A Monster

News of Elma's actions quickly spread over Campus.

Before long, every single student was talking about what happened, and it soon became the talk of the Campus: a commoner like Elma having the gall to kill a member of the Four Noble Households, as well as a hundred guards.

This was far bigger news than The White Death.

And a far graver crime.

It was precisely due to this reason that Raven Nightshade had made an appearance, taking the unconscious Elma into custody as he and his hooded subordinates disappeared into the shadows once again.

Needless to say, this big reveal had some negative effects on the Academy as a whole.

The members of Alpha Class solidified their prejudice regarding commoners, particularly the ones in Beta Class. 

"We let one of them among our ranks and look what happens!"

"No Commoner should be allowed in Alpha Class, period! This is insane!"

"Why do we even let them learn Spirit Arts?!"