Angry Xena

As a response to her words, Caspian hugged her—a firm but delicate hug that felt like the safest place in the kingdom. "Jovana, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put pressure on you…. I wanted to be sure you were ready for the challenges we have in front of us," Caspian said, and Jovana smiled warmly at him.

"With you at my side, I know I can face anything."

"We can! And we will…. Together," Caspian said, while Jovana nodded as she looked outside the window.

The night was pitch black; it was like staring at ink. It would dawn soon. She rubbed her fingers together as if she could feel Elijah's blood stuck in the pores and lines of her skin.

Caspian came closer, covering her shoulders with his hands in a comforting touch. "I have already given the order to prepare the carriage… Soon you will see your brother," Caspian said, while Jovana blinked at him. Sometimes she felt that he could read her mind.