Amidst a world plunged into chaos, where rituals have collapsed and music has spoiled, and the universe is muddled, Gu Qingfeng finds himself transported to this tumultuous era.
Initially, he only desired to live out his remaining years in peace. However, the birth of his first son made him realize that things were not as simple as he had imagined...
If you like a classic system genre that level up with kids then this is the one for you. This type of stuff usually goes the harem route but it hasn't done much here so far. The story is good tho atleast has some developments.
Likes the novel MCs cheat makes him stronger with his children's growth in martial arts does anyone know it's raw❓
Very intriguing, the mc personality is perfect - having mercy when it’s needed and ruthless when it’s not. Also the relationship between father and son is amazing. Good work.