Mall vibration



听到这些话!林凡正在敲打他腿的手指微微停顿,然后转过头来,半笑半笑地看着吴光荣:"你确定要我走吗?"哼?吴光荣傻眼了.他没想到,眼前这个烦人的家伙,竟然会这么冷静.尤其是那些话背后的含义,仿佛在逗他.随即,吴光荣心中怒火中烧:"别胡说八道了!迷路吧!"保安!过来把这孩子赶走!快点!说着,吴光荣指挥着周围的保安驱逐林凡.然而,就在众多保安准备一下子冲上前时."停下来!!"一声响亮的喊叫突然炸开.然后,嗖嗖!一群西装革履的中年男子飞快地冲了过来.正是全省第一人物刘震等人."领导们,你们..."吴光荣有些困惑.然而,他看到这一点感到惊讶.Liu Zhen, the No. 1 figure of the province, Dong Jun, the major general of the military region, and Ma Yong, the richest man in Jiangnan, all brought a group of people and came to Lin Fan in unison.And then, they bowed together:"Mr. Lin!!!"Silence!At this moment, Wu Guangrong felt that the whole world had gone quiet. He even thought that he was having auditory hallucinations.Mr. Lin... Mr. Lin?He opened his eyes wide and looked at the young man in front of him with an expression full of disbelief.He was so young and looked so shabby!他是像一号人物这样的人从省城远道而来的林先生,就是为了拜访一下吗...?这怎么可能!