
Elma made herself comfortable in the Alpha-exclusive cafe.

The taste of coffee, and especially the hot chocolate in this place was far superior to anything that was served in the other Cafes. At first, she didn't like the idea of tasting luxury while her other peers got nothing but scraps, but the privilege had grown on her.

Ultimately, she arrived at this point due to her ability and nothing else.

Hence, she deserved this.

As she sipped her hot chocolate and read the book she borrowed from the library, she couldn't help but reminisce on how things could change so quickly. Beta Students weren't allowed to borrow books from the library, and they also weren't allowed into some Alpha Exclusive locations, so she had to suffer that discrimination for six months.

… Even when she knew she wasn't inferior to any Alpha Student in terms of ability.

However, her status in the Academy changed overnight when the entitled idiot known as Ashfelt Zephyr fought against her and suffered a most humiliating defeat.

Elma still remembered that moment like it was yesterday, and it always made her smile.

'It's so annoying that he actually beat me in the Joint Training, though…' She grit her teeth in mild irritation. Even though she knew he didn't actually 'beat' her, she couldn't get that moment out of her head.

'Why did I make such a silly mistake? Haaa…'

After sighing and ruminating on her defeat a little longer, she finished her hot chocolate and no longer felt the desire to continue studying in the cafe.

'I should just go to my dorm and continue there…' She told herself, rising to her feet and ignoring the many stares she got from the other Alpha Students in the room. 'I can never get used to this.' 

It wasn't easy being the only commoner in the room—no, in the entire Alpha Class. 

Despite quite a few students participating in the Promotional Exams, she was the only one who made it to the other side. There were times when she felt guilty about this, but she always comforted herself with facts.

'It's all about ability. If they had what it takes… they would already be here.'

Ignoring their scathing gazes, she left the cafe and allowed herself to breathe in the fresh air and embrace the warm rays of the late afternoon sun.


"Hey, Elma… that's your name, right?"

—That moment was rudely interrupted by the student she held with the least regard.

"Ashfelt Zephyr." She turned to look at the smiling, pale faced loser beside her. "What do you want?"

"I've been waiting for a while now… for you to come out, so we could talk."

Since he was no longer an Alpha Student, he couldn't access the cafe even if he wanted. The irony was not lost to Elma, and so she leaked out a cocky grin while placing a hand on her waist.

"Talk? About what?"

In her mind, she could already picture a million things he could say—and they all ended with him asking her for a favor.

'It's probably something stupid… like helping him get a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, or whatever beverage he likes from the Cafe.' She sighed internally. 'Or maybe he wants me to tutor him… or maybe… could it be… he wants me to date him? Urgh… no way!'

The reason she thought about these was because Ashfelt wasn't the first Noble to ask her out, or request for her help in tutoring. Most Alpha students were entitled and prideful people, but they couldn't ignore her excellence.

As such, she had been approached by quite a few people.

And, just as she told the others, it would have to be a "No" for scum like Ashfelt Zephyr.

"I was wondering if we could have a rematch."

"No… wait, what?"

"A rematch!" He said with a confident and emphatic smile. "You beat me in the Promotional Exams, and I beat you in the Joint Combat Training…"

"You didn't beat me! I tripped and fell! There's a difference between—"

"Stop making excuses for your loss." Ashfelt answered with a devastatingly blunt tone. 

The audacity he displayed shocked Elma, even to the point where her heart skipped a beat. After his loss in the Promotional Exams, he had always acted timidly around her. Now that he was regaining his nerve, it was obvious that his lucky win in the Joint Combat Training had made him a lot more confident in her presence.

'I don't like it!' She glared at him. 'I don't like it one bit!'

"Our score right now is 1-1." 

His grin grew wider as he took one more step towards her. "Why don't we have a definitive match to decide who is better between us… once and for all?"

"Fine. When?"

"Why not now? I'm sure we could book a sparring room at this hour… unless you're having cold feet, in which case I would understa—"

"No!" Elma marched forward, her destination now changed. "Let's do it now."

Ash watched all of this from behind her, both hands in his pocket as he nodded subtly, his lips curling even further upward.



"What kind of fight should we engage in?" Elma said, slowly walking around the sparring arena that they secured for their little contest.

It was 50 ft in length and 50 ft in width, making it an evenly proportioned box—perfect for two students who wanted to duke it out. There were luminous lights, security alarms, just in case the Magia Levels in the room exceeded the acceptable level—and other security measures in place.

All of this was to ensure the students engaged in a sparring session and nothing more.

"During the Promotional Exams, we had to fight with basic Spells, and in the Joint Training, it was Combat." Ash smiled, his hands still in his pockets. "So I think this time it should be something a lot more… interesting."

"What are you suggesting?"

"Let's fight with Spirit Arts." He proposed, one hand stretched out 

"What?" Elma's eyes widened slightly. "You're kidding, right?"

It was very obvious why he had to be joking, and why it was stupid in all regards for him to seriously consider competing with her when it came to Spirit Arts.

Basic Spells could be performed by a Potential Mage, who didn't have a Familiar yet. As long as their Soul could store Magia, and they had an affinity for the Spell's Attribute, it was possible to cast the Spell.

However, Basic Spells weren't that powerful, and while the effects would vary depending on the power of the Caster, it was still a considerably balanced way to compete.

Combat was completely different, since it relied on physical ability and skill when it came to handling weapons and controlling one's body. An average male was stronger than an average female, so the natural advantage was with the males.

However, one could overcome that gap with skill—which was something Elma did.

In conclusion, both Combat and Basic Spell contests were a lot more advantageous to Ashfelt than what he was suggesting.

"You do realize my Familiar is a High Grade Spirit, right? Yours is a Lesser Spirit, from what I've heard."

They were practically three Grades apart.

That was suicide for any Mage!

"Are you worried?" Ash smiled. "Worried I'm going to win?"

"Nope! Just that you might start complaining once I'm done kicking your ass!" Elma responded with fiery rage displayed in her eyes.

Ash chuckled and nodded, cracking his neck as he prepared for the fight.

"Don't worry… that won't be happening."