.

Damon nodded politely and went back to his speech.

Erin couldn't place the man who cut the doctor off, but he definitely looked familiar, and possessed some status, to address the doctor like that and have Damon Morgan actually care.

"Exodus was designed for much more than public ufo propaganda; unlike bluebeam, who's entire existence was to remain semi-secret thus offering intrigue and a chance to perform long-term distraction operstions within the public domain. We now know the bluebeam's goal was to hide massive government spending; No, Exodus had one purpose. Identify boöte's void."

"I'm sorry, Boöte's void? Care to share with the class Morgan?"

Morgan glared at Erin. 5 years ago, during the doctor's career in the private sector, he'd taken a stance as a public referral for the Cofax Chemical Corporation. A position where his sole purpose was to maintain a positive result showcase on the non-toxic levels of their pesticides compared to competitors, such as government aided round-up.

It was there that Morgan had the misfortune of becoming the target for Erin Parker's prying. A woman with an odd career path. Prior army journalist, turned private sector, turned government contracted exposé officer under the current administration.

Her prying left Morgan jobless and facing federal charges. Until that same government used prison time as leverage to lock the doctor into a contract.

'A slave to the oval office now.'

The Doctor cleared is throat, "I see there's some uneducated members among us, so let me bring everyone to to speed. The Boötes void was discovered in 1981 by Robert Kirshner, during a conducted survey in galactic redshift. According to Kirshner's findings, and all public findings thereafter, The void is simply that. A mysterious, massive void in space. An area void of all light and matter. Vast and empty of galaxies.

However, this wasn't when Boötes was truly discovered. The 'void' was truly discovered in 1957. At this time, Boötes was referred to as, Anubus Consult. Referring to the god of death. As in, assistant of death. Because Boötes was never a void, in actuality, we believe The Consult to be alive."

Parker scoffed, "Alive? What do you mean 'Alive'?"

Damon grew serious and made steady eye contact with Parker, which made her feel the true weight of this debriefing's seriousness.

"As in, a civilization that expands several hundred thousand galaxies and lightyears. Rendering our species on sheer scale alone, nothing more than a dust particle; or as one, or a handful or cosmicly inconceivable beings that again, make us nothing more than a molecule in their airspace.

We aren't really sure which it is at the moment, because this area in which they or 'it' exists, or maybe because of what they are, absorbs all light, or at the least, is blocking the light from the galaxies within its walls. But what we know, is that it is in fact alive, and we are being pulled toward it."

"Enough, any more information and you'll be crossing into government classifieds. Carry on."

The man in the back shifted in his seat and scowled impatiently.

"Very well, Representative Owens, I will 'carry on'."

The doctor pressed the button on the table infront of him and the old slide on the projector shifted to photo copy of the October incident report that they'd all been given as they'd arrived.

"As you're aware, the biological craft, now code-named Gaia, entered our airspace in the early morning hours of the first of October."

The Doctor clicked the button and the overhead roared to life again, shifting into a new slide.

This slide depicted a blurred image of something pitch black and elongated. With a clouded greyscaled backdrop of clouds.

"This stillframe was recovered from the live feed infrared camera aboard on of the F-35 who initiated contact with the object in question."

A click of the projector illicited a gasp from a few members of the debrief.

"As your all aware, Sr. Pilot Ramirez was only member of the contact team that met his demise that night. With his remains immediately dropped across the carrier in which the pilots departed."

Another click and the slide moved to reveal an millions elongated back blobs tightly wrapped around small red blobs and larger pink ovals.

"Under the microscope, it was appear that an infestation of unknown origin had begun to consume the body parts of Sr. Pilot Ramirez. What you're seeing here is all but impossible ladies an gentlemen.

Immediately after death and dismemberment, Ramirez was filled from cell wall to cell wall with millions, if not billions of unknown micro organisms."

"Can we compare the parasites to any other to see if they are bio-engineered weaponry?"

Doctor Leonard, another military contracted intelligent spoke. Leonard was in charge was plumm island bio-engineering. Most publicly accused of cresting lime disease in ticks.

"I'm informed that would have been the next step, had the entire sample, including the parasites and all of the pilots parts, not vanished entirely by the morning of the 4th."

Erin raised an eyebrow.

"Vanished? You mean taken. So we're looking at a cover-up then? A foreign attack."

Damon shook his head, "No Ms. Parker, by vanished I refer to disintegration."

Doctor Morgan flipped off the projector and powered up the television on the far wall.

"If you'll direct your attention to the screen on the far wall ladies and gentleman."

With a click of a remote lying in Damon's pocket, the video roared to life.

The video showed a haphazardly built field lab. The camera clearly positioned for, showcased the adjacent wall. Complete with the individually wrapped (salvageable) pieces of Senior Pilot Ramirez in an ice bath.

The audio to the tape was missing, mostly due to the classified revelations being spoken about between the doctor and officer assisting her.

Just then, the room watched in horror as the limbs and preserved entrails of the senior pilot, melted away.

First into a black bile, and then into steam, as some thermal reaction had taken place.

The room was quiet. Doctor Leonard scrubbed away in his notepad, fascinated.

Erin stared blankly at the ice bath on the screen, trying to make sense of the horror, and black magic she'd just observed.

After a long pause the Doctor Morgan continued.

"These debriefs will continue over the course of the next week, as intel is authorized and declassified through the trickle downstream of bureaucracy. As per your non-disclosure agreements. No one in this room is to have contact with, nor communication with, anyone below the designated ranking and departments list on the back of your debrief.

Furthermore, in regard to your security clearances, you are, in fact, permitted to leave the base and town if you wish. With this in mind, you will need to return for the next debriefing when the call comes. Any questions?"

Erin raised her hand once again, and Damon shot her an annoyed look.

"You have a still frame of the object from the F-35. There has to be footage then."

Morgan nodded, "To my knowledge, that footage is mostly unobtainable."

Erin rolled her eyes, "convenient, unusable, unrecoverable footage in a.. 'not' ufo case."

Morgan glared, "Ms. Parker, I said Unobtainable. Not unusable, nor unrecoverable. We'll just have to see with the trickle of information gives us."Conference Room B-3: Undisclosed Location, Southern Oregon

"In 1979, the United States President Carter signed a hushed executive order for the immediate and legitimized creation of a blacklist project known as 'Exodus'."

Doctor Morgan tapped his cigarette in the ashtray and pointed it to the screen in the front of the room.

"At first glance, this project simply looks like another debuff mission, to the likes of spoof ufo investigation project bluebeam.'

However, this was the intention of Exodus, was to hide in plain sight, for true objective of Exodus, as you're all aware, was vastly more important than that of ufo investigation."

Erin tapped her pen on her clipboard and raised her hand, she was always awkward like this, though she made up for it with her rash abrasiveness and ability to find her nose somewhere deep in the back-end of where it didn't belong.

This ability alone is what landed her here, in the debrief.

The Doctor hesitated his narrative and addressed the journalist.

"Yes, Ms. Parker?"

"Yes, Dr. Morgan, with all due respect.. I think I speak for all of us when I say.. nobody is going to believe any of the alien propaganda you're about to peddle to us. We just want to know about the October incident."

The Doctor seemed annoyed by this and adjusted his glasses.

"I'm sorry Ms. Parker, since you seem to know what I was about to share. Maybe you would like to take the floor and debrief these gentleman in official capacity."

"Cut the shit Dr. Morgan. I'm not one of your freshman college students. Don't scold me for interrupting your class."

Dr. Morgan snarled, "Then do not interrupt my class, Ms. Morgan."

"Enough Damon.Get on with it or get out."

Morgan glanced up the room, a man in his mid 30's with slicked black hair and hints of silver stubble glated down at the doctor in impatience.

Damon nodded politely and went back to his speech.

Erin couldn't place the man who cut the doctor off, but he definitely looked familiar and possessed some status to address the doctor like that and have Damon Morgan actually care.

"Exodus was designed for much more than public ufo propaganda; unlike bluebeam, whose entire existence was to remain semi-secret, thus offering intrigue and a chance to perform long-term distraction operations within the public domain. We now know the bluebeam's goal was to hide massive government spending; no, Exodus had one purpose. Identify boöte's void."

"I'm sorry, Boöte's void? Care to share with the class Morgan?"

Morgan glared at Erin. 5 years ago, during the doctor's career in the private sector, he'd taken a stance as a public referral for the Cofax Chemical Corporation. A position where his sole purpose was to maintain a positive result showcase on the non-toxic levels of their pesticides compared to competitors, such as government aided round-up.

It was there that Morgan had the misfortune of becoming the target for Erin Parker's prying. A woman with an odd career path. Prior army journalist, turned private sector, turned government contracted exposé officer under the current administration.

Her prying left Morgan jobless and facing federal charges. Until that same government used prison time as leverage to lock the doctor into a contract.

'A slave to the oval office now.'

The doctor cleared his throat, "I see there's some uneducated members among us, so let me bring everyone to speed. The Boötes void was discovered in 1981 by Robert Kirshner during a conducted survey in galactic redshift. According to Kirshner's findings and all public findings thereafter, the void is simply that. A mysterious, massive void in space. An area void of all light and matter. Vast and empty of galaxies.

However, this wasn't when Boötes was truly discovered. The 'void' was truly discovered in 1957. At this time, Boötes was referred to as Anubus Consult. Referring to the god of death. As in, assistant of death. Because Boötes was never a void, in actuality, we believe The Consult to be alive."

Parker scoffed, "Alive? What do you mean 'Alive'?"

Damon grew serious and made steady eye contact with Parker, which made her feel the true weight of this debriefing's seriousness.

"As in, a civilization that expands several hundred thousand galaxies and lightyears. Rendering our species on sheer scale alone, nothing more than a dust particle; or as one, or a handful or cosmicly inconceivable beings that again, make us nothing more than a molecule in their airspace.

We aren't really sure which it is at the moment, because this area in which they or 'it' exists, or maybe because of what they are, absorbs all light, or at the least, is blocking the light from the galaxies within its walls. But what we know... is that it is, in fact, alive; and we are being pulled toward it."

"Enough, any more information, and you'll be crossing into government classifieds. Carry on."

The man in the back shifted in his seat and scowled impatiently.

"Very well, Representative Owens, I will 'carry on'."

The doctor pressed the button on the table in front of him, and the old slide on the projector shifted to a photo copy of the October incident report that they'd all been given as they'd arrived.

"As you're aware, the biological craft, now code-named Gaia, entered our airspace in the early morning hours of the first of October."

The doctor clicked the button, and the overhead roared to life again, shifting into a new slide.

This slide depicted a blurred image of something pitch black and elongated. With a clouded greyscaled backdrop of clouds.

"This stillframe was recovered from the live feed infrared camera aboard on of the F-35 who initiated contact with the object in question."

A click of the projector illicited a gasp from a few members of the debrief.

"As you're all aware, Sr. Pilot Ramirez was the only member of the contact team that met his demise that night. With his remains immediately dropped across the carrier in which the pilots departed."

Another click and the slide moved to reveal millions of elongated back blobs tightly wrapped around small red blobs and larger pink ovals.

"Under the microscope, it was appear that an infestation of unknown origin had begun to consume the body parts of Sr. Pilot Ramirez. What you're seeing here is all but impossible ladies and gentlemen.

Immediately after death and dismemberment, Ramirez was filled from cell wall to cell wall with millions, if not billions of unknown micro organisms."

"Can we compare the parasites to any other to see if they are bio-engineered weaponry?"

Doctor Leonard, another military contracted intelligent, spoke. Leonard was in charge of plumm island bio-engineering. Most publicly accused of creating lime disease in ticks.

"I'm informed that would have been the next step, had the entire sample, including the parasites and all of the pilots parts, not vanished entirely by the morning of the 4th."

Erin raised an eyebrow.

"Vanished? You mean taken. So we're looking at a cover-up then? A foreign attack."

Damon shook his head, "No, Ms. Parker, by vanished, I refer to disintegration. Or perhaps, digestion..."

Doctor Morgan flipped off the projector and powered up the television on the far wall.

"If you'll direct your attention to the screen on the far wall, ladies and gentlemen."

With a click of a remote lying in Damon's pocket, the video roared to life.

The video showed a haphazardly built field lab. The camera, clearly positioned for showcase and security against the adjacent wall. Complete with the individually wrapped (salvageable) pieces of Senior Pilot Ramirez in an ice bath.

The audio to the tape was missing, mostly due to the classified revelations being spoken about between the doctor and officer assisting her.

Just then, the room watched in horror as the limbs and preserved entrails of the senior pilot melted away.

First into a black bile, and then into steam, as some thermal reaction had taken place.

The room was quiet. Doctor Leonard scrubbed away in his notepad, fascinated.

Erin stared blankly at the ice bath on the screen, trying to make sense of the horror and black magic she'd just observed.

After a long pause the Doctor Morgan continued.

"These debriefs will continue over the course of the next week, as intel is authorized and declassified through the trickle downstream of bureaucracy. As per your non-disclosure agreements. No one in this room is to have contact with, nor communication with, anyone below the designated ranking and departments list on the back of your debrief.

Furthermore, in regard to your security clearances, you are, in fact, permitted to leave the base and town if you wish. With this in mind, you will need to return for the next debriefing when the call comes. Any questions?"

Erin raised her hand once again, and Damon shot her an annoyed look.

"You have a still frame of the object from the F-35. There has to be footage then."

Morgan nodded, "To my knowledge, that footage is mostly unobtainable."

Erin rolled her eyes, "convenient, unusable, unrecoverable footage in a.. 'not' ufo case."

Morgan glared, "Ms. Parker, I said Unobtainable. Not unusable, nor unrecoverable. We'll just have to see with the trickle of information gives us."