After class that day, Luke gave me a ride home. I bid him goodbye, but before I could walk away, he trapped my hand and pulled me back.

"Eh.., Luke what are you doing?",I asked nervously.

"Why, is it wrong to hold my girlfriend?",he answered my question with a question.

Pulling me even closer.

"Well, I see everything wrong with it so let me go",I said trying to pull free, but he didn't let go.

"If you see it wrong, I'll have to do it more from now onwards",he replied with a smile.

"No, I won't agree", I said stubbornly.

"You have no say, you are my girlfriend now,Sauna",he still said not letting me go.

"Anyway, tomorrow, we are going somewhere so get ready",he said.

"What do you mean",I asked surprised.

"Since tomorrow is Saturday, I was thinking we could go out and have fun.",I was happy he said that.

"Also get to know each other and deal with your trust issues",the last part spoiled everything and made me annoyed.

"I don't have trust issues",I said with an angry face.

He smiled, his hands were still on my waist.

"You look so cute when you are angry",he said, pinching my cheek.

It was like this guy just loved to annoy me.

"Just let me go, I need to do some chores before my mom gets home.",I said.

"Alright",he said reluctantly. He gave me a kiss on the forehead before letting me go.

What was with him and kisses.l asked myself as I walked away.

"See you tomorrow at 10am, my beauty",he said from behind, making me smile a little.

Now how should I respond, just go with the saying.

"And good bye to you my be...",

"Say that word Sauna, and I'll show you what kind of beast I can really be",he threatened me, I didn't have to look back to know he had that smirk on his face. I froze for a moment. He really knows how get at me.

"Eh... Goodbye to you ...Luke",I said as I hurriedly entered the house.

That guy is really weird and super annoying, but yet so romantic and cool.

Now I remembered why I fell for him.

Besides his ocean blue eyes, he had straight eyebrows,a straight and pointed nose with thin lips. He had a long ,muscular face and dark short messy hair that always falls over his face, giving him a sexy look. His dark hair gave his blue eyes some kinda glow, that when he looks at you ,it melts your heart.

Back then, he didn't use to smile like he does now. It gave him a cold and icy look,"my icy prince", because of that, the girls didn't have the nerve to go close to him, except some proud girls who ended up getting rejected. Even to his friends, he still gave of that cold demeanor. I fell for that icy prince. Surprisingly, I love his cold face, but I'm happy he smiles for me more.

I was lost in thought that I forgot I had work to do. He said tomorrow at 10am right, he should have told me earlier,I don't know what to wear. Where are we even going.

This guy is so unpredictable, and annoying, yet he was finding his way into my head.