Resolute Declaration


Gerald Lockwood exhaled deeply as he rested his back on his magnificent chair, his closed eyes facing the ceiling as he enjoyed the quiet solitude of his pristine office.

The space was large, decorated with only the finest materials, and it had served as his workplace for years. Anyone who entered this office was bound to be impressed by at least one thing there, and to many, there was certainly nothing better than this.

However… for Gerald, this was only the beginning.

'Thanks to me taking credit for resolving the White Death Incident, I've gotten in favor with all the concerned staff, and the Academy is in my debt.' His grin intensified. 'As a result, making moves has never been easier, and I finally have a promotion coming.'

From being a mere Head of Student Affairs, he would finally be able to rise to the level of Academy Board Member.

'Once I become a Board Member, I'll be able to have a direct say in how the Academy is run.'

He would be able to shape certain things into his image.

'Most of the members of the Board are nothing more than rich and powerful Nobles—old fogeys who have no idea how to properly run an Academy. I'll show them all how it's done…'

Since he was the one who solved the White Death Incident and held the position of Head of Student Affairs for quite a while, he already had quite the portfolio on his side. 

Quite a few members of the Academy Board were already in his pockets as well, so even after recommending him to be a member, they would support his suggestions as long as they were reasonable and none of the members on his side encountered losses from them.

'I could use this in many ways… one of which will have to be in getting rid of that brat—Ashfelt Zephyr.'

He was too much of a wild card.

The kid was exceptional according to his observation—especially when it came to his intellect and maturity.

'His examination officers also testified regarding his incredible potential as a Mage.'

In essence, he was clearly going places.

'I can't allow that!' Gerald told himself. 'If he gains sufficient power and recognition, he could expose his involvement in the White Death Incident and find a way to nullify every merit I am sure to gain from the current status quo.'

Of course, due to the time that had passed and a few other factors, it would be difficult—if not downright impossible—to prove that Gerald wasn't the one who figured out the White Death's true identity.


'If anyone can pull it off, it should be him!'

After all, the White Death Incident was impossible to resolve before Ashfelt entered into the picture. Every single day, Gerald had asked himself if he would have been able to solve the case as Ashfelt, and the answer remained the same.


No ordinary student—or even genius—could have possibly achieved what Ashfelt did.

'Which means it isn't out of possibility that the brat could screw me over after gaining sufficient recognition and growing bigger than he is now.'

Knowing Ashfelt Zephyr's intelligence and immense battle potential, that moment could approach much sooner than even he could project… which meant he had to take action as quickly as possible once he became a member of the Board.

"Whatever it takes, I must make sure Ashfelt is expelled…"

"Just as I suspected." A sudden voice echoed in the room, forcing Gerald to sharply open up his eyes and look in the direction of the sound. "You just won't let this go…"


His eyes broadened the moment he watched the silhouette before him take form.

"Even if I let you be, you won't stop being an annoyance to me, and overall the story… Gerald Lockwood." Ashfelt Zephyr stood a small distance from his desk, both hands in his pockets as he coolly looked at him with a grave expression.

The mere Apprentice student was looking so serious—almost like he was a full-grown adult.

"Ashfelt Zephyr…what are you doing here?" Gerald Lockwood calmly asked, composure returning to him after his initial moment of shock.

Ash was silent.

"It's late at night, and this is after-hours… so it is illegal for you to be here." Gerald continued. "If you want to see me, you have to make an appointment, and it is up to me to decide whether or not to accept it… except in special circu—"

"Shut up."

"W-wha—?!" Gerald was shocked, to say the least, by the words that he heard. "What did you just say to me?"

"There's no need to start reciting the rules about this Academy and its procedures. I know them all, but none of them apply in this instance."


"You and I have business to settle, Gerald…"

"Business?" Gerald Lockwood raised his brow. "What business could that be? I have no business with a mere Apprentice of the Academy… Alpha Student or not."

"Is that so? So you're not planning to have me expelled from this Academy, no matter what?"


For a moment, Gerald Lockwood remained silent as he keenly watched Ashfelt.

"I've been here for some time… watching you and listening to your words." Ash smiled. "I had to do it… to make sure I ingrained in my head just how much of a scummy bastard you really are."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You know, Elma… she doesn't really consider you all as real people. She prefers to see you all like NPCs… figments of imagination that aren't as real as we are." As if he was speaking to himself, Ash continued his mumble. "It's different for me, though."


"Even back on Earth, you were all so real to me. This world… the characters… the story…"

"What are you—?"

"Perhaps that's why, even now, a part of me hesitates at the action I am about to take… even though I have sufficiently convinced myself of the reasons it has to be done."

"The hell are you talking abou—?"

"Right now, however, I have had an epiphany… a reminder of what it means to live in this story."

There was sheer silence after Ash said those words.

"Those in Rome have to live like Romans, and so those in the continent of T'erah… under the mighty Desgarron Empire… have to live—survive—as such."

This was a dog-eat-dog world… one where only the strongest and most brutal survived.

There was no room for the weakness of consideration.

"Which is why, starting from this moment, I have to forfeit all of the restraints I brought with me from Earth and do what is necessary to preserve the story and survive."

Energy began to rise from Ash as he uttered those words.

Gerald Lockwood's eyes widened as he witnessed this, watching as powerful winds danced around Ash and energy crackled around him like lightning.

The storm only seemed to intensity as Ash glared at his enemy with glowing green eyes and made his resolute declaration.

"I have to kill you."