I didn't see him after that, so I hanged out with May.

"So, what did you tell him, I can tell by your face it's something good",she said while smiling.

"Alright fine, I accepted to be his girlfriend",I said with a smile.

"Oh my God, Sauna! I'm so happy for you . I thought you would do something stupid", she exclaimed.

"Come on May, stop acting like a kid, it's nothing", I said

"It's everything Sauna. I know you're screaming in your head right now more than me", she said

And she was right, all sort of thought were passing through my mind . I head was in chaos. I'm sure if I were alone ,I would scream of joy.

Come down Sauna.

After school, I was wondering where Luke was when I saw him standing by his bike in the lot.

"Hi , Luke", I said with a smile.

He just smiled.

"Let's go" ,he said as he sat on his bike.

"Okay",I said as I hurriedly got on.

As he drove on ,I realize that he was taking a different road.

"Luke, this isn't the way to my house",I said a little frightened.

" No , that's because I'm taking you out",he said and I almost blushed. This would be my first time going out with a boy.

"To where exactly are we going",I asked again.

"You'd see when we get there",he replied.

I became nervous now.

It took a while,but we eventually got there.

"Come on ", he said stretching his hand to me.

I froze for a moment before placing my hand in his. Then he led me, all the way, he held my hand.

I was extremely surprised when we reached a sea side view. The sun was just setting and it gave the water a little glow. Yeah, I knew there was a beach some kilometres away, I was surprised he got here in about an hour, but I never thought just the sight of it was this amazing.

"This is somewhere I often come to relax my head, but today I decided to bring you with me",he said as we watched the sea.

I turned to look at him.

"I thought since you accepted to be my girlfriend today, we should do something to remember it",he said as he looked at me.

I smiled a little.

"This place is beautiful Luke, thank you very much",I said with a big smile.

"Sauna....",he said as he took my hands in his.

"From today, you are my girlfriend and lm your boyfriend. You don't know how you've made me happy Sauna. And I promise you that I'll try to make you as happy as I can, I love to see your smile everyday. "He said and pulled me into an embrace.

I closed my eyes as he hugged me, I inhaled his scent and it made me light headed.

"Please , let's make this last okay",he said as he released me and stared straight into my eyes. He drew closer and said the last part as a whisper

"From now onwards, I am yours and you are mine, Sauna, you are mine." He said as his lips drew near mine. Before I knew, we were immense in a passionate kiss filled with our emotions. I was just so happy, his words melted my heart a lot that I felt like crying. It even reminded me of when my dad was alive, how he used to tell me he loved me and will... always....Be there.