Chapter 30: Celia

"Good morning, Sonia."

Sonia turned her head to see Celia, a senior student, emerging from the meditation building. Her eyebrows raised ever so slightly.

Although Sonia had no intention of associating with Felix, she couldn't completely avoid him—after all, he was also one of Professor Telozan's prized students. Only true swordsmanship prodigies caught the eye of the "Hidden Hand Sword Saint."

Through her interactions with Felix, Sonia naturally got to know Celia. It didn't take long for Sonia to recognize Celia as her type of person—a relentless hunter determined to climb to the top no matter the cost.

Unsurprisingly, Celia viewed Sonia as a rival. For Celia, Felix was her chosen prey, and Sonia's sudden appearance was like a seasoned animal trainer showing up next to her carefully laid trap.

Though Sonia claimed to disdain Felix, she wasn't completely averse to entertaining him as an option. A future where he groveled at her feet wasn't entirely unwelcome. For now, she was content to let him linger on her line, weighing her options.

Celia scrutinized Sonia with a sharp eye and took a deliberate half-step back, covering her nose. "Excited after your first trip into the Void Realm, I see."

Did she seriously just step back?

Sure, Sonia hadn't showered after last night's training, but she had wiped herself down and changed into fresh clothes. There shouldn't have been any lingering odor. Still, compared to Celia's immaculately groomed and perfectly made-up appearance, Sonia couldn't help but feel like a scruffy street dog by comparison.

It was obvious Celia's "bare-faced look" had taken at least an hour to prepare.

"Good morning, Celia," Sonia replied with a polite nod. "Are you here to use the meditation hall's washrooms?"

The jab was subtle but cutting, accusing Celia of being more concerned with appearances than actual meditation.

"I'm here to enter the Void Realm, of course," Celia said with a forced smile, extending her hand. "Take a look at this Spirit I found last night. What do you think?"

A small boy clutching a sword sheath materialized in her palm.

Sonia's eyebrows shot up as recognition dawned. She quickly recalled the Spirit's details:

"Sword Sheath"

Type: One-Wing Spirit

Requirements: The sorcerer must use a sword as their primary weapon.

Basic Effect: When paired with another swordsmanship Spirit, the first activation every ten seconds has 150% effect.

For a sword sorcerer, Sword Sheath was a highly practical Spirit. In fact, it could even define an entire subclass of swordsmanship: the assassination sword sorcerer.

Through miracles like Swordlight Reservoir, Poised Strike, and Void-Breaking Sword Aura, these sorcerers could unleash devastating single attacks that pierced any defense within their tier. It was the ultimate burst-damage tool, feared for its unparalleled lethality.

For a fleeting moment, Sonia considered trading her Torrent Spirit for it.

While Torrent was technically more valuable on the trading platform, Spirits often had no market at all. A compatible swordsmanship Spirit like Sword Sheath was hard to come by, and even harder to snatch up when available.

But then she caught the smug gleam in Celia's eye and instantly understood: this wasn't an offer. It was a power play.

"What do you think? You think Felix would like it?"

Sonia suppressed a pang of guilt. Last night, she must have worn the same smug expression while lording over her roommates. How fortunate they had chosen mercy over murder.

"Your boyfriend is a lucky man," Sonia said, forcing a strained smile. "For a sword sorcerer, this is a truly exceptional Spirit."

"Really? I'll take your word for it." Celia hid a smile behind her hand, but her guard remained up.

The other night, after Felix and Sonia had clashed in a swordsmanship duel, Celia had worried Felix might lose interest in her and pursue Sonia instead. To her surprise, Felix remained attentive, showing no signs of straying.

Even so, Celia saw Sonia as a persistent threat. Sparks often flew between men and women in competition. Felix might not be interested now, but who could say about tomorrow?

As long as Felix drew breath, there was a risk.

To preempt any potential drift, Celia made sure to keep Felix close and Sonia at a distance. Encounters like this weren't just about staking her claim—they were about building a wall Sonia couldn't easily breach.

"Keep working hard," Celia said with feigned encouragement. "I hear your family's not well-off, but to make it here to Swordflower University on merit alone? That's impressive. I'm sure you'll secure a future in Galesis someday and even bring your family to the big city."

Ah, the classic rich-girl condescension: a mix of pity, superiority, and "encouragement." Sonia gave her most serene smile. "Thank you for your concern."

"It's a shame," Celia continued, "to see someone with such potential weighed down by circumstances. Life can be cruel, can't it?"

She truly meant it. If Sonia had been born into a wealthier family, she might have risen even higher. Instead, she was just a poor girl from an agricultural backwater.

She didn't notice Sonia's eyes darken.

"You're absolutely right," Sonia said, pausing for effect before offering a wistful smile. "Where we're born often dictates where we end. Our first lottery ticket is our birth, and mine… Well, let's just say it was a consolation prize."

Celia began to wonder if she'd gone too far. She considered offering some platitude to soften the blow.

"But," Sonia continued, "I can't change where I came from, nor can I escape my provincial habits. Look, I've been so caught up chatting with you, I completely forgot I haven't washed my face yet. How rude of me to impose on you like this."

"Oh, there's no need to—"

Before Celia could finish, Sonia summoned Torrent, conjuring a splash of water to wash her face right then and there.

"Ah, much better." Sonia beamed, fresh-faced and dripping.

Celia stared at the Spirit in her hand. "Is that…?"

"Huh?" Sonia feigned surprise, her gaze darting nervously. "Oh, um, yeah! I got this last night in the Void Realm—pure luck! It's the Torrent Spirit from a Curiosity Island. Pretty amazing, right?"

Celia's brow furrowed. Yeah, right.

How could someone stumble upon a Curiosity Island on their very first Void exploration? And land Torrent, one of the most coveted Water Spirits?

Either Sonia was lying, or… someone had given it to her.

In Swordflower University, there were very few who could casually gift a Spirit of this caliber.

Celia forced a smile. "That's quite the Spirit. Are you considering switching to the Water sorcery path?"

"Well, I'm good at swordsmanship, but Water techniques have always intrigued me…" Sonia trailed off as Felix stepped out of the meditation building.

"Gotta go, Celia! See you around!" Sonia waved hurriedly and darted away.

Celia turned to find Felix watching her with a smile.

"Were you waiting for me?" he asked. "The Void Realm is fascinating. I was thinking of heading to the library to read up on it. Want to join me?"

Celia glanced between Felix and Sonia's retreating figure.

Her jaw clenched, but she plastered on a sweet smile.

"Of course," she said, extending her hand. "I happened to get this Sword Sheath Spirit last night. But I'm no sword sorcerer… Tell me, Felix, what do you think I should do with it?"