Chapter 1:36 Twenty Twenty, Xoxo Nyx
Me waking up in a hospital bed is bad enough without the addition of being lashed to it. My hands and feet cuffed to the frame, while my tongue scrapes against my teeth to rid it of the foul taste of sedatives.
My hope and faith that I’d made a new best friend die with all the logic I’m not capable of in the moment I come to with the hissing whirs of machines, and beeps of medical equipment.
Maybe it’s better that they do tie me up because I scream and fight in the black room. Not literally. Just like black sites are actually well lit, my hospital suite is typical as well. It’s just standard for all Reapers and their immediate families to be in a private if not classified room, on a secure floor whenever admitted.
Protocol being that if we are ever checked in, admittance as much as any footage of the fact is erased in and around an hour time frame.