56、Genetic Diseases


Lin Qing exclaimed, "Captain Xiao has been poisoned and fallen into a coma? What happened?"

The Patrol who had rushed to report explained, "Just now, Captain Xiao's watch issued an alert; his vital signs were rapidly weakening. After analyzing the data, it's suspected that he was poisoned by some kind of neurotoxin. A team of Patrols changed into anti-poison suits and then found Captain Xiao already unconscious on the ground."

"Where?" Lin Qing asked knowingly.

"It's in the office area of the Underground Boxing Arena, in that retro-style office at the end."

The Patrol continued, "Oh, right, there were also two safes in that office. One was empty but equipped with a high-pressure poison gas device. The other safe contained a large amount of Outer Space Coins, their exact value hasn't been estimated yet but should be in the eight figures."