80, Borrow another's knife to kill_2

And what about him?

He was already extremely familiar with the state of affinity, and he could snatch the suitable Second Energy Level energy from the surrounding darkness and void much more efficiently.

Even without external assistance, practicing the Original Sunrise Training Method once a day would only take him just over a year to pay it off!

"However, there must be ways to accelerate the process at headquarters," Lin Qing pondered to himself.

After reaching the true limits of the human body, the ESP series' High Energy Release Liquid was no longer of much use, even better release liquids would not be enough.

Because this time it was not just about the 'appetite' of one's own cells, but also the efficiency of snatching Second Energy Level energy from outside.

"Fortunately, there's no rush for now, and practicing the Combat Skill of the Divine Transformation Series isn't difficult."