"And whose fault is that, it's his fault i have an unhappy life",I said sadly.

"Whose fault, who are you talking about Sauna. And please stop drinking that or I'll have to carry you home",he said when he saw me drinking again.

"Who else, if not my dad. He promised he'll always be there",I said as I drank more and begun to cry.

"Please stop Sauna, I wanted to talk to you, not make you cry. I'm here",he said hugging me.

"That's why I'm afraid to like you too much, because you remind me of him a lot. Always taking me out and making me laugh, it's just like when he used to here. And I hate you for that",I said as tears poured out.

"I'm happy I remind you of him, and I get to make you smile and laugh, and bring you back to your old self",he said calmly.

"You don't get it, I don't want you to be like him. I'm afraid being like him will make me lose you too",

"Look at me Sauna",he said raising my head to look in his eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll always be here with you okay. But I want to see you smile everyday and be happy, I'm sure your dad would want you to continue to be the lively girl you used to be okay",he said firmly.

I just hugged him quietly.

"You know, my dad was the best dad in the world, he was really busy ,but he always made time for me. He used to call me his sunshine, because I was the reason he rises to work everyday. He was working hard to raise his company ,when he suddenly fell I'll. Even to his dying bed ,he kept saying he'll always be there. What kind of father assures his daughter such a promise in his death.

After his death, all his hard work went into someone else's hands. I promised myself to work hard, so that I can buy back that company someday",I said sadly.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sure you will",he said hugging me.

"Let me take you back home, you're drank",he said.

"I don't want to go back to that home",I said

"Fine ,let's go",he said taking me away.

I woke up to find my self lying on a hard and sturdy chest.

"Your awake",came a voice from above.

It was then I realized I was lying on his chest, very awkward. I got up.

"Yeah, where are we",I asked.

"At my home, my parents are not home, and you didn't want to go back to your home",he said getting up.

"I need to take a shower",he said as he walked away.

I didn't remember what happened ,but I just hope I didn't do anything stupid.

He came out later bear chested. Wow, he had a broad and mascular chest, it tempted me to touch him. I blushed at that thought and turned away.

"Can't stand the sight of this huh",he teased.

"I don't know what you are talking about",I said shyly.

"Come on, don't be shy, you can touch if you like. I can't wait to have you to myself",he said with a smirk.

"In your dreams, and will you stop talking like that",I said backing away from him.

He grabbed me and pulled me closer.

"Let me kiss you, a little.",he said drawing near.

"I already told you, no kissi... Agh",he didn't let me finish.

After a while he stopped.

"When I get you, oh I'll make you cry",he said close to my ear, I blushed.

"But, Ill wait", he said as he smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

"You're just a pervert", I said to him