Chapter 1: Roots of Evil

It was a rainy day like the previous one. But at least it was a Saturday, which meant that he could stay in bed. The fact that it was comfy, and warm contributed to that. Him and Lydia were cuddling on the bed and she was the big spoon.

I don't wanna get up. Joshua thought, as the bed was way too comfortable. The rain drops on the window didn't really help, the sound it makes is very relaxing. And Erika's sweet smell helped too. Wait, why is my room smelling like Erika? He opened his eyes to discover.

"M-morning." His question was answered the moment he opened his eyes. As he saw familiar gray eyes staring at him.

"Morning," He said. "How long have you been here?"

It turns out that Erika is sitting down on his computer chair. Wearing a red turtleneck tucked in a dark gray skirt that reached her knees and long white socks.

"I G-g-got here at e-ei-eight." She told him with a smile.

Joshua looked at his clock and saw that it was ten in the morning. "You just watched us sleep for two hours?"

"Y-you two look really p-pe-peaceful." She stuttered like she always did.

"You act like it's the first time she did that." This time, it was Lydia who spoke while she had her eyes closed, still cuddling with Joshua. She was not wrong, more often than not, Erika would watch the two sleep. "Did you take pictures again?" Lydia asked before sitting up on the bed, with her hair in a complete mess.

She looked away embarrassed, which pretty much confirms it.

"Hand it over." She ordered.

Erika reluctantly complied and gave her phone to Lydia. Joshua also sat up to see what photos she took of them this time.

"Fifteen photos?" Lydia commented.

"In the same position?" Joshua added.

"I-i d-didn't want to wa-wake you t-tw-two." Erika explained while looking down nervously.

If she wasn't so adorable, we would probably be mad at her. Joshua thought. Probably...

"You can keep one photo, I'm deleting the rest." Lydia told her, probably thinking the same thing as Joshua.

Erika looks a bit disappointed but relieved as well. "I c-can make p-pan-pancakes." She offered it to them.

"Did Alma leave?" Joshua asked, as he hated when she was around..

"S-she said that she had to so-solve som-something." She explained.

Good, she really should stay out of here? Joshua thought as she usually only annoys him when she's around. "If that's the case, if it isn't too much of a bothe-" He spoke before being interrupted.

"No-not at a-all!" Erika was quick to interrupt.

"Extra chocolate syrup on mine." Lydia added as she stood up from the bed. Still only wearing a gray T-shirt and purple panties.

Both Joshua and Erika stared at Lydia's butt as she bent over a bit to turn his Playstation One on. She's doing it on purpose. Joshua noted. It worked though, Erika is staring as much as I am. She picks the controller up and lays back on the bed.

Erika just smiled. "I-i'll g-ge-get s-started." She stuttered before walking out of the room.

As soon as she left, Lydia asked. "Did she look?"

"We both did." Joshua admitted. "In my defense, you do have a nice butt."

Both are aware of Erika's feelings towards them. So they developed a habit of teasing her as a result.

Joshua stood up from his bed, and started to do a few push ups on the floor.

Lydia just layed there, playing the game Resident Evil 3 on the Playstation One. "Why don't you ask Erika to be your girlfriend already?" She asked him.

"I would be a terrible boyfriend, why don't you do it?" He asked her, while he finished the push ups. I mean, what kind of boyfriend would a sociopath like me be anyway?

"Because... I don't know, my mom will give me a lot of shit for it.." Lydia replied. "Although, I really wanna kiss her at times."

"Me too." Joshua finished his push ups, he got up and sat on the bed. Then he put his head on Lydia's thigh and closed his eyes for a second. I wonder if they found his corpse already. They might still be able to save him if they did. Although, I don't think someone who had the entire skin of their body removed will live long. Especially considering that I toss a bucket of sewage water on him. Joshua thought about it. He will either die of an infection or hypothermia.

He opened them again and looked at the television. Lydia was fighting a boss in the game. It doesn't look like she's going to win.

Suddenly, his phone made a noise. It must be Terry. Joshua stood up from the bed and went to grab his phone that was in his jeans's pocket.

Terry: Problem.

Joshua: What happened?

Terry: On my way to your crib.

Great, what is going on? Joshua asked himself after seeing the message from Terry.

"Let me guess, Terry fucked up?" Lydia was quick to ask.

"Probably." Joshua replied. "I have a feeling that this is about that Jermaine problem."

"I bet five bucks that he picked a fight with him." Lydia betted while smiling.

"No deal, I'm pretty sure that is either that or something similar." Joshua replied.

Before any of the two could say anything, they smelled the pancakes that Erika was making for them.

"Oh shit, I love that smell." Lydia spoke while sniffing the smell of pancakes.

Joshua laughed a bit at that. "I'm gonna check it to see if it's ready." Joshua told her.

"Extra chocolate syrup on mine." She reminded him.

Joshua then walked through the door and made his way through the corridor until he arrived at the stairs. He descends the staircase to get to the kitchen. Where Erika was, she was finishing up with their breakfast.

"Thanks again for making them for us." Joshua thanked her again.

Erika turned around and just smiled at him. Then she looked at him the same way that she looked at Lydia early. Joshua was wearing a white T-shirt and white underwear. She's not even trying to be subtle. He noted that Erika wasn't even trying to hide it. And to think that she used to be extremely shy when we met her, she would have looked away embarrassed before.

Joshua then walked to the living room and turned on the TV. The news report was on.

"At eight AM, it was reported that the body of Paul Maryland was found by the police. According to some sources, it was confirmed that this was another victim of the Stranding Haven Killer, or SHK for short." SHK, what dumb name. "Apparently, the killer sent a video to the police, where Paul Maryland confirmed to be the culprit in the murder of his ex-wife Catalina Ribeiro. Whose body was found a week before." What a waste. "With the inclusion of the Maryland brothers, The SHK has approximately killed twenty-four people since the murders started, two and a half years ago." There's way more than that. "Information given by the police, informs that the killer has a pattern. All of his victims were male, around the ages of eighteen to sixty. His methods of killing are exceptionally complex, which leads the police to believe that the killer is a very educated man with a deep knowledge on subjects like medicine and engineering."You should be a little more specific, because there are several fields on both.

Joshua decided to turn it off. As he didn't need a bloody reminder of all of his previous works.

Suddenly, he heard someone knocking on the door. He went to open it and it turned out to be Terry. "Sup, Homie." He was wearing a green track jacket, baggy vintage jeans tucked in on a white high top.

Terry then looked at Joshua, who was in his underwear. "It's my house." Joshua told him before letting him in.


"It tastes fantastic!" Lydia told Erika while chewing the pancakes.

All four friends went back to Joshua's room and all found a place to sit. Joshua sat on his computer chair, Erika sat besides Lydia on the bed and Terry sat on the ground.

"So, let me see if I got this right." Joshua started to speak. "You called Jermaine and his buddies to a fight and you're trying to drag me into it?" He asked with a somewhat annoyed face.

Apparently, Terry bumped into Jermaine and his friends on his way out of his apartment complex and nearly got jumped by them. But one of Terry's uncles was there, Jermaine then decided to call him a wimp and Terry took bait and practically challenged the guy to meet up somewhere to fight it out.

"And you, being the fucking moron that you are, decided to actually fight him." Lydia asked while eating her pancakes.

"The motherfucker lives on the block besides mine, it's not like I can just ignore him." Terry rebuffed Lydia.

"W-why d-don't you just d-d-don't g-go?" Erika asked, looking extremely bothered by that.

"I can't back out, Jermaine would pick on my ass and everyone would think I'm a wimp." Terry told her before trying to eat one of the pancakes on the plate on top of the bed. But Lydia grabbed the plate before he could.

"Y-you're n-not go-going a-are y-you?" Erika asked Joshua in worry, giving an indication that she's only worried about him.

"I can't let him get his ass beaten." Joshua told her while touching her cheek, which made her cheeks become red. "But seriously though, what the fuck would you do if said no?" Joshua asked Terry as he grabbed a pancake.

"Would fight anyway." He replied.

"The difference is that you would get your ass kicked in front of a bunch of people." Lydia added.

"Fuck off," Terrence complained. "But seriously, are you gonna have my back J?" He asked Joshua.

"I already said yes, but you know that it's probably gonna be just the two of us against them, right?' Joshua pointed out. He wasn't scared of anything, but Terry wasn't exactly known for his fighting skill.

"Don't worry about that," Terrence explained. "Jermaine will drop after the first punch, his buddies are the only actual problem."

Joshua rolled his eyes at his friend's belief that this was going to be easy. "Okay."

"I-i don't like th-this." Erika was quick to add.

"Me neither, but Joshua can handle it." Lydia reassures her while holding her hand.

"Wow, thanks for the fucking support." Terrence was quick to comment.

"You got your own ass into this fucking mess, and now you're dragging my best friend along with it." Lydia replied to his comment. "Also, if Joshua's pretty face is damaged in any way, I'm gonna fucking stab you." She also threatened him.

She does have a pocket knife in her jeans's pocket. So the threat is semi-truth. Joshua thought as he ate more pancakes. "Okay, give me the time and the place."

"At seven, on the playground in the block behind my home." Terry explained.

"Fine, let's go together then." Joshua told him. Then he turned to Lydia. "Are you gonna sleep here again?" He asked her.

"Yes." Lydia instantly answered .

"Then it's gonna be Pizza night." Joshua announced.

"Awesome!" Lydia gave him a thumbs up. Pizza is Lydia's favorite food.

"Since we have a lot of time, wanna play some games until then?" Joshua asked Terry.

"Sure, bring it on." Terry accepted.

Joshua then stood up from the computer chair and grabbed a controller from Terry. He then put on the game Super Smash Bros. Melee on his GameCube console. He also gave a controller to Erika, even though she isn't much into video games, she does enjoy playing it when everyone is together. Joshua then picked his controller and Lydia's, before turning the console on.


The four friends played together for several hours. Until it was time for Joshua and Terrence. Joshua put on an outfit similar to Terry's, A white track jacket with a black T-shirt underneath, navy blue jeans with black high tops. After that, they left Lydia and Erika there and made their way to the south area of Stranding Haven.

They're currently sitting on a bus on their way to Terry's home. And both are thankful that the rain stopped for a bit.

"Alright, be honest with me." Terry spoke to Joshua as he looked through one of the windows. "Are you fucking Lydia or something?"

Joshua sighed before speaking. "No, I'm not." He replied, because it was technically true, but they did a bunch of sexual stuff besides the actual sex.

"Yeah right..." Terrence clearly didn't believe it . "I mean, she sleeps in your house almost every night." Not every night, but most nights. "And I heard from Erika that you two were spooning when she arrived."

"I like cuddling, so what?" Joshua lifted his shoulders.

"Cause Lydia, excluding the masculine behavior that she got, is pretty ." Terry explained. "And I still not completely certain that she doesn't swing our way."

"She definitely doesn't swing your way, T." Joshua pointed out. "Besides, the one who decides what she likes or not, it's her."

"Are you gonna lie to me and say that you never thought about her that way?" Terrence asked him.

"I'm not gonna lie, yes, I did." Joshua admitted. Although, I don't know if it's just some perverted lust or actual feelings. He thought deeply. "Though, I do feel that way about Erika too."

"Erika? Shit man, don't get me wrong, whatever you're into is up to you." Terry spoke while cringing.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Joshua asked in annoyance.

"I mean, she's a little weird." Terry started to explain. "And she's like... super plain looking and on her way to the heavy side."

Joshua got really mad at that. "Terry, you're my friend and I really care about you, but if you make any of these comments about Erika again, I'm gonna stab you and drink your blood." He wasn't really joking about the drinking blood part. Though, I don't think that I would ever hurt Terrence.

Terry started to laugh in response. "Hey, I'm not judging, whatever you're into, you're into homie." He fortunately took his threat as a joke.

Suddenly, the bus stopped and it was time to exit it. Joshua and Terry came down from the bus and stepped on the south area of Stranding Haven. Most of the city looks bad, but the south is the worst. Every single wall they saw had some type of tag graffiti on it. The streets were dirty as hell and some of the stores looked like they were going to fall apart any second.

"Home shitty home." Terry joked. "Come on buddy." He signaled Joshua to follow him.

The two kept on walking, passing through several locations, each looking worse than the other. Joshua saw several drug dealers and prostitutes that were not even trying to be subtle. At least one of those prostitutes that I saw so far were underage. Joshua thought in anger and frustration. I gotta check that out later.

He kept on following Terrence until they arrived at his apartment. Though he noticed something interesting at the entrance. He saw the initials of his dumb serial killer name on the entrance of the apartment in tag graffiti.

It was written.

Fuck the Police!


"Who wrote that?" Joshua asked Terry in curiosity.

Terry looked at it. "Some guy on the last floor. A lot of people on the street are fans of the Stranding Haven Killer."

"Fans of a serial killer?" Joshua asked in a small confusion.

"A serial killer that only kills assholes, that's actually an awesome thing." Terry told him. "There was a girl that lived here, she and her father were walking back home. And some guys stabbed her father and made her lay on his belly for them to gang rape her." He started to explain the story. "The SHK found the motherfuckers a year later and did some nasty shit with them."

Yeah, I should have just killed them. Why the fuck did impaled the four guys. It was extremely hard to shove a stake through their access all the way until it came out through their mouths and then lift it up. But I apparently did a good job, since it took six to eight days until all of them died. Joshua heard about what happened to this girl by pure accident when he was having dinner at Terry's home. He decided to do some digging and discovered that one of the guys worked in a convenience store not far from here. Joshua abducted him and interrogated him until he confessed. He abducted the rest one by one.

"Everyone in this building knew the two, so they all kind of became fans of the Stranding Haven Killer. Hell, even uncle Sean is a fan." Terrence kept explaining, but the last part surprised him.

"Wait, your uncle... a police officer, is a fan of a serial killer?" Joshua asked in deep confusion.

"The girl and my uncle were dating when that happened." Terrence revealed to him." She committed suicide a few days later, my uncle never got over it."

Shit! I didn't know that, poor Sean. Joshua felt bad for Terry's uncle. As he's one of the most decent people that he knows.

Both friends then went inside the apartment complex that Terry lives in. It was an extremely decayed place, with lots of dirt on the floor, broken lights and windows. The pillars seemed like they were going to collapse any second. And the walls were filled with graffiti.

There was someone doing graffiti on the wall with spray paint as they passed through the first floor of the complex.

But then, he saw someone exiting the door beside the wall that he was painting on, and smashed the guy's head with a Vodka bottle. "You punk ass bitch!"

Joshua decided to ignore that, as it was not really his problem.


The two friends finally arrived at the playground that Terry mentioned. This place looks as bad as the apartment complex. Joshua observed.

The toys were completely rusted and the ground was covered in dirt. There's a severe smell of dog shit around and there's three broken street lights that were supposed to be lighting the place up. There was a bathroom on the playground with a light in the middle that separated the man's and woman's bathroom, which was the one that Terry and Joshua were close to.

"That fucking nigga probably planned on sucker punch us in the dark." Terrence was quick to complain.

"Whatever, I just want him to show up already." Joshua replied while leaning on a wall besides the woman's bathroom door. He looked up at the sky, and could tell that it was going to rain again soon. He then started to remember something that he read about rain, a poem.

My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;

It rains, and the wind is never weary;

My thoughts still cling to the moldering


But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,

And the days are dark and dreary.

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;

Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;

Thy fate is the common fate of all,

Into each life some rain must fall,

Some days must be dark and dreary.

He recited the poem perfectly inside his head. As a result, he can feel the drops of rain falling from the sky.

"Fuck! Let's wait inside the bathroom." Terrence told him.

Joshua and Terrence decided to enter the playground's bathroom to stay out of the rain. The men's bathroom was locked, so they decided to enter the woman's bathroom. Upon entrance however, they found the place in a completely precarious state. The walls were either broken or had graffiti on it. The toilets were broken or completely filled with things. The sinks had blood marks and broken needles on them, which gives the impression that junkies go there to use drugs.

"Terry, we should just go, I don't think they're gonna show up." Joshua spoke while completely frustrated because of the horrible smell. This place smells like shit, vomit and piss.

"Nah, he's going to come." Terry replied with full crentinty.. "The motherfucker bragged about breaking my face and sent a photo of it to everyone."

The moron realizes that it would be evidence that he assaulted someone, and the "someone" in question is from a family of police officers. Joshua realized the irony of the level of stupidity. "That sounds really dumb." Joshua told him.

"He is a fucking moron, the fuck do you expect?" Terrence then opened the entrance door and stood there to signal that they were inside.

Joshua on the other hand, picked his phone from his jacket's pocket and decided to check something while he waited. On his phone's screen, he watched some of the details of the murder that he committed online. Interviews with the victims, his loved ones and friends, employers of the restaurant that he owned, plus the police commentary about everything, with Joshua taking as much information about it as possible. Got what you deserved, asswipe. Joshua thought with no remorse whatsoever. Killing the mother of your child, for what? Because she justifiably wanted full custody when you could barely pay your own fucking rent.

"That's them." Terry spoke up.

"Finally, let's get this over with." Joshua said as he placed his phone inside of his pocket. "I wanna eat pizza and watch a movie with Lydia."

"Maybe you'll even get laid." Terry commented.

"Maybe..." Joshua gave Terry a naughty smile, with Terry giving him a thumbs up in approval.

As Terry distances himself from the door. The three people they were waiting for, entered the bathroom.

The first one to enter was, who Joshua assumed to be, Jermaine. He was as unimpressive as it comes. He was short-legged and stocky, thickly built, with a plain face, dark brown hair and brown eyes. He has a high forehead, a square jaw and a nose that has been broken more than once. He was wearing baggy dark jeans, white sneakers , a blue Letterman jacket and a red cap.

The second one to enter was a big fat guy. A pretty big guy with a dark brown long afro makes him look like a retard. He was wearing brown cargo pants and a black hoodie.

The third one had black dreadlocks, a long face and dark blue eyes. He was wearing a matching white sweatshirt and sweatpants.

"So... You actually came." Jermaine spoke to Terry. "And brought your emo boyfriend."

I'm not an Emo, but it's a waste of time to try to argue with this moron. Joshua thought as he doesn't like when people say that he's an emo.

"Yeah, I came motherfucker." Terrence cursed him. "Now, am I gonna beat your bitch ass first? Or your bitch ass buddies are the ones who are gonna do the fighting for you."

"Say that on my face, you lanky ass bitch." The fat guy spoke up.

Jermaine grabbed his phone from his jacket pocket and held it horizontally. Indicating that he's gonna film the fight. With Joshua rolling his eyes with how stupid that guy was, because he was basically making some evidence in case something bad happens.

"Always the bitch ass wimp." Terrence spoke as he saw that Jermaine had no intention to do any fighting despite his boasting and acting tough earlier. "J, you want the fat one or dreadlocks one?"

Joshua only took a second to decide "I got the fat one." It was going to be too easy.

"The faggot motherfucker thinks he's tough." The fat guy spoke with a chuckle.

Joshua removed his bangs from his right eye. It was a type of habit that he had, when he was about to do something bad.

Terry moved closer to the exit while Joshua moved to the opposite wall.

The fat guy and the Dreadlocks one, each went on opposite sides.

"Come on, faggot." The fat guy continued to give him homophobic remarks as he got into a fighting stance. A low guard and sloppy fighting stance with his legs way too close, clearly showcasing a lack of skill.

Joshua instead got into his Jeet Kune Do stance.

He looked to the side for a second to see Terry getting into an aggressive stance. Which was expected, since Terrence has absolutely no knowledge or training in martial arts. Everything that he knows about fighting, he learned from getting into a lot of fights.

Joshua looked back at the fat guy.

"Hold on," Jermaine spoke up as he was probably prepared to film them. "Fight!"

After Jermaine said that. The fat guy tried to throw a right haymaker punch at Joshua, who only had to duck under it due to how telegraphic the punch was. Joshua quickly delivered a right hook to his liver that he followed with a right hook to his jaw. The moment his fist connected, the fat guy fell on the floor and Joshua wasted no time in grabbing his right leg and performing a standing heel hook, putting an overwhelming amount of pressure on his foot, until it snapped.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed in agony as a result of what Joshua just did.

"Holy shit!" Jermaine yelled as he saw what just happened.

Joshua stood up from the ground and looked at Ty, holding his leg in pain.

"Damn." Terrence spoke as he cringed at the side.

The Dreadlocks one covered his mouth in horror.

Joshua just moved his head to the Dreadlocks guy and while he was distracted with the fat guy in pain, Joshua decided to just finish that stupid display of pointless violence. So he closed the distance, and before he could have any kind of reaction, Joshua grabbed him and performed a hip throw.

"AHH!" With him grunting as he collided with the hard floor. Before Joshua finished with a Downward Punch to his face, knocking him out cold.

"FUCK! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" The Fat guy kept on screaming in agony. Not knowing that he just made things worse. "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL Y-" Before he could finish what he was going to yell, Joshua stomped on his face three times, which caused him to lose consciousness.

Joshua looks at the others, and noticed that they were staring at him. His response was just to cover his right eye with his bangs again, and put his hands on his pants pocket to wait.

They stare at him for a few more seconds. Jermaine, against any possible level of common sense, decided to throw a sucker punch at Terry's face while he was distracted, which made him stumble into the wall. But he quickly recovers from it and charges at him. Terry tackles him and pushes him into the wall and starts to deliver a barrage of very wild and aggressive punches on his face. Which eventually knocked Jermaine into the ground, but Terry kept on punching him even after he was unconscious.

Joshua had to move and grab Terrence to make him stop. "T, enough!" Joshua pulled him away.

"Fucking asshole sucker punched me!" Terry yelled in rage and his lip was bleeding from the punch.

"And you beat the shit out of him." Joshua pointed out as he looked at the unconscious guy.

"Damn right." Terry replied.


"Fuck..." Terrence complained as he touched his lip on the spot where he got sucker punched. It was bleeding a bit.

Both Joshua and Terrence left the three unconscious guys in the bathroom and made their way to Terry's home. Joshua wanted to run to catch a bus, but Terry told him that his grandfather could give him a ride home.

Terrence lives on the ninth floor of an apartment complex. I keep wondering, did this complex ever look nice? Or... was it always like this. Joshua thought as they made their ways to the stairs, since the elevator is broken. As they climbed up the stairs, they noticed several things on each floor. Things like: very creative graffiti, blood stains on the walls and floors, some guy knocking on the door angry for his girlfriend to let him in, a guy smoking something that isn't tobacco by the window and a few other things.

Until they finally arrive at the ninth floor. Terrence lives on the door number 919, which was the last door on the corridor.

Joshua and Terrence then started to walk down the corridor. Passing through each door, they hear some sounds coming from each room. Like a couple fighting, someone yelling on the Tv, a baby crying really loud. It's in times like this , that I wish I was deaf. Joshua thought, as the sounds really bothered him.

Soon enough, the two friends arrived at Terry's home. But as Terry was reaching his keys to unlock his door. "How does it look?" He asked while pointing at his lip.

"That you got sucker punched, hold on." Joshua replied as there was still a bit of blood on it. He grabbed one of the sleeves of his jacket and whipped the blood from it.

"That was super gay." Terrence commented.

"Terry, if I was gay, you would be the last guy I would ever be attracted to." Joshua replied to his comment.

"Good to know." Terrence replied sarcastically before unlocking the door of his home. "I'm home!" He announced as the two entered.

At the entrance of Terrence's home, there was a cheap looking carpet on the ground, the walls were painted in a caramel color and there were some family photos on them.

"Take your shoes off!" Terrence's grandmother yelled. Which both of them obeyed.

A few steps from the entrance, there was the living room. On it, there is a couch and a really comfy looking chair beside it. In front of it, there was a table with some cups on it. And a pretty expensive TV.

"Good night, Mr. and Mrs. Higgins." Joshua politely greeted the two.

"Oh, hello Joshua." Terry's grandmother greeted him back. She was called Zuri Higgins. She's a woman in her fifths, with gray hair and light brown eyes. She's overweight but not really obese. She was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey, J." Terry's grandfather also greeted him. He was called Mark Higgins, he was a pretty tall and robust man, with a bald head and a gray beard in a goatee style. Both Terrence and Sean take after him.

"Where's uncle Sean?" Terrence asked as he walked towards the kitchen, that was right after the living room.

"On a meeting at the police station." Mr. Higgins told Terry.

The meeting is probably about me. Joshua assumed.

"He ain't coming home today?" Terry asked in curiosity as he grabbed a chocolate bar.

"Probably not," Mrs. Higgins told him.

I'm gonna listen in to this meeting, thankfully, the bug that I put on Mr. Graham's phone still works. I got to put one on Sean's new phone as soon as I can. Joshua thought as he needed to see what the police were up to.

Terry eats the chocolate bar before speaking again. "Grandpa, can you give Joshua a ride home?" He asked his grandfather.

"I told him I could have taken a bus, but he insisted." Joshua added.

"It's late and it's raining, it's better that Mark drives you home." Mrs. Higgins assured him.

"Let me just pick up a coat." Mr. Higgins told him before standing up from the couch.


Mr. Higgins agreed to give Joshua a ride home. Both entered on a green 1970 AMC Hornet. It's a really nice car, even if it was in a somewhat poor condition. That was Joshua's opinion on the car. As it could really use paint, and one of the windows had a crack on it.

The ride was pretty unremarkable, as Mr. Higgins wasn't a big talker. Joshua spent most of it, looking at the streets during the rain. I honestly don't really know why, why am I still killing people? Is it because of bloodlust? Is it because of a hero complex? Is it because of sadism? I mean, why did I start in the first place? I could have just got the people I killed arrested but I decided to kill them in extremely painful and sometimes over the top ways. But I... I sincerely don't know why I even do it. Joshua then grabbed his phone to text Lydia.

Joshua: Hey, I'm almost home.

Lydia: How was it?

Joshua: I broke a fat guy's ankle, then I threw a guy with dreadlocks on the ground with a judo throw and then T beat the shit out of Jermaine

Lydia: FUCK! I can't believe I missed it.

Joshua: Nah, the asshole filmed everything.


Lydia: Hey, Erika is still here.

Joshua: Don't even think about letting her walk home in this rain.

Lydia: Duh, of course I wouldn't fucking let her. She did try to, but I managed to make her wait until the rain calmed down a bit.

Lydia: WTF are we going to do with Erika?

Joshua: T's grandparents said that Sean is on a meeting at the police station which Erika's dad is probably going to be as well, meaning that he's probably going to stay out until tomorrow.

Lydia: Ummmm...(ーー;) and?

Joshua: (;一_一) You, me and Erika.

Lydia: (ӦvӦ。) Cuddle pile?

Joshua: If she wants.. :-P But don't say anything until I arrive.

Lydia: Then get here already! (TдT) I need cash for the Pizza!

Joshua: On my way.

Joshua then put his phone back in his pocket and resumed to look at the street, but he paid more attention to the rain.

Before the rain, low in the obscure east,

Weak and morose the moon hung, sickly gray;

Around its disc the storm mists, cracked and creased,

Wove an enormous web, wherein it lay

Like some white spider hungry for its prey.

Vindictive looked the scowling firmament,

In which each star, that flashed a dagger ray,

Seemed filled with malice of some dark intent.

The marsh-frog croaked; and underneath the stone

The peevish cricket raised a creaking cry.

Within the world these sounds were heard alone,

Save when the ruffian wind swept from the sky,

Making each tree like some sad spirit sigh;

Or shook the clumsy beetle from its weed,

That, in the drowsy darkness, bungling by,

Sharded the silence with its feverish speed.

Slowly the tempest gathered. Hours passed

Before was heard the thunder's sullen drum

Rumbling night's hollow; and the Earth at last,

Restless with waiting,—like a woman, dumb

With doubting of the love that should have clomb

Her casement hours ago,—avowed again,

'Mid protestations, joy that he had come.

And all night long I heard the Heavens explain.

Joshua just recited a lame poem inside his head as he watched the rain drops at the windshield. I don't even like poetry that much, but for some reason, I keep remembering the ones I read years ago. He thought.


It didn't take too long for them to arrive at Joshua's home. He thanked Mr. Higgins for the ride, before running inside.

As he entered, he quickly took off his shoes and made his way to his room, where Lydia and Erika were.

"H-hey are you hu-hurt?" Erika quickly stood up from his computer chair and went to check on him.

"Not a single scratch, though Terry got sucker punched." Joshua replied.

"He got his own ass into that shit, so good riddance." Lydia spoke while she was sitting on the bed playing his Xbox. "Can we call for the pizza? I'm starving."

"You can call, I'm gonna have a bath and change my clothes." Joshua replied as he opened his closet and grabbed a white long sleeve T-shirt and black sweatpants. "Extra pepperoni." He opened one of the drawers in his desk and grabbed his headphones.

"Extra cheese too." Lydia added with a thumbs up.

He then left his room and made his way to the bathroom, it didn't take long to fill the bathtub with hot water. He took off his clothes but then, he grabbed his phone and connected the headphones on it, before entering the tub.

The reason for that is actually pretty simple, he's going to listen in on the meeting at the police station. Honestly, I wonder if I would have been able to get away with so many murders if the police weren't so overwhelmed. He thought as connected with the bug that he put on Mr. Graham's phone.

"Nothing, not a single clue." He heard Mr. Graham's voice.

"Did they identify the cause of death?" He heard Sean's voice.

"Hypothermia, the killer threw cold water on him after he removed the guy's skin." Mr. Graham explained.

Yeah, the water was pretty cold because of the rain. Maybe I should have heated a bit, it would have prolonged his suffering.

"What the hell was that about anyway?" Sean asked in clear repulsion.

"How should I know, we already established that he's a sick twisted person." Mr. Graham replied, apparently disturbed by his method of killing..

"So, is the Killer the top priority now?" Sean asked in deep confusion. "Why?"

Yeah, I agree with Sean. Why am I a top priority now? I have been killing for a considerable time now.

"Because the SHK has been getting too much notoriety." Mr. Graham spoke in concern. "There is a considerable amount of people that actually support and even admire what he does, hell they even consider him a hero."

"Can't say I blame them." Sean spoke in a somewhat sad voice.

"Sean, I know that what the SHK did to the guys that raped Molita was well deserved. Bu-" Mr. Graham tried to argue but he was interrupted.

"But what? None of the people that he killed will be missed, yeah, the way that he kills them is fucked up but so was their crimes." Sean was quick to rebuff.

"It's not in ours or in anyone's right to be judge,jury and executioner." Mr. Graham also rebuffed. "Especially when it involves torture."

"I agree with that, but that doesn't change the public opinion." Sean pointed out. "I know what our job is, but most people only see him as a guy that murders criminals."

"And that is the reason why he became the top priority." Mr. Graham replied.

"What about everything else?" Sean asked. "The Stranding Parasites and The Haven Devils are still causing trouble, not to mention that the number of missing people in the north area has reached a considerable number." Sean mentioned the other problems.

The Stranding Parasites are a street gang that pretty much controls the upper side of the south of Stranding Haven. They are a pretty violent gang and usually deal with drug distribution. They are identified by a symbol on their clothes, it resembled a very creepy voodoo doll painted in green. Though Joshua doesn't really think that this gang knows anything about voodoo and probably just thought that it looked cool or something.

The Haven Devils are another story, they are a biker gang that resides at the lower side of the south of Stranding Haven. They are more organized but they traffic illegal guns instead. They are identified by the leather jackets that have a symbol of a devil with a shotgun on the back that they wear..

Joshua though doesn't know anything about the missing people in the north area. And now he has an urge to investigate that.

"They will still be a top priority, just below the capture of the SHK." Mr. Graham answered Sean.

"And how in the actual fuck will we catch him? Two veteran detectives failed and one of them turned out to be a fucking crooked cop that the SHK got to first." Sean pointed out.

Oh, yeah. Roy James, the previous detective in charge of my case. The asshole had connections with nearly every criminal in the city. I used the rat torture to kill him, he screamed like s little girl.

"We will have to use what we managed to discover about the killer." Mr. Graham told him. "Do you remember all of them?"

Joshua heard Sean sighing. "The killer has a preference towards man when it comes to his victims, so far in between the ages of eighteen to sixty." It sounded like he was practicing. "Every single one of his victims has the exact same thing in common, they all committed a crime. The killer method of killing seems to revolve around torture, the severity is often depending on the severity of the victim's crime. The killer seems to be very educated as his methods of killing are extremely complex-"

That's enough. Joshua then took off the headphones. So I'm the police's top People are actually agreeing with what I do? Which means that this sudden priority on me is because of the public opinion? Joshua then stood up from the tub. Whatever, they don't have any evidence on me and they probably believe that I'm some guy with several master degrees and not a thirteen year old kid that is still in Middle schoolStill though, I should be a little more careful from here on out.


The Pizza arrived a few minutes after Joshua came out of the tub. Him,Lydia and Erika just eat in his room while watching one of Lydia's favorite films, Big Trouble in Little China. They devoured that pizza pretty slowly as they saw the film.

When it was over, Erika asked when Alma would arrive. Joshua and Lydia told her that she wasn't coming home today and then the invitation came.

"Sle-slee-sleep h-he-here?!" She asked nervously.

"Yeah, it's late and you're dad won't be home until tomorrow." Joshua pointed out.

"Bu-but I-i..." Erika didn't seem to know what to say, Joshua couldn't tell if she was trying to find a reason to not sleep there or trying to convince herself to do it. "I didn't bring a-any sle-sleeping clothes."

"Just grab one of Joshua's shirts and sleep on your panties like I do." Lydia was quick to tell her.

Erika opened her mouth to speak, but quickly closed again and looked down embarrassed.

She's so cute.

"Well?" Lydia asked.

Sometimes I think Lydia is a bigger pervert than me.

Suddenly, she starts to take off the red turtleneck that she was wearing. On her way to the heavy side, she's plump but definitely not fat. Once she took it off revealing the white bra that she was wearing, Joshua and Lydia noticed something.

"Your boobs are getting bigger." Lydia spoke out loud.

She seemed to think that it was a bad thing and covered herself with the turtle neck.

"In a good way." Lydia added. "Mine are still small." She lifts her shirt to show her small breasts on her bra.

"Yours are fine, size isn't everything." Joshua told Lydia as he looked at her. "Though, yours look really nice. He told Erika.

Erika smiled at that comment. She folded her turtleneck and put it on top of the desk.

Joshua then stood up from the bed and went to grab a red T-shirt for Erika. "Here."

"Th-thanks." She said it with a smile before putting it on. It fitted her nicely.

He then looked at her skirt and smiled.

She looked at him embarrassed, before she started to unzip her skirt and pull it down to reveal her white panties.

"Finally, now get over here." Lydia ordered as she lifted the blanket for her to get under it.

Erika obeyed without questioning, she made her way to the bed and lay beside Lydia.

It's a good thing that my bed is big enough. Joshua thought before he went to bed as well.

With that, the three were on the bed. Lydia was close to the wall, Erika was in the middle and Joshua was on the edge. "I'm gonna turn off the lights now."

"W-wait," Erika asked him. She took off her glasses and put them in front of Joshua's lamp.

Joshua then turned off the lights and lay comfortably on his bed. He turned his gaze to the left, where he could see Lydia wrapping her arms around Erika in order to spoon with her with she gladly obliged. Then she looked at him with her gray eyes, although she couldn't see anything without her glasses. He then extended his arm in order to put below Erika and Lydia's heads. Erika responded by putting her head on his chest and wrapping her arms on him, in conjunction with her legs that she wrapped around his left leg. We should definitely do this more often. He thought.

It didn't took long for Erika and Lydia to fall asleep. But Joshua stayed awake a bit more. Tomorrow, I'm going to go have some training with Rhett, though I may look into this missing people on the north area business that Sean mentioned. Maybe. He thought about it before closing his eyes to sleep.


The sky is as blue as my eye. Is this on purpose? Joshua Reese thought as he stared at the blue sky. Laying on a beautiful grass field, below a beautiful looking tree.

But none of it was real. He was just having some kind of lucid dream.

And in a split second later, the beautiful blue sky turned into a terrifying crimson sky. A dark moon appeared at the exact spot that he pointed at. Suddenly, just like that, the corpse of a hanged man appeared on top of him. The corpse was completely featureless, resembling a strange and inhuman doll.

"Why are you bothering me?" Joshua asked.

"Can a man visit his little brother?" Suddenly, the hanging corpse spoke, with a twisted voice that didn't match the person at all.

"You're not a man and I am certainly not your fucking brother." Joshua was quick to rebuff as he despised when he said that they were brothers.

"Ohhh... Don't talk like that..." Suddenly, the corpse fell down on the ground and began to crawl towards him. "It's not like you have a choice anyway." With his tone of voice changing from an annoyingly twisted voice to a deep and nearly demonic sounding one.

"Go bother one of the others and leave me the fuck alone, Cain." He spoke without bothering to make eye contact with that inhuman abomination.

All he heard after saying that was a clap that caused his surroundings to change. Turning the beautiful grass field into a hellish area that was surrounded by sulfur fire, giving a beautiful yet disturbing experience.

With an eye roll, the boy with emo hair performed a Kip-up to stand up from the ground. "You're really trying to piss me off." Joshua spoke as he stood up and changed into a strange looking figure that was wearing a black robe that gave it an appearance that was reminiscent of the Grim Reaper.

The boy with Emo hair just stood up from the ground and got into a fight. A Jeet Kune Do stance to be more precise, as his personal fighting style is primarily built over its philosophy.

After a second, he charged towards Cain and attempted to hit him with a flying kick.



Motherfucker, why was he invading my dream? That was the first thing he thought once he came upon the sight of his room's ceiling. The boy with heterochromia turned his head to the left to check on his two close girl friends.

Erika was profoundly sleeping while hugging him tightly from the side.

Lydia was sleeping just as profoundly while spooning Erika from behind.

We should definitely do this more often. Joshua thought as he observed his friends sleep. Moving his head to the right in order to reach his phone to check what time it was. Ten already? I guess we overslept. He thought in a slight annoyance before he moved to his head back to wake both his blond and ginger friends. "Rise and shine." It was what he said before he caressed Erika's cheek gently.

That caused Erika to open her gray eyes, but Joshua knows that she can't see anything without her glasses. So he reached for them and placed them on her face. Which caused Erika to smile at him. "Mo-morning."

"Morning." He said it back, before he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Which made her blush as a result. Then he moved to look at Lydia, who was a heavy sleeper. "Hey... Wake up." The black haired boy told the blond haired girl while touching her cheek.

"Fuck off." Lydia said to him before holding Erika tightly. Causing Erika to blush even more. "You're so soft." The perverted girl said before sniffing Erika's hair.

Joshua smiled at that, before he decided to join her. Her hair smells like strawberries.

"What time is it?" Lydia asked him.

"Past ten." He informed her as he pulled his head back from Erika's hair.

"Fuck..." Lydia cursed in frustration, before she sat up and rubbed her eyes. "I need to go home, mom needs my help at the Pawn Shop." The blond informed them as she got off the bed. She went to grab her clothes which were on the floor and Joshua and Erika stared at her and she put her jeans back on. Then she was about to take the T-shirt that she borrowed off, but.

"Keep it." Joshua told her as he has enough T-shirts.

Lydia smiled at him in response. "Thanks, buddy."

Joshua just gave a thumbs up, before he turned to Erika. "You should go home, your dad probably noticed your absence." He told her, since her dad probably arrived already.

"D-dad goes st-straight to b-bed when he g-gets home f-from n-night shifts." Erika informed him. "H-he probably didn't n-notice." She adjusted her glasses. "B-bu-but I should probably g-go home t-to make him b-breakfast." The ginger girl just stood up from the bed, but as soon as she did, she remembered that she was only wearing white panties. She tried to cover it by pulling down the T-shirt that she borrowed from Joshua.

But Joshua and,probably Lydia too , thought it was adorable. "Want us to turn around?" Lydia asked her.

"Ummm..." She clearly contemplated.

Joshua smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, right in front of Erika. And without any kind of warning, wraps his arms around her hips and pulls her into a hug.

"Ah.." The ginger girl gasped in surprise.

The boy with emo hair then placed his head on her stomach. "Thanks for spending the night with us, your company was lovely."

"Umm..." Erika was definitely embarrassed, but she started to pat Joshua's head in response. "I-it was no p-problem, at a-all." She spoke happily while stuttering.

"Good, because we're totally doing this again sometime." Lydia decided to add before wrapping her arms around Erika from behind, slightly below her breasts.

"I..." Erika was clearly a little overwhelmed by them. "I-i-i wo-would love t-to." But she expressed her desire to do that again.

Joshua moved his head up to look, only to be met by the sight of her smiling at him. He smiled back, before he removed his arms from her hips. "I have to go somewhere too, so let's walk each other home." The boy with a dark secret told the girls as he stood up from the bed..

"Where are you going?" Lydia asked as she kept hugging Erika from behind.

"Just visit someone, don't ask me who it is, because it's a long story." A long story that I can't exactly tell. He walked towards his wardrobe and opened to decide what to wear.

Lydia then let go of Erika and went to grab her hoodie, which was on the floor next to the door.

Erika moved to grab her clothes, which were perfectly folded on top of Joshua's desk.

Joshua decided to wear beige cargo pants, a white long sleeve T-shirt underneath a black T-shirt with a white skull on the front, and black sneakers.

"You look like a skater." Lydia commented as she pulled up her hoodie.

"I happen to be a very good skater." It was true, though he wasn't a big fan of skateboarding.

"Y-you look great." Erika spoke as she tightened up her skirt.

"So does you," He grabbed his messenger bag. His messenger bag was brown and was filled with badges of cartoon characters. "Come on, I don't want you getting into trouble because of us."


After walking Lydia and Erika to their homes. Joshua continued his path towards his destination. Picking a somewhat crowded bus to arrive at his destination, which was the east side of the South area.


The Serial Killer needed to visit his accomplices.

I really hate this place. It was Joshua's opinion as he walked down an abandoned industrial area. But it does have it's benefits. One of them is the place where he just arrived. The boy with emo hair stopped in front of a large, Victorian mansion.

The house is derelict and is situated in an otherwise abandoned industrial area. It's spectacularly clean, with no trace whatsoever of trash in the yard. It was painted in a bland gray color that strangely fit it's surroundings.

Approaching the entrance, Joshua felt the smell of a cigar. So he looked up and noticed someone smoking in one of the rooms upstairs. It was an old man with a fully recessed hairline but the sides were long and gray, but he was wearing a bandana with the American flag colors. He was wearing sunglasses. The man was called Rhett Wilkes, he's a military veteran. "Enjoying yourself?" Joshua asked.

"I was, until you showed up." Rhett replied with the cigar in his mouth. "Get your ass up here already."


The boy with emo hair then moved towards the entrance and knocked on the door. Kind hilarious since he actually owns the house. He knocked a second time and the door was opened.

"Ah, friend." Joshua was greeted by a very large man, who lifted him off the floor and hugged him tightly.

"Hey David." The boy replied as he returned the hug.

David was a twenty-five year old man. Standing seven-feet tall, Joshua theorizes that he's around two hundred and ten pounds, carrying a lot of strength under that weight. He has a mop of brown curls on his head and is wearing a green jumpsuit with running shoes. His face was a peculiar sight. He was a deformed man due to a condition called Hydrocephalus, which is a condition that forms when there's an abnormally large accumulation of fluids in the skull. Which gives David a deformed head and compressed his brain which resulted in decreased intellectual abilities.

The large man then put the boy down. "Are you still grounded?"

He sadly nodded in response.

"David!" Suddenly, a woman's voice called them from outside. "Come back and help me here!"

"Coming mama." David then turned around and walked back to the kitchen.

Joshua then entered and closed the door behind him. Upon entrance, there was another door with glass on it in front of him and on the right there was a coat rack, with a few jackets hanging on it. There was a M65 Field Jacket, a brown denim jacket, a black blazer and a hoodie. Joshua decided to put his messenger bag on the only empty spot on the rack, which was exclusive to him. Then he passed through the other door and on his left there were two ways to go, one leading to the kitchen and the other to the living room.

The inside of the living room was highly decorated with some expensive looking furniture. But he doesn't need to go there though.

But his destination was the kitchen, where he spotted David sitting on a chair behind a table eating some cereal. And Alma was also there, cooking something.

"Morning Alma." Joshua greeted his legal guardian.

"Morning," Alma was frying some eggs. "Piss off."

"Okay," Joshua made his way towards the seat next to David and Alma placed some scrambled eggs and fried bacon on a plate and put it in front of him. Then she gave him a cup of orange juice. The boy with heterochromia just ate his delicious breakfast made by his legal guardian as he prepared himself for what was about to happen. Once the plate and cup were empty, Joshua took them and put them on the sink.

Alma then finished preparing a nice cheese and ham omelet and a plate of baked beans and sausages. "Could you take this to those two?"

"Of course." Joshua grabbed both plates on each hand and made his way upstairs. On the second floor there were several different doors, each was painted in a different color and had some drawing or stickers on it, all the rooms in the house were actually occupied with people that live in the house, but Alma only cooks breakfast for three people that live there. The first door that Joshua stops on, is a door painted in the color white but with a really detailed drawing of a pixelated spider in the color green that Joshua made himself. He placed the omelet in front of the door and knocked on it three times. "Breakfast!"

After yelling, he made his way to a green door that had an American flag painted on it. Opening the door without knocking, he was greeted by the smell of a burning cigar. "What took you so long?" The room belonged to Rhett.

"I was having breakfast with your son and appreciating your wife's cooking." Joshua told him as he approached him with the plate of eggs and beans.

Rhett's room was pretty simple and bland, having the wall painted in red. A single bed on the right wall a few steps away from the door with a TV in front of it. Some old photos on the other wall, next to a bookshelf that was completely empty. On the other side of the room, right in front of the door, there was a window that had a chair, with a small table that had a bottle of whiskey on top of it.

Joshua then placed the plate on top of the table in front of him. "Appreciating the view?" Outside of the window, there was just an outdoor window with a picture of the ugly face of the Mayor of Stranding Haven.

All that Rhett did was inhale the smoke from his cigar before replying. "Just grab a rifle already." He rushed the boy with emo hair before handing him another cigar.

Joshua grabbed the cigar and placed it inside the left extra pocket on his pants for later. Then he moved towards the bookshelf, which actually hid a secret door behind it. Once it was open, it revealed to be a small room, filled with guns.

Rhett was actually a military veteran, who served in the Marine Corps. He served as Joshua's military instructor to a certain extent.

Joshua then grabbed a sniper rifle, an M24. After getting out of the room, he approached the window. He then pointed the rifle outside of the window and asked. "Where?"

"There are targets all over the place, find them all and shoot as quick as you can. " Rhett instructed him as he eat his breakfast

The boy with Heterochromia then removed his bangs from his green eye and placed it on the scope to aim. It took him thirty seconds to find them all, and twenty-one to actually fire at them all, landing perfect bullseye. "Fifty-one seconds." He informed his instructor.

"Almost impressive." He ordered the boy.

Joshua nodded before he dismantled the rifle in less than twenty-eight seconds, placing the parts inside of his bag.

"Nice... Now I'm out of my room." Rhett bluntly told the boy.

Truth is, Joshua only wanted the sniper rifle since he would need for something that he was planning. "Alright then, enjoy your breakfast." Joshua took the cigar off his mouth after saying that, then he tossed it out of the window.

The boy with emo hair then walked out of Rhett's door and made his way to the room painted in the color white but with a pixelated spider in the color green where he left the plate with the omelet in front of it. "I'm coming in." He said as he knocked on the door three times.

The Inside, was completely dark, the window was covered with a dark cloth and the room had wires, spare parts of electronic devices and boxes of takeout all over the place. There was a bed beside the door, which was messy. But what called the most attention in the room was the giant computer setting in the middle of the room which had six screams.

Sitting in front of the computer was Alma's older son and David's brother. An bald and heavily tattooed individual, that had a gaunt appearance which was ironic since his full body tattoo was of a skeleton. "What do you want?" He bluntly asked without removing his gaze from the computer.

"I need you to hack into the account of a man named Edgar Ridges and transfer all of his money into three separated people." Joshua bluntly responded to him.

"Why are you asking me? You're perfectly capable of doing it yourself." Joshua was indeed a great hacker.

"Because doing that without getting tracked will take time and I want to look into something else in the meantime." The boy with heterochromia explained. "And before you ask, the guy screwed one of my neighbors and I want to teach him a lesson, that's all."

"Fine..." The fully tattooed man replied.

"Thanks Goliath." His name was Goliath.

Joshua then laid on top of Goliath's messy bed and pulled out his cellphone, where he simply put on a Super Nintendo emulator and decided to play Super Mario Kart until the shut-in finishes.


Once Goliath did what Joshua asked, he took a ride with Alma back home. Currently, Joshua was playing guitar inside his room. He was perfectly playing the guitar solo from the song Beat It. As his fingers pretty much moved by themselves, thoughts kept coming inside Joshua's head about certain subjects.

Do I kill people for a good reason? Probably not. Do I feel any remorse for it? Absolutely not. Am I ever going to stop? Eventually. Will I get caught? If I want to. What makes me any different from the people I kill? Being genetically altered. Am I a hero? To some people. Am I a villain? To some people.

He asked himself a lot of questions as he played the guitar solo of the song perfectly.

Beat it (beat it), beat it (beat it)

No one wants to be defeated

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right (who's right)

Just beat it (beat it), beat it (beat it)

No one wants to be defeated (no one)

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Just beat it (beat it), beat it (beat it)

No one wants to be defeated (oh, no)

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Just beat it (beat it), beat it (beat it)

No one wants to be defeated

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Just beat it (beat it), beat it (beat it)

He sang the rest of the song before putting his guitar down. "You're absolutely right." His meaning was regarding the song.

Standing up from his bed, Joshua made his way out of his room and towards downstairs in order to make his way somewhere. That somewhere was one of his neighbor's homes. The penultimate house on the left end of the street, more precisely, it was a somewhat well kept house painted in the color green, except for the damaged roof that was caused by a guy trying to recover his broken drone. He knocked on a nice looking door and a few seconds later, an attractive woman opened the door "Hi, Cindy." Joshua greeted her, and she responded by immediately giving him a hug.

"Oh, I was wondering when you would be visiting, Joshua." Cindy was a very attractive woman in her late twenties, with fair skin, long straight brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a slim body. She was wearing blue jeans, red shoes and a pink shirt.

"Sorry, I had a lot of things to solve this week." Spying, kidnapping and murdering a guy. "Let me guess, working over time?" He was referring to her husband

"As always, but I'm already used to it." Cindy spoke with clear spitefulness in her voice. Her husband was a workaholic and was aiming to get a promotion at his work.

The boy with emo hair approached Cindy. "Am I disturbing you or anything, Ma'am?"

"Not at all." She signalled him to go inside. "Follow me, I have something for you."

The black haired boy complied and made his way inside. Once he was in, she closed the door behind him and moved towards the stairs. He followed the woman towards the stairs. Joshua noticed that the house was strange as there was a lot of materials there. Are they redecorating? It was his best theory as the house wasn't like this the last time he was there.

But he ignored me as he climbed the stairs with the owner of the house. Once they reached the top of the stairs which was painted yellow and the floor had a circle pattern carpet. Soon enough, they arrive at the wooden door at the end of the corridor. She opened and it revealed hers and her husband's room. The room itself was pretty decorated, with the wall painted in purple, with a lot of framed paintings on the wall and a really nice looking violet carpet. There was a couple's bed with a red blanket and two drawers on each side, a wooden wardrobe, a table with a laptop on top of it and some books beside it.

"Sorry about the mess, I'm making some redecorations." She confirmed his theory. He can assume that it's her husband's way to make it up to her over not attending their daughter's presentation.

"I'm sure it will look lovely when it's done. " He told her.

Cindy then moved towards her wardrobe and opened, pulling something out of it. It was a skateboard, and by the looks of it, it was a very expensive one. "You shouldn't have." Joshua said as she handed him the board. It had the image of an anime style mecha on it, the wheels were black and the top had a cracked pattern. "Did you have it custom made?" The answer was obvious.

"The guy that worked on the counter suggested most of it." She revealed it to him.

He has good taste. The boy with Heterochromia thought before he placed on the floor and stood up to hug Cindy. "Thank you."

"You are welcome." She told him while returning his hug.

Both the teenage boy and the adult woman kept on hugging each other for a minute, until Joshua asked. "How long until your husband gets home?" He asked.

"A few hours." She informed him.

Joshua then moved his head back in order to stare into her dark brown eyes. She then caressed his face, before approaching it and pressing her lips into his. It wasn't a simple chaste kiss, but an open mouthed, tongue touching kiss.

The kiss lasted for two minutes in general, until they pulled back. She then looked down and noticed that Joshua was already hard from the kissing. "Sit down." She ordered while gently pushing him to sit on the bed. While smiling, she got on her knees and started to open his pants and pull them down alongside his underwear. Once his dick was out, his neighbor started to stroke it gently before she started to pleasure him with her mouth.

Part of me feels bad for doing this. The idea of having this type of relationship with a married woman is kind of repulsive. But her husband being a neglectful workaholic kind of causes me to not care very much. It did took a bit of psychology and manipulation to make her basically commit statutory rape with me. But in the end, we're both getting what we want, so I really don't care.

Those were Joshua's thoughts and opinions about the situation, which passed through his mind as he received a blowjob from one of his neighbors. Her mouth was warm and wet, and she was going very slowly which felt great. She's really good at giving blowjobs, kind of weird since her husband is an uptight jackass. He wondered as he felt her tongue touch the tip of his dick, right inside of the foreskin.

She gently pulls the foreskin of his dick and begins to lick the tip, little circular motions. She's very enthusiastic about this, her husband is an idiot for constantly choosing work over her. He thought with a smile as she pressed a gentle kiss on his dick while stroking it with her right hand.

But then she suddenly stopped sucking him. But before he could ask why she stopped, she stood up from the floor and removed her shirt, allowing Joshua to see that she was wearing a C-cup beige bra. Then she removed her jeans allowing to see the matching beige knickers. She had a decent looking body, being in a decent physical shape.

Joshua proceeded to remove his shirt, shoes and pants, before he moved back in order to lay on top of her and her husband's bed. Once his head was on the pillow, she smiled and removed the rest of her clothes, allowing him to take a good look at her pink nipples and her trimmed cunt.

Once the adult woman was completely naked, she slowly got on top of the bed and started to move slowly towards the teenage boy.


"And now he just went to bed and fell asleep."

After spending some quality time with the older woman, Joshua put his clothes back on and the two left the room right away to avoid any kind of suspicion in case her husband shows up.

He was currently sitting on top of the kitchen chair drinking some white chocolate milkshake that she made for them. Which was great since Joshua absolutely adores white chocolate.

"It would be somewhat forgivable if you didn't remind him a bunch of times." Cindy was complaining about how her husband forgot their birthday and Joshua was just listening.

"I reminded him seven times and he still forgot." The woman was visibly furious and hurt over it, which kind of explains why she was so into the sex that they had earlier.

"Can I ask, why do these workaholic jackasses even get married or have kids anyway?" It was a serious question. "You just gonna pick your work over them every time and that's disgusting."

"That's precisely why I don't want to have kids." Cindy declared, clearly agreeing with what he said.

Before she could say anything else, Joshua heard his phone. Pulling it out of his pocket to check, he noticed that he had a message.

Golliah: The asswipe that you asked me to hack.

Ah shit...

Joshua: Where?

He sent him the address.

"Sorry, I have to go now." Joshua informed Cindy as he finished his milkshake.

"Aahhh, now?" Cindy whined in response.

"Your husband should be home soon." Joshua reminded her.

"Fuck him." Cindy waved it off, clearly not caring about it.

"Unfortunately, I have to go." He really did. "Thanks for your hospitality, ma'am."

"Don't be silly, it was my pleasure." She told him with a smile before she approached and kissed him on the lips.

With that, the boy with heterochromia waved the lovely lady goodbye before he grabbed his new skateboard and went to the door. It was already night, dark and relatively cold. So Joshua went back to his house in order to grab his messenger bag and a dark blue flannel shirt to wear over his shirt. Once he grabbed what he needed, Joshua locked the doors of his home and placed the keys in his pocket, before he moved towards the empty street. Some soundtrack. He thought as he placed his wireless earphones on his ears and put on some music.

Juss wakin' up in tha mornnin', gotta thank God

He immediately jumps on his new skateboard in order to make his way to his location.

I don't know but today seems kinda odd

No barkin' from the dog, no smog

And momma cooked a breakfast with no hog

I got my grub on, but didn't pig out

Finally got a call from a girl I wanna dig out

Hooked it up fo' later as I hit the do'

He rode down the street at a relatively normal speed with perfect balance.

Thinkin', "Will I live another twenty-fo'?"

I gotta go 'cause I got me a drop top

And if I hit the switch, I can make the ass drop

Had to stop, at a red light

Lookin' in my mirror, not a jacker in sight

Turning to the corner, he noticed some cars passing by but he easily avoided them and continued to ride down the street.

… And everything is alright

I got a beep from Kym, and she can fuck all night

Called up the homies and I'm akksin' y'all

Arriving at another corner, he saw a car going to the direction that he was going, so he grabbed the car's behind in order to get a free ride.

Which park, are y'all playin' basketball?

Get me on the court and I'm trouble

Last week fucked around and got a triple-double

Freakin' niggas every way like M.J.

I can't believe, today was a good day

Once the necessity for a ride was done, Joshua let go of the car, but took a very decent impulse that allowed him to continue his path with a decent velocity.

… Drove to the pad, and hit the showers

Didn't even get no static from them cowards

'Caus jus' yesterday, dem fools tried ta blast me

Saw da police, and they rolled right past me

No flexin', didn't even look in a nigga's direction

As I ran the intersection

Went to Short Dog's house, they was watchin' Yo! MTV Raps

Soon enough, he arrived at his first destination. A black van with a peace symbol painted in purple on it.

… What's the 'haps on the craps?

Shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em!

Why the fuck did he park here? The boy with heterochromia thought as he approached the door for the driver's seat after he turned off the music, took off his earphones, and placed it on his bag. And he even let the thing open. He thought in annoyance before he entered the car. Taking a look at the back of the van, it was decorated in a green color, with posters of naked women on the sides, there was an orange sleeping bag, a fan, a portable heater, a small refrigerator and lots and lots of bags of Marijuana that were hidden inside the small refrigerator.

After a sigh, he pulled out his phone.

Joshua: Can you see where he is at the moment?

He received an address.

Alright. Moving to the driver's seat, Joshua decided to hotwire the van. And...Here...We...Go... He thought as the van started.


Once Joshua arrived at the destination by driving the van, he left the vehicle in a secluded area alongside several other cars. Then he went to search for the owner of the van. It was a scrawny brown haired guy in his late teens that always wore an ugly purple hat with that peace symbol. He was also wearing a green hoodie, brown jeans and a white T-shirt that had a mustard stain on it. His name PJ, Joshua never really bothered to know his actual name and frankly, he didn't really care.

Once he saw his target, Joshua immediately moved towards the guy. The black haired boy placed his skateboard on the straps of his messenger bag.

"Dude, I'm telling you, this is high quality?" PJ was speaking with a guy, trying to sell him some weed. As he did that, however, Joshua "accidentally" bumped into him. "Hey!"

"Sorry." Joshua apologized before he kept walking.

"Stupid kid." PJ spoke before moving back to look at the guy, not realizing that Joshua put something inside of his hoodie's pocket.

The Serial Killer then made his way towards a big and nice looking house where a house party was going down. The house had two floors, had a worn-out color on the walls. Passing through a bit of grass, he arrived at the back of the house where a bunch of people were dancing to a loud music and jumping on a swimming pool. I hate that song. He thought before he placed the earphones on his ear, not to listen to anything but to cover his ears so he wouldn't hear the music that was playing. As he stepped there, some people actually noticed him and he could tell that they were talking about him. But his ears were covered, so he couldn't hear them and he really didn't care. Moving past the pool, the boy with emo hair arrived at a glass door that seemed to lead to a living room where a bunch of people a few years older than him were dancing, too distracted to notice him. On his left, there was a nice looking kitchen where the counter was filled with bottles of alcoholic substances. Approaching, he noticed that the kitchen had people there, a bunch of guys in their underwear, clearly because they just got all of the pool. They were knocking out shots of whiskey and laughing like morons.

But Joshua didn't really care, he just made his way to the refrigerator in order to see what was inside. Which wasn't much, some leftover sandwich, yogurt that seemed to be expired, ketchup, mustard and a glass bottle filled with milk. Eh... He grabbed the milk there and opened it in order to check if it was spoiled. It wasn't, so he grabbed a plastic cup that he saw on the counter. As he was filling his cup up, he noticed the guys staring at him. The boy simply ignored them before he placed the glass bottle back on the refrigerator and closed it.

Only to notice a guy standing behind it, trying to talk to him, but he couldn't hear anything. Taking the wireless earphones out of his ear exposing himself to the awful music, in order to hear what the guy was saying.

"How old are you?" A tall guy with a stocky physique and a buzz cut wearing white trunks asked him.

Joshua simply drank from his cup very slowly before responding to him. "Doesn't matter, I'm just looking for the bathroom." He bluntly told the guy.

"What?!" The guy heard him loud and clear. "Who the fuck let you in?!"

Once again, Joshua drank from his cup slowly before answering. "The door was open." It was true.

"Look, get the fuck out of here, this ain't a place for you." The guy rudely told him to get out of there.

It was understandable though, so Joshua would let it pass. The boy with emo hair then finished his cup of milk before responding to it. "Would you kindly tell me where the bathroom is?" He asked politely. "I really need to use it and my house is kind of far away."

The guy sighed. "Upstairs, first door on the right." He told Joshua." But get out once you're done."

"Okay, thanks." He placed the empty cup on the guy's hand before he moved to find the stairs.

Passing through the other guys in trunks, Joshua moved back to the living room where several people were dancing. He moved his head to see some of the girls there, some had really cute butts and watched as they shakes them. Luckily, he arrived at the stairs and quickly made his way. Unlike downstairs, it was empty on the second floor, moving to the right like the guy said, Joshua made his way to the first floor, though as he did, he noticed some portraits on the wall. Oh, so it's his house. The portraits were of the guy that just told Joshua to get out of the party.

Arriving at the first door on the right, Joshua noticed that it was a pretty messy bathroom, with stuff knocked on the floor, towel on top of the shower drain and a lot of other stuff not worth mentioning.

"Damn..." It was Joshua's opinion about the messy bathroom. Closing the door behind him and locking it, Joshua moved towards the toilet in order to take a leak. As he was peeing however, he felt his cell phone vibrating. After he finished, he closed the toilet seat and sat on top of it to check his phone.

Terrence: What's up?

Joshua: Sup.

He placed his messenger bag with his skateboard still strapped on it, on his lap.

Terrence: Check!

Terrence sent him a video. Before he pressed the play on the video, Joshua decided to finally light that Cigar that Rhett had given to him. Reaching for his extra pocket on his cargo pants, he grabbed the cigar and placed it on his mouth. Then he opened his bag and grabbed a lighter and a cigar cutter that he used to cut to tip. Then he lightened the cigar, placed it on his mouth and began to smoke it. Then he checked the video, which showcased a shootout occurring between a street game and the police right in front of Terrence's apartment. Shit... He thought as it zoomed and showed a guy shooting at a police car with an submachine gun that Joshua can't really identify due to the distance.

Joshua: Reason behind it?

Terrence: I don't think it matters man.

Joshua: You're probably right.

He puffed out some smoke from his mouth before continuing to text his friend.

Joshua: Wanna hang out tomorrow?

Terrence: Can't.

Terrence: Grandpa wants me to help with some shit after school.

Joshua: Okay.

He enjoyed the taste of the cigar.

Terrence: So, did you and Lydia fucked?

Joshua rolled his eyes in response.

Joshua: No.

Terrence: WIMP!

He chuckled in response.

Terrence: Anyway, I'm gonna drop dead now.

Joshua: Good night.

Terrence: Night.

After finishing his texting with Terry, Joshua continued to enjoy the taste of the cigar. A few minutes passed by, and he stayed there until the cigar was completely burned. As soon as it was, Joshua stood up, opened the toilet and tossed the last bit of cigar in the toilet and flushed. He adjusted his bag as he watched the cigar disappear down the toilet.

Time to bounce. He thought as he opened the door in order to leave that house. But as soon as he opened the door, he noticed some noise coming from his left. Turning his head to the left and slightly leaning his head out of the door frame. He saw two people trying to open the door. Or, more precisely, a guy trying to open the door while holding a girl that was barely standing. Is she drunk or did he put something on her drink? Both are bad but the latter is much worse. Soon enough, the guy opened the door and pulled the barely reacting girl inside the room and closed the door behind him. Shit... Joshua thought as he slowly moved past the door frame and walked towards the door, he tried to open but realized that it was locked. Ah, shit! He thought as he immediately reached inside his messenger bag for his lockpick in order to unlock the door. It only took him ten seconds to unlock that simple lock.

Opening the door slowly, he saw that it was a couple's room, it was quite bland with only a few pictures on the wall, a chair with a bookshelf and a lamp next to it and a wardrobe. But then he saw the couple's bed there, where the guy placed the clearly drugged girl on top of it. No way that she's just drunk. He could tell.

The guy was a big and relatively overweight looking guy, but he looked strong. He had short hair black in a slickback style and was wearing matching blue jeans and a denim jacket. The girl was a beautiful dark skinned girl with curly hair.

The guy was striping her naked. But while he did, Joshua placed his bag on the floor and pulled out a pair of rubber gloves and put them on. Then he removed his emo hair from his green eye. Once the girl was completely naked, the guy started to take off his clothes as well. An exceptionally unpleasant sight, which Joshua decided to take advantage of. The boy started to remove the shoelaces of his left shoe as the guy unbuttoned the black shirt that he was wearing under that jacket. But once his shoelaces were off, he slightly rolled each end of it on his hands. The guy took off his top and wasted no time in removing his pants in an uncontrollable anticipation. Sadly, his anticipation was short lived, since as he was distracted by the girl's named body, he didn't notice the boy with heterochromia entering the room stealthily while closing the door behind him, not completely as it would make a noise.

The moment that the guy was naked and was about to jump the girl, Joshua wrapped the shoelace around his neck from behind and kicked the back of his knee, causing him to fall back due to Joshua's pulling him by the neck. The two fell on the floor with Joshua using all of his strength to straggle the rapist using the shoelace that he wrapped around his neck. The rapist struggled but Joshua's positioning didn't allow him any room to escape him. The struggle that the guy was doing would have attracted a lot of attention, if there wasn't very loud music going on downstairs and a lot of people dancing.

One,two,three,four,five,six,seven, eight,nine,ten, That was the time it took for the guy to stop struggling. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. That was the time it took for him to die.

With that, Joshua let go of the guy and unwrapped his shoelace from around his neck. Standing from the floor afterwards and taking a deep breath before exhaling air. Moving to the door in order to check if there was someone in the corridor, he grabbed his bag from the floor and closed the door. His head then moved to the bed, where he saw the attractive dark skinned girl with her eyes closed and she was unmoving but breathing. The boy observed her naked body for a bit before he decided to go grab a blanket on the wardrobe and cover her with it. Beautiful.

Then he moved towards the guy to check on him. Disgusting. He checked under the bed, which was empty. Good hiding spot since the bed sheets covered nicely and someone would only notice something if they actually checked. He thought before he started to drag the guy and put him under the bed, no easy task, but he managed. He hid the guys clothes under there as well, not before he took a cellphone from his disgusting jeans just to check his name. Harold Plenuno password, ignored messages to a girl named Joyce. That was his name, he memorized all of his victims names and the girl's name was apparently Joyce.

Joshua actually used his phone to make a phone call to the police.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, there is a guy selling drugs to a bunch of teenagers. The address is 6366 Hackett Burgs. He is driving a van with the license plate; WB 06 F 5977. There is some kind of house party going on with loads of alcohol and some of the people there are clearly underaged. Kindly send an officer here to put an end to it please."

Dropping the phone on the floor, Joshua actually proceeded to put the lace back on his shoes. It took two minutes to do that and once his shoelaces were put back, he stomped on the phone but picked it back up and put it inside his pocket in order for him to dispose of it somewhere on the way home.

Joshua then moved towards the window of the room which led to the side of the house. He looked through the window for a bit in order to check if there was anyone outside. There wasn't, so Joshua decided to open the window and without any second thoughts, he jumped down and landed on his feet.

Super crowded party, lots of possible suspects, no one knew who I was, no clue left other than a cup in a party filled with used cups. The boy with emo hair thought about all of the details as he walked away from the house.