chapter 10

Attack on Washington

Ben stood gazing at the Capitals Senate building the large domed building had always caught his imagination, yet, this wasn't the first time that he had seen it, "I wish that Stacey had come with me?" He said to himself as he began walking slowly towards the building, "how she would have loved it here." The journey for Ben had been a lonely one as he had crept out alone from Haven, no, one knew where he was going well besides Stacey, now more than ever he missed her company, as he made his way towards the large building a large crowd of people gathered, some were politicians whist others were civilians, whenever someone saw he they flashed a friendly smile, Ben returned this back, "thank God these people don't know who I am!"

He said to himself as he made his way up to the steps outside the Senate, no, sooner had he done this, he noticed four people walking slowly towards him, there were three woman and one man all of them dressed in suits, "Peter aids no doubt." Ben said to himself as he slowly walked to meet them, one of the women was tall with medium black hair she wore a white shirt and a black skirt, the other woman who was smaller in height had pale white skin and long flaming hair which she kept in a pony tail, the other aid was of medium height and was of Chinese origin, all three of them had a friendly smile on their face, "my God, look who it is girls!"

Shouted the black woman as Ben came running up to meet them, "Ben?" Said the Chinese girl in a surprised voice, "we thought that you would have been captured?" Ben looked at them smiling, "it's great to see you Kerry, Jennifer and you too Liz," he said as he threw his arms around all three, he then stopped what he was doing as he saw the man, "who is this?" He asked in surprise as he turned to Kerry, "another one of Peters supporters?" Liz looked at him, "no, Ben this is Steve Strong the Presidents military advisor," Ben turned towards Steve the man had an unpleasant look about him, his face looked wore and leathery like that of an elephant, he wore a green jacket and a white shirt, "I've heard so much about you Ben." The old man said as he held out a hand, "Presidents Matthew's has told me a lot about you." Ben gripped his hand and began shaking it, "indeed, he made no mention of you before!" He said back in an icy voice, he then turned to Kerry, "where is the President and is he safe?" Strong laughed at this, "don't worry yourself the President is in a safe house," Ben then let go of the man's hand there was something about him that he didn't like, "Ben," Kerry said in a low voice, "the senate is upping security as we heard about what happened in London but don't worry we are all safe here!" Even as she said this Ben felt uneasy as it reminded him of the time of the night Chris went missing, "well Mr. Fox," Strong interrupted, "it's been a pleasure meeting you I hope that we can do it again some other time?" The old man then walked slowly down towards the steps and on the pavement got into a car, "well that was brief?" Jennifer snapped, "I thought that he would have stayed?"

Ben watched as the car raced off as he watched it he thought that he heard rumbling in the distance? "Ben? What is it?" Kerry asked, "you seem unsettled is anything wrong?" He was about to say something when a large black van caught his eye, it stopped for a moment on the other side of the road then was a clang as a large door was pushed open, out walked a squad of heavily armed and armored men, Ben watched them in terror, as he did so he turned to the three women their faces frozen as these were the same soldiers that had been involved in the attack in London, "well, well fancy meeting you here?" Came a voice that Ben knew all too well, looking in front of his he saw the large towering Shadow, the Mega human skin had a sickly grey tone he was wearing a long black leather coat, behind him came the smaller Watcher, "Ben Fox long time no see."

Ben looked at them both, his teeth gritting, and his hands raised into fists, "what do you two want here?" Shadow then started laughing, "oh, you will see Fox!" He said in a mocking tone as he raised one of his hand into a fist, as he did this three black holes appeared below the three women's feet, screaming they then were dragged down into God knows where, Ben turned to them and then turned to face the other Mega Human, "you bastard where did you send them!?" He shouted in a voice that was filled with rage and anger, "oh, don't worry little Fox," Watcher said back, "those three slags are with the boss now ready to be transformed into Mega Humans!"

Without thinking what he was doing Ben charged at the taller Mega human before he could get close he felt something holding him, turning his head he saw that he had was now being held by a large cluster of vines, he then turned his head quickly back around only to be hit by one of the soldiers knocking him out cold, "what do we do with him?" Asked a female voice, "the boss wants him unharmed," came Watchers answer, "come Shadow and Eco we have got work to do here Fox can wait a bit." Bens body then was carried into the van by two of the soldier's whist the other members of the Outcast gathered more human prisoners.