A Big Problem

"Welcome, Ashfelt Zephyr."

The man who spoke to him in a luxuriously designed room befitting of a higher-up in the Academy who also doubled as a Noble, was none other than Sir Gerald Lockwood.

He was a man in his late thirties and had a slightly tanned face, with smooth brown hair that complemented his brown eyes which seemed to gleam with a slightly wine hue. He wore an exquisite suit, one befitting a man of his caliber, and it hugged his well-built body.

He, just like Ash, was a member of one of the Great Noble Households.

'Which is why he can address me so casually.'

Normally, even within the Academy walls, staff and students alike were forced to address Nobles with a certain honorific—usually 'Master' or 'Lady'. It wasn't particularly enforced as a law, but it was more or less an unwritten rule that could have disastrous effects if not adhered to.

This was the reason why instructors still treated Ash with respect and showed concern for him despite his behavior and lack of talent.

'If I were to file a complaint of disrespect or disregard against an Instructor or Student, it will be seen as an affront to my family… which could lead to bad things happening to such a Student or Instructor.'

That was the kind of power his name possessed.

'Most Nobles can't resort to this, though… only the Four Great Households, but some Students and Instructors don't take their chances, so they address all Nobles with honorifics unless explicitly permitted to do otherwise.'

That was the general rule.

However, this was the first time in a while since he met a staff of the Akashic Academy who didn't treat him with such regard, and it made sense why.

The Lockwood Household had as much influence in the Empire as the Zephyrs.

"My name is Gerald Lockwood, and I am the Head of Student Affairs here in the Akashic Academy." He said with a smile. "I am trying very hard to understand why someone like you would drop out."

"Someone like me? You mean an untalented student with a weak Familiar and little to no prospects of being a proper Mage?"


"I figured it was better to pull the plug rather than waste my time any further in the Academy."

"An astute decision… I guess." The man replied calmly. "But why make the decision now? It's been over two weeks since your Selection Ceremony, right?"

"Yeah, I figured I could stay in the Academy for a while longer, but after this whole thing with the White Death started, I figured it was not worth the risk."

"So you decided to bail… even though the Empire has spent quite some resources on you."

"Resources I'm willing to pay back."

"That's not how it works."

"I know I'm supposed to render some service to the Empire, and I'm not shying away from that fact." Ash responded with unexpected confidence, causing Sir Gerald to rest back in surprise.

"Really? That's good."

"I want to know my options…" He added.


"Yes." Ash sighed. "There must be many ways to serve the Empire, so I would like to know which one I—"

"I believe you're misunderstanding something here…" 

As soon as Gerald Lockwood said this, Ash could feel something tense tighten within his heart. It was an unpleasant feeling that he couldn't get rid of, and he instantly knew where it was coming from the moment he noticed the crooked smile of the man before him.

"The final decision of your placement is up to me. Letting Students choose where they want to serve is only a formality… a kind of courtesy given by yours truly."

'This guy…' Ash could feel a frown forming on his face. 'Is he threatening me?'

No, this seemed like more than a mere threat.

"So you already have a place in mind for me… is that what you're saying?" As soon as he said this, the man nodded and widened his smile.

"As a matter of fact, I do!" Jumping to his feet, Gerald Lockwood approached a map of the Empire that was pasted on the wall. "It's over here in the North… territory of your Zephyr Family, if I'm not mistaken."

"You mean the territory of the Barbarian Tribe…"

"Well, your family is tasked with keeping them in check, and it seems like they've been getting out of control lately, so the Empire has to supplement the forces that your family has in order to assist with the suppression."

"So you want me to be fodder on the battlefield?"

"That isn't guaranteed. You could serve as a cleaner or cook, or whatever" Gerald's smile widened. "Besides, shouldn't you be rejoicing that you'll get to see some of your family again… though it will be in a war-ridden outpost."

Ash knew exactly what Gerald was trying to do here, but he wasn't going to let it stand.

In order to stop his power trip, he decided to use his last ammunition—one that usually worked for anyone who tried to threaten him in such a manner.

"You think my family will—"

"Your family can't do shit to me!" The man barked back, exhibiting a ferocity that caused even Ash's heart to jump a little.

"I am a Lockwood, and I'm also a very key staff member of Magus Academy, known as the best in the entire Empire. What do you think the Zephyrs will do, huh? Lodge a complaint? I can guarantee that their efforts will be meaningless."

Ash clenched his fists as he listened to the man before him speak.

"Besides, judging by the way you are worried about going to the North—the stronghold of your family—I can already tell that the Zephyrs won't cause as much trouble because of you as you're trying to make me believe."

'What a sharp guy…' Ash sighed internally. 'He already saw through my bravado and knows my real standing with the Zephyr Family.'

In the Empire, ability was what mattered most, and since Ashfelt was talentless and completely useless as a Mage, he had little to no value to the Zephyr Household. The family hardly regarded him, and he was brushed to the side while Seth was given all of the attention.

This was what caused Ash to slowly develop a strong sense of hatred and jealousy towards his twin brother, and that eventually led to his downfall.

'I feel no such hatred, but this situation isn't looking good…' Ash sighed. 'I can't go to the North—not right now.'

If he did, he would definitely be forced into the battlefield, and he was going to lose his life against the Barbarians. That, or he would be forced to display the power he had been hiding all this time… which would also land him in serious trouble.

'My actions can be interpreted as treason, which is punishable by death in the Empire.'

Either way, he couldn't afford the situation he was being thrust into.

'Unfortunately… I have no ammunition to fire his way.' Ash allowed his hands to release the tension they had been hoarding. 'There's nothing I can say or do right now that will be able to change his mind.'

The man was clearly acting out of malice, and so he wouldn't be able to listen to reason.

He was also in a position of higher authority, and the Empire respected hierarchy above all else… hence the system would take Gerald Lockwood's side and not his.

His family wouldn't be able to help him either.

In all sense of the word, he was stranded with no feasible way out—except for one.

"How long do I have until I am shipped away?" Ash calmly asked, making sure his frustration with the whole situation was not obvious.

"Haha! Look at you!" Gerald chuckled. "You're accepting your fate rather quickly."


"You'll be drafted in about ten days. Until then, you'll be staying in one of our staff rooms and be treated with courtesy befitting a proud Noble such as yourself."

"I see."

"Be warned, though… if you try to escape or do anything to resist this transfer, your actions will be taken as treasonous, and you will be locked up in the cell below until it's time to be taken to the battlefront."

"Understood. Anything else?"

"None, actually." Gerald Lockwood grinned, showing his slightly brownish teeth. "You can leave now; the guards will escort you to your room."

"Thank you." 

Ash rose to his feet, politely bowing his head slightly before walking out.

A myriad of things were going on in his head as neurons fired constantly, but everything boiled down to one simple fact—he didn't have a lot of time.

'I have to find the White Death and solve this case before these 10 days are over.'