The Ring of Our Time

When I read that this lunatic allegedly hated the film on which he based his "fanfreak", I couldn't help but laugh. He himself admitted that the film was the basis for all his nonsense, and now, after all this time, he claims that he hated it? That's a complete contradiction! It meant that if he hated the film, he also hated my wife, because she was part of that film.

But then why all this? Why did he dedicate his songs to her, why did he create this idiotic website, if he hated her? The answer was obvious - it was just a way to demonstrate his disappointment. He could not accept the fact that his idealized, "pure" Asia, which he saw in his fantasies, turned out to be not what he wanted her to be. All these songs, paintings, the website - all this was just a painful way of self-expression.

I realized that this jerk wasn't Russian, but a Canadian who was trying so hard to present himself as someone else, someone mysterious and mystical. He was creating this world around himself, surrounding his hatred of the film and my wife with a false aura of tragedy, as if it were all important and complicated. But in reality, he was just a weak man who hid behind myths and fictions, even about his identity.

I saw it all clearly now. He wasn't just a fan, but a disgruntled fan who was creating his own version of reality, where he could be a hero. And all this "Russianness" was his way of justifying his thoughts and feelings, creating an aura of inaccessibility and genius around himself. In reality, everything was much simpler and, as it turned out, unremarkable.

I wanted to go to him and talk. Right now. I wanted to see him, this Canadian who had so strangely rewritten reality and created this whole madhouse. I was ready to look him in the eye, hear his explanations, ask why he had twisted all the facts so pervertedly, why he had staged this farce with the Russian origin. How dare he play with human destinies, with memories, even if it was only an illusion, a figment of his imagination.

But at some point I realized - what should I even tell him? This man, who distorted my wife, her image, and put all his pathetic hatred into his texts, did not deserve my time or attention. I could not prove anything to him, because he himself did not believe in his reality.

But deep down I wanted to meet him. I wanted to at least understand what he was really like - the one who didn't dare to be himself and tried so hard to be someone great.

And then I remembered. In the book written by an anonymous author, it was said that Vitaly Ivolginsky hanged himself. Died. It was the end, for him, for his torment, for his meaningless existence. He could not be alive, because in this very story his death had already been recorded.

So all this searching, my attempts to find out who he really was, were in vain. He didn't exist. Just some phantom traces, a mosaic of his writings, of his hatred, of his obsession. He was dead. None of it mattered. I couldn't find him because he was gone.

And so, sitting in my room, I felt a strange uneasiness. Vitaly Ivolginsky was dead. It was a fact, recorded in the book I was reading. His heart no longer beat, and the stuffy atmosphere filled with his endless songs and letters was gone. He was just a character, a figment of someone else's imagination. But then a terrible realization struck me: his world, his work - they are still alive. And they live on this site.

The site this psycho had created was the last thing that remained of his twisted passion. All his songs, his pictures, his delirious "fanfreak" - they were alive. They existed outside of him, they remained on the Internet, in these files that could be found and viewed, as if they had become part of reality. He was dead, but his creations did not disappear. And what was worse, they continued to exist without his presence, as if they had become independent, living beings existing in this creepy virtual space.

I couldn't forget scrolling through that site. All those songs, full of painful love and hate, paintings that captured images from his terrible world, and, of course, that "fanfreak" - his multi-layered fiction, created based on the film with my wife. Every page was soaked in his obsession, every sentence echoed his anger and passion. He might be dead, but all those parts of him, all those projections of his mind, continued to exist and affect me.

It was a nightmare for me. How could I ignore it? The site existed, and its content was alive, filled with the emotions he put into those lines and pictures. I didn't know how to cope with it. This whole world, his world, continued to torment me even after his death. All those questions, doubts, his fanaticism - they were all alive, and now, instead of disappearing with him, they continued to be part of this dark reality.

I opened the site again and started scrolling through its pages. The words he had left behind flickered on the screen: songs filled with pain, his fan works, pictures that became illustrations of his inner world. But the most terrible thing was that his work seemed immortal, it was forever recorded on this network, forever remaining as his memory. And I, it seemed, was his last witness.

What do I do now? What do I do with this legacy? This site that continued to exist as if it were not connected to the dead man, but part of a new world in which his madness continued to affect everyone who visited it?

When I first saw this site, I was thinking only about myself. I was stunned by how deeply this psycho had infiltrated my life, how his obsession with Asia Vieira had turned into this vile phantasmagoria that now had its own life on the Internet. I was excited, scared, and didn't know what to do with this horror. But then it dawned on me - the site wasn't just available to me, it was available to absolutely everyone. Not just me, but anyone who might stumble upon these pages. And who could see it?

My heart sank with fear when I realized that absolutely anyone could get to the site besides me. Not just adults who could understand what kind of nonsense this was, not just those who were familiar with this story, but also innocent children. The site could be accessible on phones and computers, and someone could stumble upon it by accident. Someone who didn't even understand what it was, who had no idea what was behind these pictures and songs. It was terrifying. I couldn't help but think about how little children would perhaps see this site without understanding its full obscurantist essence.

And then I started to see a picture of how this freak was drawing his girl. He drew her in a cartoon style, with bright colors and soft lines, as if he wanted to create an image of a defenseless child. This girl was his ideal, but it was not a pure image of a child. It was a perversion covered by a mask of naivety, which could be a terrifying revelation for those who did not understand what was really hidden behind it. Pictures of her in a dress, with a smile on her face - they seemed harmless, if not for the darkness that lurked behind these images.

I can't imagine what would have happened if a child had stumbled upon the site. They wouldn't have understood anything, but this information, these images, this world built by this psycho, could have traumatized them, disrupted their perception of the world. Poor children, into whose hands this horror could have fallen! Not only their psyche would have been at risk, but also their future perception of the world, relationships, respect for themselves and others. He used the image of an innocent girl to seduce, manipulate, and it was truly terrifying.

Children could see her in this innocent guise and take her as a role model, unaware that she is actually part of this mental nightmare. And for someone who connects such images with reality in their dreams and fantasies, this could be disastrous.

And the worst thing is that this site continued to exist, as if its artificial worlds and dangerous ideas were completely separated from real life. For this maniac, everything was clear - it was his personal hallucination, but for children who accidentally ended up on this site, it could be the first step into a terrible world in which the boundaries between reality and fantasy are blurred.

Every time I thought about what could happen to someone who accidentally or innocently stumbled upon this site, I was overcome with fear. This is not just a crazy site, it is a real threat.

What made this site especially scary was that it looked completely innocuous. At first glance, it was just a regular blog where fans discussed movies or reviewed old films. No obvious horror, no overtly shocking images or videos. The articles, written in the exciting style of a fan site, were unremarkable to the average reader.

One such post was about Asia Vieira, an actress whose name I still couldn't forget. To most people, the article might have been part of a normal discussion about old movies in which she had small roles. But to me, it was more. There was something sinister embedded in the article, invisible to the naked eye, but still there-manipulation hidden in lines that could easily have become part of someone's childhood memories, had this site happened to cross the path of an innocent reader.

Someone who didn't know the context might simply miss these "casual" references, photos, videos, interpreted in a way that seemed natural, but in fact hid something much more obscurantist. It seemed like a normal post about cinema and actresses, but for me it was an obvious warning: the site was dangerous precisely because it could be perceived as a completely safe place, and this is how it snuck up on people, manipulating their perceptions.

I was aware of the danger and was horrified that the site continued to exist, exposing children, random users, or even unsuspecting adults to the influence of this psycho.

I realized that the entire article about Asia Vieira on this psycho's website was nothing like a Wikipedia article. Wiki is just a dry list of facts: date of birth, place of work, roles in movies and TV series. A normal, simple description that says nothing about a person except objective data. But on the maniac's website, everything was different. He didn't just describe her career. He delved into the details of her life, invented new character traits that did not exist in reality. In each line, he recreated his distorted vision of this woman, presenting her as an ideal, but an ideal that he tried to capture, to turn into his own.

His article was like a work of art for a sick mind: he described her "defeated innocence", the hidden motives of her actions, her feelings and desires - but all this was invented, based on his fantasies and perversions. He attributed to her traits that she did not have, turning her into his personal muse, created only for his suffering and torment. All this was done with one goal - to idealize her, while destroying her real personality, replacing it with a myth invented in his head.

This was what distinguished his "fanfreak" from a standard encyclopedia article. In the wiki, as in any normal biography, the actress was presented as simply a person with professional achievements. On this psycho's website, she became something much more significant than she was in real life. She became the embodiment of his sick fantasies, and this distorted reality could now live in this dark corner of the Internet, where anyone could see it.

I couldn't help but think that this site wasn't just there to satisfy his sick imagination. It was a warning. His fanaticism and addiction to his idealized image of Asia Vieira could become more than just a personal obsession. This site could become a tool for manipulation, for influencing others, those who happened to come across it.

I continued reading the site, and the more I delved into its content, the clearer it became that despite the death of its creator, everything he left behind lived on, like a virus on the internet. His idealized and distorted version of reality, his fanaticism, and the creepy articles that permeated it, all continued to exist in the dark corners of the web. Even though its author was long dead, his "legacy" had not disappeared. It was recorded, captured on the pages of his site, a living embodiment of his fear and pain.

This site was an extension of him, an extension of his hatred, his obsession. He was creating a new world around his sick idea, and that world now existed on the internet, where other people could see it. And the worst thing was, they could believe it. The site wasn't just a passive witness to his madness, it was an active extension.

The devil was dead, but his work lived on. The virtual world became a place where his ideas, his distortion of reality, remained alive, and even without him, he could continue to torment others. And that was the most terrifying thing.

As I sat in front of this site and thought about what I had read, a shocking thought came to me. It suddenly occurred to me that this lunatic, Vitaly Ivolginsky, was in some way trying to repeat the story from Verbinski's movie "The Ring." He had created his own "tape," filled with songs, pictures, and history, and instead of Samara, the scary girl from the movie, he had used my wife, Asia Vieira.

Samara from The Ring is not just a character, she is the personification of evil and revenge. Her tape, like the tape on Ivolginsky's website, was a kind of curse that was passed on, capturing those who encountered it. Everyone who saw it was doomed to die. For Ivolginsky, his "tape" was a symbol of his obsession, his manic love and anger, and he tried to replicate this mechanism in real life. He created his own version of evil, turning the film on its head. His "Samara" was not a girl, but a woman - an actress who was now the object of his distorted adoration.

Since the film was literally about the transmission of a curse that could not be stopped, Ivolginsky's website became the very "transmitter" that continued to exist and spread. Even after his death, the site continued to exist as an unceasing curse, encompassing everyone who saw it, who came into contact with it.

I don't know how to end it. I don't want anyone to repeat my mistake, to know the horror that I experienced. Because this site is not just a site. It's not just a collection of pictures and songs. It's a mental infection. It's like a curse that follows you, like a ghost that won't let you go for a second. And if you think you can handle it, that you can just scroll through a few pages and leave, you're wrong. This is worse than any shock site. It's not just a shock. It's suicide for your soul.

Please, I beg you, don't go there, don't go to that site! I can't put into words how dangerous it is. Because once you open that site, you're tied to it forever. It's like the tape from "The Ring" - you can't get rid of it. Yes, there are no horrible videos or shocking images, but that doesn't make the site any less dangerous. Vitaly Ivolginsky, who created it, was a maniac, a psycho. His mind was full of sick, twisted fantasies, and he put those fantasies into that site.

In this "fanfreak", in these songs, pictures - he captured everything that was happening in his twisted head. And the worst thing is that he was so sure of his rightness that he hid himself, his identity, and used pseudonyms so that no one would guess who he really was. He was a manipulator who deceived himself and everyone who could get to his site.

I implore you, do not go there! This is not just content that you can ignore. This is not just a weird internet project. This is a real crime, this is a real suicide for your perception of the world. Do not give this freak satisfaction. Save your spiritual integrity, avoid this site and this name - Vitaly Ivolginsky. Do not give him a chance to ruin your life the way he ruined mine.

Don't fall in love with Asia Vieira. I beg you. These are not just words, this is a warning. Don't let yourself fall into the same trap I fell into, don't fall under the influence of what Vitaly Ivolginsky did. This is not just a fragment of my pain or complaint - this is a warning for everyone who may fall into this toxic world. Don't fall victim to his ideas and don't repeat what happened to me.

When I first saw her on screen, I thought her image was pure, innocent. I didn't know everything that was hidden behind her image. I thought she was an actress playing a role like everyone else, that she was part of show business, and that these roles were just roles. But I was wrong. Asia Vieira became part of this path to hell for other people, for people like Vitaly Ivolginsky. And maybe I, too, was naive at some point, believing that she was just an actress, that her life and roles could not be connected to something darker. I was wrong. I was wrong again and again.

The website he created was for me not just a consequence of his painful love, not just a source of his mental trauma - it was an example of how easy it is to manipulate someone who is unaware of reality. Asia Vieira became not just an object of love or desire for Vitaly. She became an ideal for him, a myth, and, as it happens with myths, this idea began to destroy everything that concerned reality.

And here I finally understood that this site, these songs, these drawings, they were all his attempt to recapture the ideal he had lost. I began to see that all this was not just " being in love." It was much worse - it was a painful addiction to a myth, to an image that did not exist. And if he had continued, if he had not hanged himself, his desire could have grown into something even more terrible.

And that's why I ask you - don't fall in love with Asia Vieira. Don't fall in love with myths. Because no matter how hard you try to keep love or admiration in yourself, they can become the very trap that not only the one who falls in love falls into, but also the one who surrounds him, who lets these ideas into his life.

These are not just words. I would like you to understand it as I understand it now, with the weight with which I carry this burden. Asia Vieira is not your ideal. Do not turn her into a symbol, do not elevate her into an image that overshadows reality. Because when you do, you risk becoming the next Vitaly Ivolginsky, a man with his closed world and an unbearable feeling of incompleteness, no matter how he justifies it all with some great goals or lofty ideas.

Please avoid what the cult of personality entails. Because as Vitaly's example has shown, it can lead to destruction and something I'm afraid to say out loud. It's not just a delusion - it's a chain that pulls you down, consuming not only you, but everything you once loved and respected.

And if I can ask you only one thing, it is this: never go to and fall in love with the myths that are built on sand. Don't let these ghosts cloud your reality and don't become part of the torment this world can create. Believe in what is real and free, otherwise you risk remaining forever a prisoner of the shadows created by other people's fantasies.