In a world plagued by monstrous entities known as Traces, few possess the strength to survive the deadly bond with these parasitic forces. The story follows Nathan Gray, a 17-year-old with a dark past marked by a Trace attack that claimed his family. With his rare ability to survive the parasitic bond of a Trace, Nathan possesses the chaotic power of Arcana, manifested as green flames. Haunted by the past, he tries to lead a peaceful life but is drawn back into the fight when he crosses paths with Emma Langston, a determined Exorcist. Together, they battle the growing Trace threat, but as the line between friend and foe blurs, the young man must confront his own darkness and decide whether to embrace his power or walk away from the fight that’s never truly left him.
I think reviewing my own novel might be a start, but in reality I'm positive that it will get more good in the future and i plan on releasing chapters weekly cause I have many drafts i have to fix, but I hope you all enjoy it, and you are always welcome to show me any flaws i made so that i can fix them.
Awesome book quality, exciting plot. Took my time to read the first chapter and realized how interesting its'sbeen so far. Good job.
It's totally different from what we see every day, especially at the beginning, the character himself is interesting, the plot is captivating….I wish the author could develop our young hero enough.
the narration is good, but i have some questions- maybe if this will be a spoiler don't answer it is the plague global? is the mc op? anyways the only thing i can point out is atleast update twice a week to attract more readers,