Psalms 23 verse 6 says "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever." Amen to this my friend! You see sometimes there is joy in pain. An unexplainable and unexpected peace that comforts you even in the mildest of calamities and it is this soothing inner peace that scrubs away the bad omen and blessings begin to pour upon your life as you accept that you will never walk alone! In case l confuse you, let me say this before we go any further, all the churches that were swallowed or affected by the cyclone are now thriving atleast in the sense of" life after the cyclone!". You can convene,convert and commune under a tree, a building or even standing but if 2 or more are gathered together to worship and glorify God then we can call that a church. This was a miracle on its on because at some point no one thought people would even stand to confess their faith to other people but here we are!