Are we still doing this?

She thought that cooking and organizing the house was therapy but, having a long drive with chilling bangers blasting through the speakers had a whole chapter to it.

She never realized that she knew a lot of new songs until she started singing along with Aiden. It was fun to just let a fantasy be an escape for a second.

"So, what's the plan?" Asked Philip expectantly.

"Groceries first. We need to buy the whole farm if we can" Replied Aiden seriously making Philip chuckle.

"How many are there in your house?" Asked Philip with a smile.

"A lot and some of them eat more than you can imagine. So, with your mood today it's perfect!" Replie Aiden truthfully. He was just excited to have Philip, out of the apartment for the day and meeting his family was just a bonus.

"Now I'm scared" Said Philip getting cold feet only to hear the "You should be" from Aiden. What an ass!.

And as promised. They went to shop in a literal farm with dirt and everything. She was never one to dirty her manicured nails but, she felt compelled to dig out her own ingredients. It had a vibe to it.

"Are you having fun?" Asked Aiden when he took a basket full of carrots from Philip.

"A blast! How come I never knew this place ever existed?" Questioned Philip to no one I particular but, Aiden felt obligated to answer.

"Because, it's not up yet for customers" Replied Aiden simply getting dirt off Philip's face.

"So, then why are we here?" Asked Philip confused.

"Its our farm and part of a project, of course" Replied Aiden casually but, stopped when he didn't feel Philip behind him moving, "What's wrong? You want more carrots?"

"Like you are seriously the one who's paying everyone here?" Asked Philip impressed making Aiden feel embarrassed.

"They are paying themselves if you look at it from my perspective" Said Aiden before dragging Philip to his favourite place there. The dairy.

"And a whole industry?" Questioned Philip, stunned. What can't that man do?. Was this how it felt to have a billionaire husband? Should she just retire and just enjoy?

"Try their yoghurts. The best!" Said Aiden after accepting a glass of yoghurt from one of the employees.

Philip didn't know why she didn't notice them before but, everyone was giving her the side eye there. Like she was this nauseating creature beside Aiden. One that you can't unsee once you saw it.

"You are not a fan of yoghurts, are you?" Asked Aiden worriedly before taking the glass from her but, she held on to it tightly.

"Can we go now?" Said Philip in a trembling voice when it was clear just how much those people didn't want her there.

"Of course, darling" Said Aiden tenderly before leading her to where they came from, only to find their groceries already put in the car.

"You are leaving so soon?" An old woman asked when she saw Aiden opening a door for Philip.

"Yeah, we have a big day ahead of us" Replied Aiden in short.

"And is that your partner?" Asked the woman peeking behind Aiden.

"Oh, I never introduced you two" Said Aiden with a laugh, "So this is Philip my boyfriend and baby, this is the manager here, Matilda.

Though I'm used to calling her an old hag"

"Call me that one more time and you'll see yourself walk with a wheelchair!" Threatened Matilda before walking to Philip who was just smiling there awkwardly, "Next time, please stay for a cup of tea"

"I'll try to remember that" Said Philip cautiously before climbing to the car and close the door. Fast.

"Is she okay?" Asked Matilda in a worried tone making Philip ache. She didn't know what she wanted. She didn't like seeing those scorned stares but, even with people like Matilda she still felt judged or schemed at.

"That's what I'm going to find out but, thank you for what you did to this place. It looks amazing!" Complimented Aiden before kissing matilda goodbye and walking to his side of the car.

Aiden didn't turn anything on for few seconds until Philip looked at him with his sad eyes, "I have a problem, Aiden"

"Don't we all have one of those pills?" Said as he started the car and drove away, leaving Matilda with a welcoming smile and her rosary in hand.

"She's so old to still be working though" Said Philip looking back at Matilda.

"That's what I always tell that old hag but, you know what she always say?" Aiden left the question hanging and Philip took the bait excitedly, "What?"

"Are you talking to me?" Aiden replied when imitating Matilda's old voice making Philip laugh. One might see how much of a sassy queen Matilda was from a first look.

"But, yeah she's a very competent woman. Strong will, sharp mind and a very good judge of character" Said Aiden on a serious tone.

"I like her" Said Philip with a smile. Matilda felt like a warm light on a cold night.

"And she loves you" Said Aiden with a big smile.

"That fast? Now, I'm scared" Said Philip with a gasp.

"Believe me. That woman never initiates an introduction. It's either you picked up good quality vegetables or simply lovable" Replied Aiden with a shrug.

"Or maybe it's because her boss was busy being a slave for me" Chimed Philip thoughtfully.

"That woman? She hates people's bullshit, and kissing asses? Not a good look on her" Said Aiden before turning to face Philip, "Are we still doing this, baby"

"As terrifying and strange as this is. I really want to cook a big meal"

Said Philip giving the go ahead.

"How about you start with your own breakfast on the back, there?" Suggested Aiden gesturing to where the food Philip prepared was neatly placed in containers.

"I do feel hungry" Said Philip before raiding them.

"Then eat because, you will going to need the energy" Said Aiden meaningfully.

They took another forty to reach Aiden's home. It wasn't a really fancy place but, it wasn't shabby either. It's like the idea was to preserve its history.

As soon as his car made inside the gate, they were met with so many people with the others on the windows.

"Are they all your family?" Asked Philip not being able to control his panic. They were a lot!

"I don't know most of them" Replied Aiden with a laid back attitude hoping that it could induce a calming effect to Philip. It wasn't doing shit.

Aiden panicked when he saw Philip having trouble breathing, "Okay, hold on tight and we'll be out of here in a second!"

But, sadly Debbie was already on the back of the car so, Aiden couldn't put it on reverse and got stuck there with an overwhelmed Philip.

Aiden was desperate, he tried the horns on Debbie to no success, he even rolled down his window to shout at them. All it did was making Debbie shout back and going to try to open the car door making Philip feel worse.

Good thing after two decades with those symptoms? He finally succeeded in fainting in the car.