
Unlike the orders given, Haruki spent his days crouched over the table in his living room coming through the files again and again. Trying to make sure he didn't miss out on anything, but the results were still the same.

It was another cold Saturday of him going through files in his apartment. Instant Ramen cups and coffee mugs strewn around him, with no respite in sight.

"Aaahhh! Just give me a clue! Damn it!" He yelled, grabbing his hair in frustration. He jumped slightly when a bang came from his wall.

Fuck, it seemed he had disturbed his neighbour. Well, tough luck! It was their landlord's fault for building such thin walls and it was their fault for living in it!

Just as he was about to continue with the reports, his phone buzzed, jolting him out of his reverie. With a sigh, he picked up the device, expecting another update from his team.

Instead, he was greeted with a message from his brother, Tatsuya.

Haru! I know you probably forgot but this is a reminder for the meet up at Mum and Dad's today! I'm bringing my match over so you better be there!

Haruki's eyes widened in horror as he looked at the calendar on the wall. How could he have forgotten something so important? Today was the day Tatsuya would be meeting the person the government had matched him with, someone who would potentially become a permanent fixture in their family.


He jumped to his feet, files scattering onto the floor.

"Aaaah! I'm going to be late!" he yelled, looking at the papers then the clock and down to the papers again. "I'll clean up when I get back!" He hastily scrambled to his room.

Rushing in, Haruki frantically began to search through his wardrobe for something suitable to wear. He cursed under his breath, berating himself for his forgetfulness.

Should he go for something formal or casual? As he rifled through his wardrobe, he couldn't help but think of the government's matchmaking scheme. It wasn't something that came to mind often, but when it did, it made him think long and hard.

It was a compulsory step made by the government for those who hadn't gotten married after a certain age. And soon, he would be subjected to the same process. The thought sent a shiver down his spine.

What if he was matched with someone he couldn't stand? What if they had nothing in common and were forced to spend the rest of their lives together?

He grabbed the first decent outfit he could find—a simple button-down shirt and dark jeans—and hastily threw them on.

He glanced at himself in the mirror, adjusting his collar and running a hand through his hair in a futile attempt to tame it.

With one last deep breath to steady his nerves, Haruki rushed out of his apartment and made his way to the train station.

As he sat in the crowded train, his mind was once again consumed with thoughts of the meeting ahead. What would the person matched with his brother be like? Would they get along? He hoped so, he loved his brother and wouldn't want to put Tatsuya in a spot where he would have to choose between his younger brother and his partner.

He finally got to his parents, 'were they here already?' he thought, frowning slightly as he checked his watch.

He took a deep breath to calm himself and raised his hand.

The door slid open before he could knock, revealing his mother's beaming face. Sayuri was a petite woman in her late fifties, with greying hair elegantly tied into a bun and a warm smile that could light up any room.

"Haru! Welcome home!" she exclaimed, pulling him into a tight embrace. "We've missed you so much!"

"Mom, I've missed you too," Haruki said, hugging her back. The familiar scent of jasmine and lavender from her was comforting.

His father, Hiroshi, appeared behind Sayuri, his tall frame filling the doorway. Hiroshi was a stoic yet gentleman in his early sixties, with a full head of silver hair and a well-trimmed beard. He gave Haruki a firm pat on the back.

"Welcome back, son," Hiroshi said. "It's good to have you home."

"It's good to be back, Dad," Haruki replied, feeling a wave of warmth.

They led him into the spacious living room, where the low wooden table was set with tea and snacks. "Wow Mum, you've really outdone yourself," he said, taking in the smell of food coming from the kitchen.

"Of course baby! This is our first meeting! We must make an impression, right dear?" She turned to her husband who nodded in agreement. Haruki smiled at the two of them. They were prime examples of mated pairs, they understood each other well and loved and cared for each other.

"Haru-Chan, take a seat and relax," Sayuri said, fussing over him as she poured tea. "You must be tired from your trip. Look at how thin you are!"

Haruki's lips twitched. "Thanks, Mom," Haruki said, sitting down and accepting the cup of tea.

As he sipped the hot tea, Haruki's mind drifted back to the case he was working on. The memory of the botched assassination attempt and the escape of the suspect nagged at him.

"Sweetie? Where is your gift?" his mother called from the kitchen, Haruki choked on his tea.

'Fuck! I knew I forgot something!' he thought, taking the water his father handed over.

"Why did you still ask him dear?" his father asked as his mother dropped some snacks in front of him and knelt wiping his face with her apron, "You already bought a gift since you knew he would forget," Haruki flushed at his father's words.

He wasn't that hopeless.

"Well there was no harm in asking," Sayuri huffed, "Are you ok baby? Do you need anything else?" she turned her attention to Haruki who waved his hand.

"I'm fine mum, thanks for the gift, too" he choked out.

"Goodness Sayuri, don't smother the boy," his father sighed slightly.

"I'm not smothering him!" Sayuri placed her hand on her waist, frowning at Hiroshi.

Sensing one of their impending arguments coming up, Haruki quickly diverted his mother's attention. "What's that smell Mum?" he asked, sniffing the air. The smell was mouthwatering and brought back memories.

"I'm making Katsudon! Your favorite!" She beamed.

"You do remember it's Tatsuya who is bringing someone home right?" Hiroshi asked, amusement in his eyes as he watched his wife and youngest son.

"Oh you," Sayuri huffed standing up and hurrying to the kitchen.

Since Haruki had arrived earlier, it gave him time to think. This was it, he was meeting his brother's soon-to-be life partner. Had the government found his fated pair or just the best compatible genes? He paced in the living room as he awaited the arrival of his brother, Tatsuya, and his potential partner. He shifted uncomfortably on his feet, you'd think it was him bringing in a partner with the way he was acting.

As the doorbell rang, signalling the arrival of Tatsuya and his guest, Haruki's heart rate quickened. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves as he rose to greet them.

Tatsuya entered first, a confident smile on his face as he greeted his family with a warm embrace. He was tall and handsome, with a striking resemblance to their father with his brown hair and ice-blue eyes.

"Haru? You're really here?" He sounded surprised, "I thought Mother was joking! How are you?" Tatsuya said, giving his younger brother a playful punch on the shoulder.

"Ouch!" Haruki yelled, pretending to be hurt as he clutched his chest dramatically. "You wound me! Why wouldn't I be here?" He smirked at Tatsuya.

"What are you boys doing?" Their mother's soft yet demanding voice floated in from the kitchen. She peeked out and rushed over to push them aside gently.

"Come in! Come in dear!" She shot Tatsuya a warning glare as she ushered the omega into the house.

"You'll have to forgive my sons," she smiled gently, "they tend to forget others are in the room once they're together," she said, but the pride in her smile said she didn't mind.

"Ah," Tatsuya cleared his throat, "apologies," he smiled at the person behind him, then moved to the side to let them enter properly. "Everyone, this is Amira Sumiko. Sumiko, this is my mother and younger brother Haruki," he gestured towards them.

Haruki's eyes widened slightly as he took in Sumiko's appearance. Sumiko was tall and slender, with delicate features and a gentle demeanour. She had long, silky black hair that fell down her back and wore a pastel dress that complimented her skin tone. She exuded confidence, her large double-lidded eyes sparkled with intelligence as she smiled at him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Haruki-san, ma'am, sir," Sumiko said, bowing respectfully.

Sayuri smiled brightly, her eyes shining with excitement as she greeted Sumiko with a warm hug. "Welcome, Sumi-Chan! We're so happy to finally meet you."

"Thank you," Sumiko replied, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Hiroshi had entered the living room just as introductions had been made. He offered Sumiko a firm handshake and a warm smile. "Indeed, welcome to our home, Akira-san. We've heard so much about you from Tatsuya."

Haruki returned the bow, feeling a flush of embarrassment wash over him. "The pleasure is mine, Sumiko-san," he replied, stumbling over his words slightly.

"Tatsuya-San has told me a lot about you all," Sumiko said, looking at all of them with a small smile on her face.

Haruki glanced at his brother, who grinned sheepishly. "Only good things, I hope," Haruki teased.

"Hey?! Don't you trust me?" Tatsuya mock gasped, "No," Haruki smirked, the tension easing off his shoulders at that.

As they all settled down, the atmosphere gradually relaxed. Sayuri and Hiroshi took the lead by making Sumiko feel comfortable, asking her about her interests and her background. Sumiko spoke softly sharing stories about her family and her work.

Haruki watched his brother and Sumiko interact. Tatsuya seemed genuinely attentive and caring, a side of him usually only reserved for family.

'That was good, they seemed to have an affinity for each other,' Haruki hid a smile behind his bowl of rice.

The evening continued with laughter and stories, the family enjoying the rare opportunity to be together. Haruki felt a sense of warmth and belonging, something he didn't realise he had missed during his long hours on the job.

Later, as the night drew to a close, Tatsuya and Sumiko prepared to leave. Sayuri fussed over them, giving packed food and ensuring they had everything they needed, while Hiroshi offered his usual calm advice.

"Take care, and don't be a stranger," Hiroshi said, shaking Sumiko's hand again.

"We'll visit more often," Tatsuya promised, glancing at Sumiko, who nodded in agreement.

Haruki walked them to the door, feeling a mix of emotions. He was happy for his brother, seeing him with someone who cared for him but he hoped they were fated pairs. He had seen enough disputes and murder cases tied to fated pairs while at work.

As they said their goodbyes, Sumiko gave Haruki a gentle smile. "It was nice meeting you, Haruki-san. I hope we can get to know each other better."

"Me too," Haruki replied, returning her smile. "Take care."

After they left, Haruki stood by the door for a moment, lost in thought. His parents approached, "what's wrong baby? You weren't all there during dinner," his mother said, holding his hand gently.

"It's nothing," he gave her a small smile, he really couldn't let them worry about him.

After helping his parents clean up, Haruki decided to stay in his old room. Nostalgia hit as he opened the door. His parents had kept everything the same, even made sure the room was clean while uninhabited.

He took a quick shower and jumped into the bed with a sigh.

Laying down with no thoughts, he felt relaxed.

Maybe he should take a break.