She was quiet for a while, her face all red. Then she spoke,

"I... like you too, Luke,"

I was happy she said that, I smile a little.

"But this can't happen", she said as she closed her eyes.

"Why, Sauna",I asked a little sad.

"I'm sorry , but I have to go",she said as she pulled away from me and walked away.

I stood alone, very frustrated as I hit the wall with all my anger.

After a while ,I headed to class. She didn't look at me when I entered, but just kept her eyes down.

I took my seat and still looked at her. I wanted to talk to her, but before I could, Fred ,the guy who used to disturb, sat by her again and started talking to her. Even though she didn't want to entertain him, he still persisted. From the moment her sat by her , I felt like giving him a punch.

I decided to calm down, going there might make things worse. And as I know her, she wouldn't entertain anything inappropriate.

School ended quickly, but before I could walk up to her , she left with her friend.

I decided to let her go.

After I got home, I had dinner with my family.

"Luke dear, your sister told me you like someone , is that true", she said with a smile.

"Eh....No, she was just kidding mom", I replied.

"Mom, he's lying, he told me so and even praised her saying she was pretty and intelligent as well", my sister interrupted.

My mom looked at me with a "you can't lie to me" look.

"Alright yeah , she's right", I said reluctantly.

"Oh my , my boy is growing up ",she exclaimed .

"I have to see this girl that has caught my boy's eye, she must be really good for you of all people to like her",she kept exclaiming.

I got tired of them and left to my room.

I lay on the bed and thought of that kiss we shared together, the feeling of her soft lips on mine and how I pulled her closer. That was my best kiss, maybe because I like her that why. And she admitted to liking me too.

I thought of texting her, but let go of the idea, maybe she needs time to think.