Chapter 1:38 ASD At Its Finest
After about three days, Nicky relents to cutting me off from the anti-psychotics. Nicky is more than aware that I'm not taking the sleeping pills any more than the mood stabilizers that might as well be elephant tranq darts.
I don't like how they make me feel. I would say I don't like how they make me think, if I had the ability to process more than two plus two equals four while on them.
I won't say that I didn't consider meds with how weird my life was getting, but a bit of anxiety is worth the ability to feel the wind, and appreciate rather than blur the world around me.
The sleeping pills may have stopped the night terrors, but even without the other suppressors those little white dots made it impossible to function the following day. I was sleeping between twelve and fourteen hours rather than the usual four or five I needed every night.