Aiden's day wasn't any better in the slightest. He simply used the whole day to reflect on his actions, nothing flowed according to plan that day, not his work, not his classes... He was intensely distracted.
He was definitely scared, since it wasn't a one time thing with Philip wishing for a break up, should he just concede? Does it feel suffocating to be with him that much?
How come he can never make people stay? What's so wrong with being with him? Was it his temper? His clinging behaviour? His overly protective attitude?
"You don't look so good" He heard Mia's voice before she came into view. She looked... really great! Was it the touch of make up? The change of hairstyle? Or the fact that she was over him? Was he really the reason why Mia looked average before?
"Why are you here?" Asked Aiden not feeling the need to be civil about it.
"I was just around the corner and remembered that you used to teach here and with luck, I saw your car out front so, here I am!" Explained Mia as she walked to sit opposite Aiden in his office.
Aiden didn't know what was at play but, he knew better than to take things lightly with Mia. They had many good memories together but, so did the bad. She was the type who loves stirring up drama and unnecessary conflicts.
"I thought we established my work to be an exception" Reminded Aiden in a hushed tone.
"You can't be serious!" Mia laughed bitterly before, looking around and rested her eyes on Aiden's colleagues, "I honestly thought that it was because, you had a chick on the side here but, now? Why was I banned to come here? I mean, I'm not even your acquaintance?"
"This, here, is the reason why" Replied Aiden casually, shutting down his laptop, "How can I help you?"
"I just came back from the clinic" Replied Mia seriously, giving Aiden the hospital papers which, he accepted.
"Anything wrong with the baby? With you?" Asked Aiden worriedly. He didn't know how much he needed to be a father or if he was even ready to be one but, he apparently didn't like the thought of losing his child more.
"Relax, the doctor said that it's healthy but, I have to return to the clinic with you on my next appointment. It's a must" Clarified Mia with a roll of her eyes.
"Why?" Asked Aiden genuinely confused.
"I don't know, Aiden! Because, you are the father of my child?" Replied Mia harshly making the whole office to go silent and focus on them. And Aiden wasn't happy about it.
"Can we please speak like we are in the same space?" Suggested Aiden with a hardened tone and face.
"Did you ever love me, Aiden?" Asked Mia hurt.
"I thought it was obvious, Mia" Retorted Aiden feeling his anger rising.
"Then why... Why did I always feel like a dirty secret when I was with you? Why wasn't I ever enough? You were never there when you were in my arms" Accused Mia.
"... I didn't know" Replied Aiden with a low tone, reminiscing on everything they did together with Mia and never once was he, absent minded so how come Mia was hurt. What the heck has he done?
"Well, I hope whatever you were looking in me, you found it in him because, being used hurts" Said Mia with a clear conscience.
"I don't think he's an exception either apparently" Mumbled Aiden as he rubbed his hands on his face, frustrated.
"What's wrong between you two?" Asked Mia with concern and when she saw the hesitation in Aiden's eyes, she added, "I swear, I'm only asking because we are going to be a family soon"
"Philip..." Trailed off Aiden before, he decided not to, "Grayson. How was he towards you?"
"Did he threaten Philip?" Questioned Mia with a laugh, she was amused but, hurt at the same time. For her? Grayson was like the second girlfriend, the jealous type. Only when he feels threatened, would he let his talons seen.
It took Grayson, eight months to hate her but, it only took Philip, what? Two days to be hated?
"Why haven't you ever told me anything about this?" Asked Aiden, feeling betrayed. He was supposed to protect Mia from everything and everyone so, how?
"Simple. I'm a woman. I don't give out my battles so, people can fight for me" Replied Mia simply like it was a fact.
"But, I was your boyfriend! Your man..." Reminded Aiden weakly.
"And he is your best friend! I didn't want to be the reason why you guys fall apart. I can't fit his position in your life so, I just survived. I guess" Explained Mia before, returning her attention on the subject, "Did Philip rat him out?"
"How I wish that was the case but, no. He ran away after an encounter with Grayson" Replied Aiden with a sigh.
"Geez, how I remember the feeling" Reminisced Mia with a nostalgic smile on her face.
"What should I do to make her stay?" Begged Aiden desperately looking at Mia.
"Your Philip? Baby, try to listen before, you guilt trip him into staying with you" Advised Mia
"I do listen!" Answered Aiden too quickly.
"Not with your heart though. Try to hear those trapped feelings and work them out together. I wish I did the same with you" Said Mia with a sad smile. She regrets not much in her life but, letting her insecurities rule her head was her biggest.
"I can't believe, I'm unloading my problems to you. No offense" Said Aiden with a sad smile.
"None taken. I'm now coming to term that we are better off as friends" Replied Mia before turning back to their audience, "Does they know that you are gay, yet?"
"They know about Philip and they are quite eager to meet him actually" Answered Aiden as he waved his hand to them making them blush from embarrassment.
"He's lucky then. I was never a point to show off, I guess" Said Mia, "Does any of them know about me?"
"I'm sorry" Apologized Aiden, embarrassed but, Mia was past holding anything against Aiden. She was never one to work out her worries and he was always the oblivious type. Who only sees what's shown to him.