The scent of antiseptic filled the air as Haruki made his way down the hospital hallway. The hum of the vending machine nearby was drowned out by the rush of the hospital staff and patrons.
Haruki thought back to last night.
After the ambulance came, the paramedics rushed all the victims to the ER and refused to give more information.
How dare they obstruct the police from doing their duties? These were people who would have made their investigation easier!
The hospital corridor seemed to stretch before Haruki and Takahiro as they made their way to the private room where the lone survivor of the shootout lay in critical condition.
As they approached the door to the private room, Haruki's heart pounded in his chest. He rubbed his sweaty palms against his trousers.
They were here, one step away from knowing the truth.
He stood outside the hospital room which had two guards by the door, one in the room and two more in the corridor.
Good, surveillance seemed tight enough.
This was it, behind this door was the first real lead in their investigation.
With a deep breath, he pushed open the door and stepped inside the room.
Medical equipment beeped and whirred in the background, while a team of nurses and doctors bustled around the man lying motionless on the hospital bed.
Haruki approached the bedside, his gaze fixed on the man. His face was pale and drawn, his breathing shallow and laboured as the machines struggled to keep him alive.
"What's his condition?" Haruki asked as he turned to the doctor standing by the machines writing something on the clipboard.
The doctor glanced up from his clipboard, his frown deepening. "Critical," he replied curtly, "He's stable for now, but it's touch and go."
Haruki's eyes narrowed at the doctor's words. Call him callous but he needed the man to be awake to get the information he needed.
"When will he regain consciousness? There are some questions I'd like to ask him," he asked, eyes on the heart monitor.
The doctor frowned, "He is in critical condition and all you can think of is your investigation?"
Haruki's brow furrowed, but before he could respond, Takahiro stood in front of him.
"We will leave you to your work, excuse us" he bowed politely at them as he pushed Haruki out the door.
"What? Hey! Let me go! We hav-" Haruki stumbled out the door as Takahiro pushed him gently.
Once outside, Haruki couldn't help but vent a bit. "Fuck!" He cursed under his breath as he slammed his fist against the wall.
He had come so close, but now they had slipped through his fingers once again.
Takahiro turned to him. "What has gotten into you?" he asked, staring Haruki down. "He's unconscious, he won't be able to answer anything."
"Sakurai, I know you want to solve this case but remember this isn't about you," Takahiro warned, squeezing his shoulder gently.
"It's not about me," Haruki shrugged off his hand, "It's about the people overdosing on those drugs."
Takahiro's eyes narrowed at Haruki's actions.
"Remember I am the one leading this case and I can have you take a break." He stood at his full height, posturing to the younger alpha who glared back. "You wouldn't dare!"
Before they could get into a fight, a cough had them turning. Chief Kenji was standing on the side with an unimpressed look.
"Is this how two officers of the state behave? arguing and throwing their scents around in a public space?" he asked, arms crossed.
Both men's eyes widened as they realised they had been releasing their scents. The people in the corridor were looking at them with fear or disapproval.
He turned to Takahiro, "I expected it from Sakurai but not you Sato," he shook his head, disappointment heavy in his voice.
"Apologies sir!" both men saluted.
Kenji stared at them for a while then sighed, "What's the update?" he asked, nodding towards the door.
"The suspect is in critical condition sir, the doctors are working to keep him alive." Takahiro said, motioning for Kenji to follow.
Haruki stood on the side as they walked into the room again. Was he getting too engrossed in the investigation? He didn't think so. It's just that this would clear the mark off his name from the last incident.
He couldn't mess this up.
But Questioning and challenging a superior officer? That wasn't like me at all.
Haruki sighed as he scrubbed his face tiredly. This was making him question his motives. Takahiro's words rang in his head again.
"This isn't about you."
'No, it wasn't.' Haruki frowned, then thought back on his behaviour. He might have displayed some actions unbecoming of an office of justice.
With a deep breath, Haruki straightened his posture and squared his shoulders. He knew Takahiro was right – this wasn't just about him, about his need to prove himself. There was more to it! He wasn't a selfish person!
Taking a moment to collect himself, Haruki forced himself to focus on the task at hand. He couldn't afford to let his frustrations cloud his judgment, the stakes were too high.
He had a responsibility to the victims and his team to see this investigation through to the end and bring the culprits to book.
He looked up at the call of his name. Takahiro was standing by the door, waiting for him. Forcing a lid on his emotions, he walked over to the door, pausing to give Takahiro a nod before entering the room.
A week into the investigation saw the squad gathered at the precinct's briefing room to get information on what had been happening.
Kenji looked particularly tired.
"Orders have come in from the higher-ups," Kenji said, staring at each of them.
Haruki sat up, thinking they had been allowed to investigate further.
Aya and Rekka sat on the side, trying to eat the Edamame Aya had brought.
"We'll be working closely with the Public Security Bureau (PSB) on this," Kenji announced. "They'll be taking the lead on the investigation, but we'll provide whatever support they need."
Haruki felt his anger rise at the thought of being sidelined in their investigation.
"But sir, shouldn't we be the ones leading the investigation?" Aya spoke up, her voice filled with confusion.
Kenji sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know how you feel, Aya," he replied, his tone tired. "But we must trust that the PSB knows what they're doing. They have resources and connections that we don't."
Haruki gritted his teeth, his fists clenched at his sides.
He could just imagine Misato's smirk as he gave them orders.
"Sakurai," Haruki raised his head to see Kenji staring at him. "You can still redeem yourself with this investigation. Just follow orders and keep things professional," he warned.
"Yes sir," Haruki grumbled, turning his head.
Before anyone else could talk, the door slammed open. In came Misato and two other officers from the PSB, Haruki didn't know them personally but he could tell they were both alphas.
"Ah! I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" Misato grinned, looking at their faces.
"No," Kenji gave his team a warning glare to behave themselves. "We had just concluded our meeting," he said calmly.
"Great!" Misato clapped his hands. "As you already know, I'm now in charge of this investigation which means You. Report. To. Me," he emphasized as he smirked at Haruki who resisted the urge to bare his fangs.
"Honestly we don't need you guys for much," Misato continued as he paced the office, "we have everything under control. We know how these criminals think and how we can smoke them out."
"Yeah, you've been doing a great job so far," Ryoji rolled his eyes. Aya and Rekka snickered, trying to hide behind fake coughs
Misato paused, eyes narrowed. "Was there something funny in what I said?" He asked, glaring at them.
"No," Haruki said calmly, "what's funny is that we are here listening to your boring monologue instead of being on the field."
Misato's face twisted into a snarl as he stood over Haruki. "Do you want to repeat that Officer?"
Haruki ignored Kenji's warning glare and stepped closer to Misato. He hated that he had to crane his neck to look into the other alpha's eyes. "Is it hard to hear from way up there?" He smirked.
"I said, it's funny how we have to listen to your rant when we could be on the field doing meaningful work."
Kenji sighed, he was getting too old for this.
Aya and Rekka kept munching on their snack, enjoying the show.
Ryoji looked like he was about to enter the fray if it came down to fistfights and Takahiro looked resigned. Haruki needed self-control.
Having seen that he couldn't intimidate Haruki with his scent or size( which he should have learnt by now) Misato took a step back and smiled at Haruki.
"Since you're so eager to get to work, I have just the job for you," Haruki's eyes narrowed at his tone. 'What was he up to now?'
"Our dear officer Sakurai would be in charge of taking care of the team!" Misato announced, patting Haruki's shoulder.
"You will be here in the office while we go out!"
Haruki frowned at him, "The hell I will!" He shouted, slapping Misato's hand off his shoulder.
"But you will, who's going to man the phones when we need backup?" Misato's smirk widened.
"That's the whole reason why we have radios!" Haruki turned to Kenji, wide-eyed with shock.
"Are you refusing my order? Is that insubordination I smell?" Misato asked.
Haruki caught Kenji's eye and released his clenched fists. The indents in his palm made by his nails stung as he replied, "No."
"No what?" Misato asked.
"Not a sign of insubordination…sir," he replied, his tone clipped.
Misato's smirk widened into a satisfied grin, his scent came off him in waves. "Good," he purred.
"I'm glad we understand each other, Officer Sakurai."
"Sakurai, could you do me a favour and fetch me some tea?" Misato's tone was deceptively casual, but the glint in his eyes said it all.
Haruki's nostrils flared in annoyance, but he suppressed the urge to snap back. "Fine," he muttered.
With a resigned sigh, he rose from his seat and headed to the break room to fetch Misato's tea.
Returning to the briefing room with the tea in hand, he handed the cup to Misato and sat down for the discussion. Misato took a sip and grimaced in dissatisfaction. "This isn't right," he declared, pushing the cup away. "Go and make me another one."
Haruki looked at Kenji who nodded subtly.
He suppressed a growl as he got up and went for the door. His steps were heavy with frustration as he made his way back to the break room.
Returning to the briefing room with the tea for the second time, Haruki handed him the cup.
Misato took a sip, his expression smug as he regarded Haruki. "Hm, still not right. Go and change it," he commanded, waving a dismissive hand.
"Of course," Haruki bit out through clenched teeth, turning on his heel and storming back to the break room.
Returning to the briefing room with yet another cup of tea, Haruki resisted the urge to slam it down in front of Misato. "Here," he said tersely, his voice filled with annoyance.
"Lighten up Sakurai! Someone might think you're being bullied," he smirked, taking the cup from Haruki who stood by the side, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.
Behind him, Ryoji, Rekka and Takahiro glared at Misato. Superior or not, Haruki was one of theirs. They could not sit back and watch him get harassed.
Misato also noticed their looks. While he was having fun messing with the shrimp, he didn't want to make an enemy of the squad.
Before Haruki could even set the cup down, Misato waved him off with a sigh. "I don't need it anymore, we're through with the briefing," he said casually as if he hadn't just made Haruki run around the precinct.
It took Haruki all his willpower to keep from pouring the cup of hot tea on the bastard's head.
Misato's smirk was back in full force as he stood, his lackeys stood as well. "Good thing you won't be out in the field with us, Sakurai," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
"Can't have an officer who can't even run a simple errand, now can we?"
Misato sauntered out of the room with a smug smirk, "Work on your tea-making skills Sakurai, this is going to be a long case." He threw over his shoulder.
As the door clicked shut behind him, Haruki let out a frustrated growl, the sound bounced off the walls.
"Sakurai," he turned to Kenji who was seated behind his desk. "Sit," he gestured to the chair in front of him. "let me debrief you on the situation. There's no need to let him rile you up."
Haruki nodded curtly, his jaw set in a stubborn line as he made his way to his seat. Despite his anger and frustration, he knew Kenji was right.
Losing his temper wouldn't accomplish anything, especially not with Misato being on the case.
"Based on the information we gathered during the briefing," Kenji began, his voice measured, "it seems we have reason to believe that the Aramaki family is our prime suspect in this case."
Haruki's eyebrows furrowed at the mention of the notorious crime syndicate. The Aramakis were a family that had influence both in the underground and proper society itself. Pinning the case on them would be big.
"Hey Chief, do you think we could get a search warrant to go through their property?" Haruki asked, leaning forward.
Kenji paused, considering Haruki's suggestion before shaking his head. "There's no reason to make one just yet," he replied, his tone thoughtful. "We need more concrete evidence before we can take that step."
"How about Rekka-kun and I go through the records?" Aya asked, "We might be able to find some cold cases to reopen," she said, Rekka nodded behind her.
"Alright, let's get to work folks," Kenji said, nodding approvingly at his team. "Get home safely all of you!"
"Yes sir!" They chorused and began to pack their things.
That evening, Haruki found himself lost in thought as he made his way home. It's only been two weeks since he got back to work and so much had happened already.
His emotions have been all over the place recently and he hasn't been proud of how he'd reacted to some things.
He raked his hand through his hair, sighing deeply as he walked past some shops closed for the day.
He looked down at his wristwatch, 11:40 PM. He would have to get takeout for dinner today, it was too late to cook anything.
He was so lost in thought that he didn't pay attention to his surroundings.
Before he could react, a figure lunged out of the darkness, grabbing him roughly by the arm and dragging him into the nearby alleyway.