Dark Fate

The heavy Dwemer door swung inward, revealing Alftand Animonculory. To their left, a small bedroom held an unlocked chest and two tables cluttered with Dwemer metalwork, a discarded Falmer helmet, and a shield. 

"Looks like someone had a bad day," Ibnor muttered, poking at the helmet with his toe. Harin gave him a pointed look. 

"Let's focus."

Across the hall, a cave-in blocked further passage. The path continued east, past a second caved-in area to the north. At the corridor's end, a doorway opened into a large room. Pipes crisscrossed overhead. A gap between the metal panels beneath the pipes caught Harin's eye. 

"Look there."

Crouching down, they discovered an adept-locked chest. Beside it lay the body of Endrast, the Wood Elf, a member of the ill-fated expedition. Two lockpicks rested near his outstretched hand, and clutched in his other was his journal. Harin carefully retrieved it. 

"Poor soul," she murmured, brushing dust from the cover. She began to read aloud:

"The eyeless creatures took us in our sleep. I don't know what happened to the Khajiit brothers; we never saw them in the cell. I picked the lock, and we broke free, but we got split up. Sulla yelled about not leaving without finding what he came for, and Umana chased after him. Yag and I tried for the top of the cave shaft, but one of the ramps was broken. Without hesitation, she grabbed me, threw me onto a ledge, and told me to run. And I did. I didn't even look back. I ran like a coward. I could hear her fighting them, and I just had to get away. I didn't even notice the arrow in my shoulder until I hid here. Those metal creatures are still all around me, and I'm too terrified to move. Eight Divines, please just take me now."

A chill ran down Harin's spine. "He was terrified… and alone," she said softly, closing the journal. Ibnor placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"We'll make sure their journey wasn't in vain."

To the right of the overhead pipes, a flight of stairs ascended to an area slick with oil. 

"Careful," Harin warned, pointing to the sheen on the stone. 

A Dwarven spider and a sphere patrolled the slippery surface, and a scuttle on the north wall periodically released another spider. Against the south wall, shelves held more Dwemer metal items, with three chaurus egg sacs clustered to their left. Opposite the shelves, a table held additional metal items and a Falmer sword. More chaurus egg sacs nestled in the northeastern corner, near a gap in the floor. 

"Looks like these creatures have been busy," Ibnor commented, eyeing the egg sacs.

To the east, an ascending ramp presented another challenge: a series of pressure plates triggered spinning blades. 

"Timing is key here," Harin said, studying the pattern of the plates. Carefully timing their steps, they navigated the trap, reaching the top. High on the south wall, a scuttle housed yet another Dwarven spider. 

"They really like their spiders here, don't they?" Ibnor quipped.

Rounding the corner to the north, they found a lever on the right. 

"Ready for a view?" Harin asked, placing her hand on the lever. 

Ibnor nodded. Pulling it lowered a set of bars, revealing a huge vertical cavern. A walkway spanned the chasm, leading to a caved-in area guarded by a Dwarven spider. A chest and two overturned sets of shelves lay amidst the rubble. A ramp descended to their right.

Descending the ramp, they passed a scuttle that housed another Dwarven spider. 

"Getting a little repetitive," Ibnor sighed, drawing his sword. 

The ramp led to a lower level, where a Falmer fence ran along the north wall. 

"Looks like our way forward," Harin observed.

Looking off the western edge of the ramp, they glimpsed another platform below, with a ramp emerging from the south wall behind some pipes. Even more levels stretched below, disappearing into the darkness. 

"This place is enormous," Ibnor said, shaking his head.

They approached the apprentice-locked door. Ibnor produced his lockpicks. 

"Stand back," he said, setting to work. 

With practiced ease, he manipulated the tumblers. The door swung open, revealing a treasure room. A Dwarven spider patrolled the chamber, guarding two imposing gates. 

"Well, that's not ominous at all," Harin said dryly, drawing her own weapon. The Dwarven spider turned its glowing red eyes towards them, clicking its metallic limbs. Ibnor stepped forward, engaging the automaton while Harin examined the room. The gate to the south was already open, revealing an unlocked chest. 

"Easy pickings," she commented, quickly checking its contents.

The gate to the east, however, was secured by a lock. Ibnor dispatched the spider with a swift strike and turned his attention to the gate. 

"This one will take a moment," he said, pulling out his lockpicks. 

While he worked, Harin peered through the bars. A skeleton slumped against the wall, clutching a book. 

"Looks like someone wasn't so lucky," she murmured, noticing the skeleton's bony fingers still wrapped around a leather-bound volume.

Ibnor clicked the lock open. "Let's see what our friend here was reading." He moved to the skeleton and carefully pried the book from its grasp. 

"The Locked Room… a lockpicking skill book," he noted. "A fitting end, I suppose."

Between the two gated areas, a caved-in section offered nothing of interest. 

"Dead end," Harin reported.

Returning to the main chamber, they found no ramp leading down from their landing. 

"Looks like we're jumping," Ibnor said, peering over the edge. 

Harin nodded, taking a deep breath and leaping down to the next level. Ibnor followed, landing beside her. They immediately spotted the broken ramp mentioned in Endrast's journal. Beside it lay the body of the Orc, Yag gra-Gortwog, another member of the expedition, a potion lying near her hand. 

"So this is where she fell," Harin said sadly.

A cave-in blocked the path to the northeast. Curving ramps led both up and down. "Which way?" Ibnor asked.

"Let's check up first," Harin suggested, heading towards the western ramp. It led to an unlocked chest, but a steam piston guarded it, triggered by a nearby pressure plate, though it also extended intermittently on its own. 

"Tricky," Harin observed, watching the piston's erratic movements. 

Above the piston, a scuttle housed another Dwarven spider. They carefully timed their approach, grabbing the loot from the chest just as the piston retracted. They returned to the broken ramp and took the descending path to the east, passing a waterfall. 

"Watch your footing," Harin warned, pointing to another piston near the edge of the ramp. They carefully navigated the hazard, dodging the piston and fending off several Falmer and Dwarven spiders that emerged from the shadows.

At the bottom of the ramp, they reached a landing along the eastern wall of the cavern. Just past the waterfall, a tripwire stretched across the path. 

"Trap!" Harin shouted, pointing to the almost invisible wire. A Falmer claw trap snapped shut just as she leapt back. 

"Close one," she muttered.

Past the trap, another curving ramp continued down to a landing where a skeever scurried among the rubble of a cave-in. Between the cave-in and the cavern wall, a chunk of solid Dwemer metal lay hidden. 

"Might be useful later," Ibnor said, pocketing the metal.

From there, a straight ramp led down to a door. A flame spout periodically erupted from the wall above the path. 

"We can either wait or go around," Harin said, eyeing the flames. 

"Let's not risk getting singed," Ibnor replied, leading the way around the spout.

The door opened into a multi-leveled room. To their left, several stone tables held various Dwemer items. Looking down, they spotted two Falmer patrolling between two empty Falmer tents and an alchemy lab on the levels below. On the first level down, a large set of shelves stood against the northeast wall, to the left of the first tent. 

"Looks like we've found their little camp," Harin whispered, drawing her sword. "Let's proceed with caution."

They descended cautiously, reaching the first level. To their left, several stone tables held various Dwemer items. Two empty Falmer tents stood nearby, and an alchemy lab was tucked against the wall. Two Falmer patrolled between the tents, oblivious to the intruders above. On the first level down, a large set of shelves stood against the northeast wall, to the left of the first tent. Ibnor quickly checked the shelves, finding nothing of particular interest.

The second tent was nestled in the western corner. Against the southeast wall, a crude pen held a grim tableau: human bones scattered amongst Dwemer items. 

"Looks like they…entertained themselves," Harin said grimly, averting her gaze. 

The path turned northwest, leading through an open door onto a balcony with metal grating that overlooked the next room. A large oil slick bisected the route across the balcony to the stairs. 

"Another oil trap," Ibnor muttered, carefully stepping around the slick.

The stairs led down into the main part of the room. Three Falmer tents occupied the northern, western, and southern corners. A large, central structure dominated the space, with flame spouts firing intermittently west and north. Three Falmer patrolled the area, one near each tent. The floor was almost entirely covered in another treacherous oil slick. 

"This is going to be messy," Harin whispered.

On the other side of the metal grating, a column of large shelves stood against the wall. 

"Looks like we can get up there," Ibnor said, pointing to the top shelf. 

Taking a running leap from near the top of the stairs, he managed to reach it, finding several pieces of Dwemer metalwork. The bottom shelf held a Dwemer dresser containing a few more minor metal pieces. Between the central structure and the shelves, bone chimes hung silently.

Behind the tent in the western corner, an anvil and a workbench stood beside a large fire pit, likely a makeshift forge. To the left of the workbench, along the southwest wall, another set of shelves held piles of hot coals and a selection of mushrooms and charred skeever hides, likely the Falmer's meager provisions. Inside the tent in the southern corner, Harin spotted an expert-locked Falmer chest. 

"That's definitely worth a look," she said, eyeing the chest.

Past the southern tent, a corridor headed southwest, leading to an open door and a descending flight of stairs. 

"Looks like our way deeper," Ibnor said.

The stairs led to a room with three leveled Falmer, at least one of them a magic user. 

"Be ready for anything," Harin warned, drawing her sword. At the bottom of the first flight, a smaller flight of stairs led up to a small area. 

"Let's clear out the bottom first," Ibnor suggested. They quickly and quietly dispatched the Falmer below before heading up the short flight of stairs. A table held several ruined books and a Dwarven dagger. 

"Probably belonged to one of the previous explorers," Harin commented, picking up the dagger. 

Opposite these stairs, two more shelves held more ruined books and a disturbing row of Falmer ears. 

"What is it with these creatures and collecting ears?" Ibnor muttered, wrinkling his nose.

Returning to the main stairs, they descended to the bottom, finding a metal grating that divided the room into two sections, with another short flight of stairs leading down. 

"This place just keeps going," Ibnor sighed. "Let's see what's on the other side."

They descended the short flight of stairs, finding themselves in a grim chamber. Two Falmer tents occupied the western and southern corners, and the room was littered with pieces of torture equipment. Four tables were scattered about, adding to the unsettling atmosphere. To the northwest, an open gate revealed a lift leading back up to Alftand Glacial Ruins.

"A way back up," Ibnor noted, pointing to the lift.

To the left of the gate, a sack, a random potion, a pickaxe, and a familiar pack lay on the ground. 

"Sulla's pack," Harin recognized. 

She knelt down and opened it, finding an Imperial officer's helmet, a torch, and a small pouch containing a few gold coins. 

"So he made it this far…"

The lift led to a small area on the other side of the barred doorway they had seen earlier. Inside, a sack of foodstuffs and nine more chaurus egg sacs lay scattered. A lever on the wall retracted the bars. 

"A useful shortcut," Harin remarked. "We can use this to resupply if needed."

Returning to the lower chamber, they began a more thorough search. Inside the tent in the west corner, they found a chaurus egg, a skeever tail, a Falmer bow, and a war axe. To the left, a gruesome torture rack stood beside a bowl of coals and scattered human bones. Even more disturbing, on a table to the left of the rack lay the body of the High Elf, Valie. Shackles bound her hands and feet, and a Dwarven dagger and a bottle of random poison rested nearby. 

"By the Divines…" Harin whispered, her voice filled with horror.

A second table with shackles stood on the other side of a gated, cell-like area. On this table lay a portion of human flesh, two pieces of leather, and a horrifying pile of human bones. 

"They… they're cannibals," Ibnor said.

To the north, against the northwest wall, a dead Falmer lying in front of a door. 

"This is it," Harin said, approaching the door. "This should lead us deeper."

The door opened back into the tall main shaft, but on a lower platform. A curving ramp led even further down. As they descended, the air grew colder and damper. At the bottom of the ramp, stairs led down to the ground floor. Three more Falmer, including at least one magic user, and a frostbite spider awaited them. Three empty Falmer tents were clustered nearby.

To the northeast, a short corridor passed through a door before turning northwest and descending another ramp. At the bottom, a clearly visible claw trap lay in wait, its tripwire trigger easily spotted. 

"Another trap," Ibnor warned, pointing to the wire. They carefully stepped over it. Past the trap, a final door stood before them. 

"This has to be it," Harin said, placing her hand on the cold metal. She took a deep breath and pushed the door open, revealing Alftand Cathedral.

The heavy Dwemer door swung inward, revealing Alftand Cathedral. A fallen iron gate, its hinges twisted, lay across the direct path. Beyond it, two stone tables stood askew. A potion of the defender lay untouched on one, while rubble partially obscured a healing potion near the other. Ibnor brushed aside the debris and retrieved it. 

"Looks like someone had a rough time getting in here," he muttered, tucking the potion away.

The path veered right, skirting the fallen gate. Harin stopped, her gaze fixed on three shallow indentations in the stone floor. 

"Pressure plates," she warned, her voice low. 

They carefully bypassed them. A metallic clang echoed as slicers shot down from the ceiling, narrowly missing them. A Falmer, eyes glowing with predatory hunger, emerged from the shadows near double doors to the west. Ibnor dispatched it with a swift, silent strike.

The double doors groaned open, revealing the main cathedral. A wide flight of stairs ascended to a raised platform. A lone Falmer and a frostbite spider patrolled before a barred gate. Smoke curled from small firepits near two Falmer tents at the base of the stairs. Between them, a cluster of glowing mushrooms clung to the damp rock wall, casting an eerie light. Beyond, a narrow path disappeared into a dark alcove where larger, pale fungi sprouted. Harin touched one cautiously. 

"Unusual," she murmured, recognizing their unique form. "I've only heard whispers of these growing in deep caverns."

They ascended the stairs. At the top, a lever jutted out from a control panel. Ibnor pulled it. Gears ground, and the spears barring the gate retracted. Two unlocked chests sat to their right, quickly looted. They continued up a shorter flight of stairs.

Two Dwarven centurions stood sentinel. One lay in pieces, gears spilling from its broken chassis. The other whirred to life as they approached, its brass plating gleaming, its glowing eyes locking onto them. The air crackled with energy as it raised its metallic arms. Ibnor and Harin braced for the fight. After a tense exchange, the automaton collapsed, its gears grinding to a halt. Ibnor retrieved the Key to Alftand Lift from its remains.

They ascended the final stairs to another unlocked gate. Beyond stood Umana, the Redguard, in full steel plate armor, and Sulla Trebatius, the Imperial, in complete Imperial armor, but bareheaded. Their voices, tight with anger, echoed through the chamber.

"Sulla, look," Umana said, her voice strained. "The passage is open. Wait… there's someone down there!"

"No!" Sulla spat. "Blackreach was to be my discovery!"

"Sulla, please," Umana pleaded. "Let's just get out of here. Haven't there been enough deaths?"

"Oh, I see," Sulla sneered, his hand tightening on his sword hilt. "You just want me to turn my back so you can claim all the glory!"

He drew his blade, the polished steel glinting in the dim light. Umana's hand tightened on her war axe, and she raised her shield, the Targe of the Blooded, its surface etched with swirling patterns. They clashed, steel ringing against steel.

Harin and Ibnor exchanged a look. "Let's give them some space," Harin whispered.

The fight was brutal and swift. Umana, a seasoned warrior, used her shield to deflect Sulla's attacks, her powerful axe blows driving him back. With a desperate cry, Sulla stumbled, and Umana's axe found its mark. He crumpled to the ground.

Umana turned, her breath ragged, her eyes fixing on Harin and Ibnor. Her expression hardened. 

"You're next."

Ibnor moved instantly. Feigning a strike high, he dropped low, sweeping his leg behind Umana's ankle as he slammed his shoulder into her midsection. The Redguard warrior lost her footing and fell heavily. Before she could recover, Ibnor's blade flashed, finding a gap in her armor. She gasped, her eyes widening in surprise before she went still.

Harin retrieved the Targe of the Blooded. In the center of the area, the Dwarven mechanism awaited. An unlocked chest sat beside it. Ibnor approached, withdrawing the Attunement Sphere. He inserted it into the mechanism. A low rumble echoed through the chamber as the stone floor began to retract, revealing a staircase spiraling down into the darkness.

"Blackreach," Harin breathed, a mix of awe and trepidation in her voice. They descended into the unknown depths.