
“That’s not an issue, because you don't have to be an athlete to play a game, at least not in this,” Priyank spoke, as he sat on the table in front of her.

Spreading both his legs, trapping her in between.

“So you don't like to waste food, right? Because people die of hunger.”

Priya nodded her head at his question, not able to understand why he was asking this, as before he said he cared less about who was dying from hunger.

As usual, he is just all about making her uncomfortable, by sitting this closely, or should say hovering over her .

"Then you've wasted the cake, letting it fall all over your clothes and lap," Priyank's eyes pointed accusingly.

Priya looked down at the mess. "You startled me; I got scared, that's why this happened," she explained.

"Don't blame me; it happened, and that's the fact," Priyank stated firmly.

"Yes," Priya agreed, acknowledging the situation.